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Chapter 861 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 861 The Most Wanted Interstellar (36)

Wade seemed genuinely taken aback by the scene in Xavier's dormitory.

Since that night, he has been avoiding the silent song everywhere.

Ji Ge, who bullied the honest man, thought about it for a while, and found that his conscience didn't hurt at all. Even though the incident was over, he didn't continue to explain this unexpected idea to Wade.

Half a month later, Xavier and Lone Song set off to the secretly built research institute to pick up the newly developed genetic medicine.

This batch of medicine is said to be specially prepared for the awakened in the violent stage, and has a more powerful soothing effect, which can effectively restrain the out-of-control state of the awakened in the violent stage.

Wade didn't go with him and stayed to process some documents.

The spaceship was running smoothly, and Jige was watching the universe outside through the cabin window.

The spaceship is not big, and there are not many people. It was carefully selected by Chairman Hill to cooperate with Xavier's operation. The batch of medicines was the painstaking efforts of the research institute for more than ten years. It is extremely precious. If a good response is obtained, it will definitely It can increase the influence of the Hill family to a higher level.

"What are you looking at?" A familiar voice came from behind, and Ji Ge turned around: "It's nothing, just killing time."

Xavier didn't ask much, and said with downcast eyes, throwing her a nutritional supplement.

The spacecraft had limited conditions and could not provide hot food, so Xavier chose the most cost-effective nutrient.

Ji Ge unplugged it, and secretly decided that when she was rich, she must spend a lot of money to develop delicious nutritional supplements.

She took a sip of the rubber-like thick and sticky liquid, tasted something unusual, and paused.

Even though the person who dispensed the medicine has tried his best to weaken the presence of the medicine, for a three-S level ability user with sensitive five senses, the smell of the medicine is still very obvious.

It seemed that it was a potion specially aimed at capable people, Jige hurriedly pulled out a tissue from his pocket, sucked off the nutrient potion, and then went to Xavier: "Sir..."

Xavier was one step ahead of her when she noticed something was wrong with the nutritional supplements. The young man darkened and glanced at her: "Come with me to the cab."

The cabin is not big, and the instigator seems to have broken the can since the medicine was administered, and the moment the metal door slowly opened, a silver-blue broadsword slashed at him.

The blade was sharp, and Xavier avoided it in time, protected Jige behind him, and let go of the hand holding Jige. With his skill, it is not difficult to deal with this sneak attacker.

The huge mental power surged in shock, erupting with a breathless coercion, like substance, pressed down heavily, making people's legs weak, and it was difficult to develop the will to resist.

The youth's delicate and slender fingers pressed on the attacker's neck. It was as beautiful as porcelain, clean and fragile, but now it was cast like copper and iron, making the attacker unable to struggle. What do you want to do?"

The attacker clenched his teeth tightly and did not say a word, his eyes were full of contempt.

The silver-haired, gray-eyed, cold and dreamy young man pressed his fingers hard, and with a "click", amidst the severe pain, the attacker's eyes burst out with deep surprise, and his eyes quickly lost their luster.

Ji Ge squatted on the sidelines and watched, did not express any opinion on Xavier's rude and direct questioning method, and even found a lollipop from his pocket, opened it and stuffed it into his mouth, without any nervousness.

Xavier got up: "Let's go."

This is just the beginning. The people who went to deal with Xavier and Jige didn't come back as scheduled. The rest of the accomplices naturally knew that the mission had failed, and they popped up one after another, trying to solve the mission goals.

This is a premeditated murder.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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