Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 902 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 902 The Most Wanted Interstellar (78)

"This is what I really look like."

Facing Celeste's gaffe, Jige acted calmly and said in a low voice.

Celeste calmed down and waited for Ji Song's explanation.

"As for why you changed your face," she lowered her eyes slightly, without a smile in her eyes: "Because Baird attacked me a few years ago and sent me to a severe prison."

Celeste was furious: "How dare he?!"

"Of course he dares." Ji Ge stared at her: "I didn't know why Baird targeted me before, but now it's probably clear that he has recognized me a long time ago."

Celeste pursed his lower lip: "S...Miss Chloe, your disappearance came so suddenly, Mr. and Madam handed over all the power to me before they died, and I will temporarily serve as the Swift family However, no one can be sure about the possibility of you getting back, so... some people, they secretly voted for Mr. Baird."

Celeste continued: "A special chip is implanted in my optical brain, which records Miss Cecilia's breath and can detect similar breaths within a hundred meters around. Before that, the scene at Chi's house At the banquet, there was movement in the optical brain, but I can't determine the candidate."

She said softly: "Later, in the research institute, the optical brain responded again. Miss Chloe, would you like to come back?"

Celeste watched her nervously but without urging.

"Yes." Ji Song simply nodded: "When I go back, do I take over the Swift family?"

Celeste did not give an affirmative answer: "You need the approval of the elders of the head of the family."

"No problem," Ji Song said relaxedly: "It's just my existence, which needs to be kept secret for the time being, and cannot be exposed to Baird."

After all, if the protagonist knows, the play will not be fun.

The witch thought casually, her bent knuckles tapped on the table, her soft and delicate fingertips slid across the white tablecloth, the flickering lights cast flickering light and shadows on her pure white face, creating a dreamy and beautiful picture.

"No problem," Celeste got up in a hurry: "Miss Cecilia, you can go back and wait, I will take care of everything."

Ji Ge nodded. She was not afraid of Celeste being deceived. As a psychic ability user, she was very sensitive to changes in emotions. From the beginning to the end, she did not feel Celeste's hostility towards her.More importantly, even if Celeste wanted to attack her, Ji Song assessed his combat strength and felt that he was not that cold.

Since there is no need to worry about the future, there is no need to think so much. If you look forward and backward, you will miss the opportunity instead.

Jige said goodbye to Celeste and returned to Xavier's villa. The young man hadn't come back yet, Jige went to Tang Xi's room and knocked on the door.

"Sister," Little Lolita opened the door, blinking her big watery eyes, and asked softly, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay," Ji Ge smiled and hugged Tang Xi. There is nothing wrong with Tang Xi's identity. She is not a wanted criminal. : "Come and play with Xixi."

"Okay." Tang Xi welcomed Ji Ge's arrival. It's boring for her to stay in the room alone, and it's not interesting to play games.

Ji Ge touched Tang Xi's twin ponytails, thinking silently in his heart, Tang Xi is not young, but because of his status as a slave, he was not valued much, and he didn't even go to school. She can't go on like this forever, what Ji Ge decides Time to send her to school.

 two more

(End of this chapter)

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