Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 858 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 858 The Most Wanted Interstellar (33)

Tang Jige stayed in the Severe Penalty Prison for several years. The Severe Sentence Prison is located in a remote barren star, and the environment is extremely poor. Prisoners can only receive nutrients to meet their survival needs every day, and they don't get the sun all year round. , physical fitness is easy to decline.

What's more, the awakening potion that the original owner took before was secretly mixed with some unknown poisonous ingredients. Although the main function was to destroy the original owner's mental power, it also had a certain impact on her body.

To sum up, it didn't take long for Ji Ge to reject the idea of ​​taking a cold shower.

She took the toiletries and knocked on the door next door: "Sir, can I borrow the bathroom?"

The girl was still wearing a dark blue combat uniform with a loose collar, revealing a small piece of white and translucent skin.

Xavier glanced at the person lightly, Jige explained: "The water heater in my dormitory is broken, and I can't use it for the time being."

Xavier stepped aside: "Come in."

Jige carried the bath supplies and obediently entered Xavier's dormitory.

The senior generals of the army all have their own dormitory and suite design. Xavier's dormitory is in a cold style, and the decoration is quite simple. Ji Ge looked around, lowered his head, and restrained his sight in an orderly manner.

"The layout of the dormitory is similar, and you should know where the bathroom is."

Ji Ge nodded and showed him a bright smile: "Thank you, sir."

She goes into the bathroom.

Through a door, Xavier soon heard the sound of water in the bathroom.

The young man narrowed his eyes slightly.

The awakened person has a strong physique, which is reflected in all aspects. His observation ability is as keen as his hearing ability, so he can easily capture tiny details.

The frosted glass door was indistinct, with a large cloud of misty water vapor attached to it, covering all the pictures inside. Soon, the sound of water splashing from the shower was mixed with the rustling sound of clothes rubbing against each other.

The young man's delicate Adam's apple rolled slightly, and the beautiful scene of the union flashed through his mind. Xavier set up a mental barrier to completely isolate the movement in the bathroom.

The dormitory fell silent again.

Xavier held a water glass, poured a glass of cold water, and drank it all.

The door was knocked again.

This time it was Wade who came in. The man came to ask Xavier for instructions with a stack of documents.

Although Xavier didn't return to the battlefield, he didn't take it easy when he was staying in Capital Star. Instead, he took over the task of training recruits. He didn't care about the details, but the general direction needed to be controlled.

The famous first God of War of the Deep Blue Federation has an amazing influence in the military. He has outstanding combat effectiveness, and his command and leadership skills are equally amazing. He is merciless in training recruits, but the results are very good, so the soldiers respect Marshal Xavier. It can be said to be both respectful and fearful.

The training tasks for this stage have been completed, and Wade is here to ask for instructions for the next stage of training tasks.

The general training plan is already in place, it is based on the border army, only slightly modified, Xavier made a few points, Wade recorded the revision opinion, after the document was confirmed to be correct, the man did not leave immediately, but wanted to Stop talking.

"what happened?"

Xavier asked.

Wade said cautiously: "Master Xavier, I think this Miss Chloe sent by the Chi family..."


At this moment, the bathrooms were pushed away, and Ji Ge, who had just taken a shower, came out, and saw Wade standing not far from Xavier, stunned, she froze for a moment, and blinked blankly .

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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