Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 857 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 857 The Most Wanted Interstellar (32)

The dragon cub was locked in Ji Ge's arms. It was a small one, and its two front paws cleverly grasped the girl's arm, carefully controlling the strength so as not to tear the person's combat uniform.

Ji Song was still immersed in Xavier's question just now, and fell into a dilemma.

A. I agreed to Xavier, but I agreed to let Dixi experience the feeling of chasing someone. It would be too cheap for Xavier to agree so quickly.

B. Rejecting Xavier, this will give Di Xi the experience of chasing people, but the obedient and soft dragon cub will definitely fly away.

In the end, Ji Ge stubbornly resisted the attack of beauty, and said with awe-inspiring righteousness, "Sir, I am a man of principle."

Xavier was not surprised, there was no look of loss on his face, he nodded slightly, and waved his hand.

The dragon cub lingered in the arms of the future mistress, raised half of its wings, covered its eyes, and after a while, the dog sneaked out half of its eyes to observe Xavier.

The spirit beast is the embodiment of spiritual power. The spirit beast that has been born with self-awareness communicates with its master and is also affected by the master's emotions. The genetic compatibility between Xavier and Jige is very high. The dragon cub liked Ji Ge's breath very much, it was sticky and didn't want to leave.

"Eleventh night."

Xavier called out the name of the spirit beast, and the dragon cub understood the meaning of the youth's tone, fluttered its wings, and reluctantly returned to its master.

Ji Ge is very inquisitive: "Is this the name of the chief spirit beast?"

Xavier nodded slightly. The youth's genetic sequence was extremely high, and the talent of the awakened person appeared early. At the age of seven, the mental power rating had reached S. That's when the dragon cub was born. Chairman Hill was very interested in getting a dragon cub. It sounds nice and unconventional, and it’s better to have a name with special meaning. But the kid was obsessed with training at that time, spending all day in the training room. His peers could no longer beat him. Even Speaker Hill would lose sometimes. Give yourself this gifted younger brother.

The child was icy all day long, glanced at the newly born spirit beast lying on his shoulders, and casually named it Eleven Nights.

Born in NO.11, it happened to be at night at that time.

The name was decided casually like this.

Speaker Hill was deeply saddened by the name of the dragon cub, and strongly condemned Xavier's violent behavior.

Ji Ge thought about her spirit beast, and her conscience ached for a few seconds. She was really an incompetent master. Obviously, the spirit beast had been born with self-awareness for so long, and she didn't even think of naming it at all.

"Just call him a fox." Ji Ge made a happy and hasty decision.

Xavier was slightly stunned. Perhaps it was rare to see someone with a lower level of naming than him, and the young man's expression was a little hard to describe.

Jige put his hands on his hips, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt satisfied: "It's a very special name, it simply and directly points out the breed of my spirit beast."

Xavier is silent, are you an ordinary fox?

The young man took the dragon cub back: "Go back and patrol."

Ji Ge nodded.

That night, Ji Ge returned to the dormitory after finishing his work, but unfortunately found that the water heater in his dormitory was broken.

The girl stared at the water heater for a few moments, then stretched out her hand to test the temperature of the cold water.

In order to train the quality of the army, the cold water provided by the barracks is real cold water. Generally speaking, the soldiers are sweating after training, so it is very suitable to take a cold shower.

But Ji Ge felt that he was not suitable.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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