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Chapter 904 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 904 The Most Wanted Interstellar (80)

The remaining matters were left to Celeste to handle the rest. Half a day later, Celeste sent a proper communication to Ji Ge.

The opportunity to announce the identity of Ji Song was chosen at Swift's next family meeting.

That day is coming soon.

Surrounded by his attendants, Baird walked towards the conference room where the family meeting was held.

Most of the elders were confused about the strangeness of the family meeting held this time, and those who advocated holding the family meeting kept their mouths shut about it, so they couldn't get any inside information.

After being seated, a follower of Baird came over and asked, "Mr. Baird, do you know why those old men want to hold a family meeting?"

The existence of Jige was tightly suppressed by Celeste, but her abnormal attitude was unusual in itself.Baird smelled a bad breath from it, but he acted very calmly, with a disdainful tone: "Some old things who have half-buried their bodies in the ground, they have nothing to do and want to hold a family meeting. I guess they are looking for trouble."

There was nothing unusual in his behavior, and the followers were immediately relieved and sat back in their seats.

But Baird couldn't be relieved. He scratched his head and guessed what the group of elders were going to do. Celeste paid so much attention to it uncharacteristically, as if he had found Cecilia.

After thinking of this possibility, Baird's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly removed this thought from his mind.

He knew better than anyone else that Cecilia would never be found. She was sent to a severe prison by him. Even if she managed to escape from prison, she was just a wanted criminal hiding somewhere.

But Baird's heart was beating very fast, pounding, and he couldn't calm down at all.

By the time the family meeting was almost complete, Celeste hadn't shown up yet.After waiting for a while, the conference room was silent, and the elders who proposed to hold a family meeting remained silent. Baird pretended to be impatient, and secretly said: "Third uncle, you called us over, did you just let us be here?" Sit stupidly."

The elder was as immovable as a mountain: "Of course not," he lowered his old eyelids, and his tone was unpredictable, "When everyone arrives, you will know what's going on."

Hearing this reply, Baird's heart skipped a beat, and a bad premonition emerged.

The door of the conference room was pushed open again, and the visitor entered in full view.

Baird stood up in a daze.

Rare black hair and black eyes, like the evil and ominous features of witches in ancient records, but it looks dignified and bright, the dim light cuts out a mysterious and graceful outline, her expression is light, dignified and quiet.

And Celeste stood silently beside her, showing a guarding posture.

"Baird, what are you doing?" As soon as this strange girl appeared, there was an uproar in the meeting room, and many elders began to whisper to each other. Their faces were blank, puzzled, and excited, but that's the case, Bayer De's reaction was too big.

Baird regained his composure and returned to his normal expression: "Sorry, Elder, I just saw the fugitive wanted on the arrest warrant, and I was just a little surprised."

He articulated his words clearly: "And it's an S-class federal felon. It's too bold to appear in our Swift family rashly."

The voice fell, and there was an uproar in the conference room.

But Ji Ge, who is the focus of attention, is calm and calm: "Mr. Baird's news is too late. My status as a wanted criminal has long been revoked by Speaker Hill."

"Let me introduce you formally," she smiled, with an alluring charm: "Tang Jige, who used to be named Cecilia."

"Now, the Swift family, the legitimate patriarchs."

 four shifts

(End of this chapter)

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