Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 903 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 903 The Most Wanted Interstellar (79)

Within a few days, Ji Ge received a communication from Celeste. She had already contacted the absolutely reliable elders, and needed Ji Ge to come over in person to find a way to convince them.

More than ten years have passed, and although Celeste has temporarily taken over the power left by the previous Patriarch, she is not the blood of the Swift family after all, and her control is limited.Many elders were only superficially convinced of her, and many of them secretly voted for Baird.These Celestes are very clear, and she also understands that only a truly outstanding and outstanding Swift heir can make them truly convinced.

The process is a bit cumbersome, but the original owner's wish points are almost full, and Lone Song estimates that it will be almost enough to get Baird out of power.

The meeting place was set at the private residence of an elder in Swift. A tall and beautiful girl came into view, and the elders looked very excited. Celeste followed each other silently, like a shadow following, watching everyone.

Her appearance and demeanor are strikingly similar to those of the previous head of the Swift family, and no other circumstantial evidence is needed at all, but in order not to leave any hidden dangers, Celeste still showed them the test report, Ji Song and Cecily Ya's genetic match is [-]%.

"Do you have any comments?" The woman glanced at everyone present with her sharp eyes like a falcon.

The elders exchanged glances: "We have no objection to Miss Cecilia's identity, but Miss Cecilia wants to get our support and prove to us that you have the ability to assume the position of Patriarch."

The girl stretched out her hand and wrote lightly, "Okay."

The pair of smiling eyes that are always bent are slender and the tails of the eyes are slightly raised, outlining the soft lines of the smile, like the white wings of an angel, clean and beautiful.

Intense mental fluctuations unfolded in an instant, covering the entire room.

Surging and surging, like a tsunami piled high, a suffocating sense of danger hits the face.

The elders all stood up in an instant, with expressions of surprise and uncertainty.

"This is my bargaining chip." The slender fingers were wrapped around black hair, curly with bright arcs like floating algae, black and white forming the ultimate contrast, she smiled lazily, and clasped her fingers together: "Do you think it's enough? Woolen cloth?"

The wrinkled faces of the elders trembled uncomfortably.

They were actually just going through the motions, trying to embarrass the new Patriarch who was about to take office.

Her identity was regulated by Swift's family and could not be changed. They belonged to the faction of the previous Patriarch. Even if they surrendered to Baird, they were destined not to be reused.What's more, they are very disgusted with Baird's arrogance and arrogance, and they have already decided to push Ji Ge to the position of Patriarch.

It's just that a weak and fearful Patriarch is far more satisfying to them than a tough and assertive Patriarch.

They originally wanted to give Ji Ge a bad start and suppress the girl's arrogance, but they didn't expect her to be super powerful. With such terrifying mental power, she must be an ability user above S rank.

The eyes of the elders flickered, but there was a flash of relief and conviction in someone's eyes: "Naturally enough."

He said: "With Miss Cecilia's strength, becoming the head of the family is justified."

The remaining elders looked at each other and began to say good things.

Ji Ge smiled, and didn't want to see these wrinkled orange-skinned faces complimenting herself against her will, after all, it was too much torturing her eyes.

"Celester, I will leave the rest to you."

Celeste was stunned for a moment, and took a step back, in a gesture of submission: "Celeste, please follow the order of the master."

 Three shifts

(End of this chapter)

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