Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 860 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 860 The Most Wanted Interstellar (35)

Ji Ge lowered her head in shock, the girl's soft eyelashes trembled slightly, and the fluffy tail curled up a little softly and softly, like a frightened little fox.

Jige was really frightened by Xavier.

The guy sucked off the remaining drops of water on her collarbone.

The warm touch spread out, restrained and introverted, but this action itself meant transgression and ambiguity. The girl was stunned, and hurriedly pushed Xavier, her breath unsteady: "What are you doing?"

The young man raised his head calmly, with a smile that was not a smile: "Miss Tang is not used to it."

His side profile is exquisite and cold, with a chillingly beautiful outline, straight nose bridge, thin and bright red lips, lined with fresh snow-like white skin, he is impeccably beautiful.

Xavier's voice was flat: "Are you still afraid?"

Ji Ge felt that she was provoked by him.

She straightened her chest, pretending to be calm: "I'm not afraid."

Xavier's long and narrow eyes were slightly raised, and the beautiful lines were slightly bent: "That's good."

What good?
Ji Ge blinked blankly.

In the next second, a soft touch landed on her cheeks.

The long, blow-dried hair was gathered in the palm of the young man's palm, clinging to the back of his neck, filled with a thin and sticky warmth, and the slightly cool fingertips slid across her unshielded round shoulders, causing slight shivering and avoidance.

The cunning and nimble sea monster was trapped in a small place, unable to escape, so he could only passively accept this kiss.

The cheeks of the young man, as white as cold jade, pressed against her, soft and smooth to the touch, Ji Ge's breath was seized, and the breath was chaotic and intertwined, her slender fingers tightened slightly, but still did not stop it.

Gentle and sweet intimacy, Ji Ge just ate a piece of sea salt cheesecake before coming to Xavier's dormitory, the sweet and soft aroma is still lingering between the lips and teeth, now exchanging in the kiss, the sweet taste is contagious, the girl's fresh and moist The flesh of the lip was bitten lightly, not heavy, but enough to wake her up from the momentary sinking.

"Sweet." Xavier made a decision, panting slightly: "Does Jige like sweets so much?"

"Eating candy will make you feel better," Ji Ge drew a distance back, and explained in a solemn voice: "Don't get any closer, you can't always take advantage of me."

"Okay." Xavier sat upright, the young man was neatly dressed, but the corners of the clothes were scratched by the girl during the kiss just now, and the slightly messy folds were folded, which became the evidence of just being distracted and infatuated.

His back is very straight, and his slender and slender spine props up his thin body. The good family education of the Hill family is self-evident, and the subtle and dangerous aura has been restrained. He looks like an elegant and noble young master. .

However, Ji Ge decided that he was a fake wolf, and he was extremely wary of Xavier. Even if the young man behaved harmlessly, the girl did not approach him. On the contrary, she moved a stool and sat far away .

Ji Ge coughed lightly, glanced at the clock hanging in Xavier's dormitory, as if nothing had happened: "It's getting late, I should go back to the dormitory, sir, go to bed early."

The girl was sure of her acting skills, and never mentioned the kiss just now, obviously she had no intention of implementing the relationship.

Fortunately, Xavier had known her scumbag nature for a long time, and knew that Ji Ge was not easy to chase, so he probably would not agree to it for a while, and he was not in a hurry, so he let her go back to the dormitory.

After such a long time, Wade has already left, and I don't know how he is feeling now, maybe he will be very broken.Ji Ge was thinking wildly, while opening the door of his dormitory, and entered the dormitory.

 four shifts

  The little angels commented more, remember to rate, the rating dropped again
(End of this chapter)

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