Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 905 The Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal

Chapter 905 Interstellar Most Wanted Criminal (End)
Celeste added: "Miss Cecilia's identity has been confirmed through genetic matching, and the kinship recognition ceremony has been completed under the witness of many elders."

"The position of Patriarch, she deserves her name."

Baird's ruthless gaze swept over the elders who followed the previous head of the family, some were puzzled, while others were not surprised, as if they had expected this situation long ago.

His heart sank.

He couldn't be clearer about what this means. According to the rules of the Swift family, Tang Jige is indeed the legitimate head of the family, and he is just the best choice in the case of the disappearance of the appointed family heir.

But now that the Lord is back, there is nothing wrong with him.

Baird forced himself to calm down, and he still had a chance of winning before he reached the end of the road.

Ji Ge preempted Baird and said: "At the same time, I have to announce one thing."

"Mr Byrd's deliberate murder of me, I have submitted evidence and filed a lawsuit in the Federal Court."

Baird raised his head abruptly and met Ji Ge's relaxed eyes. Curly black hair fell on his shoulders and slid down his chest lightly. The fair-skinned and beautiful girl watched him with a smile, her eyebrows and eyes stretched, and she was sure of victory.

As if icy water had been poured on his head, the icy coolness shot through Baird's spinal cord and covered his limbs and bones.

Ji Ge snapped his fingers and received the order, and the police officers waiting outside filed in methodically, and took Baird away with his almost shattered eyes.

The girl smiled softly and harmlessly: "You lost, Mr. Baird."

"Or, Uncle Baird."

After Baird was taken away, the mission completion was also full.

Although Ji Ge succeeded the head of the Swift family, she didn't take care of things. Most of the things were still handled by Celeste. She could only read the report submitted by Celeste.

At the same time, the lurking Zergs in the Deep Blue Federation were wiped out massively. The Federation's attitude was extremely firm, and it did not hesitate to pay a huge price to check all the places where the Zergs might be hiding.

The confrontation between the Deep Blue Federation and the Zerg has been in a stalemate since Xavier returned to the Federation, and the actions of the Federation at this moment are undoubtedly declaring war on the Zerg.The situation at the border deteriorated again. After discussions between Speaker Hill and the House of Representatives, they decided to let Xavier return to the border.

Jige, as she said, went to the border with Xavier.

Tang Xi is not yet an adult, and the awakened person's ability development is not yet mature, so Ji Ge left her in the capital star, and Chi Li helped take care of her.And Yulea decided to return to the army. His crime was verified and determined to be framed. The best friend who framed him was punished as he should. As a high-level ability user, he is very popular in the army that admires heroes.

The wind at the border is far less warm than that of the capital, Xingxing. The headquarters is located on a remote and desolate planet, and the manic wind and sand are isolated from the energy shield.

The news of the engagement between Ms. Cecilia, the new owner of Swift, and Marshal Xavier, the young master of the Hill family, has been released, causing a violent sensation in the outside world.

At the border, at the beginning, the soldiers were still surprised when they saw Xavier and Ji Song, who were inseparable every day, but later they became numb and got used to it.

They expressed strong envy for the way the Marshal and Miss Cecilia got along.

This is probably the best way they can think of about love.

With warmth and tenderness, I will be with you for the rest of my life.

The lonely wandering planet has traveled through the distance of hundreds of millions of light years, and finally returned to the lost star track in the vast universe.

So far, stable.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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