Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 960 Daily love with the top class

Chapter 960 And Top-Rated Love Daily (54)

The supermarket quickly delivered all the things Wei Zhou wanted. Wei Zhou is really not good at housework. Ji Ge originally listened to the young man and stood obediently by the side, but when he saw that, his eyelids jumped wildly and he grabbed what he was holding: "I bring it on."

The young man took a step back, and glanced at the cracked ceramic water cup on the ground. The exquisite ceramic handicraft was ingeniously made into the shape of a rabbit with lop ears. It looked very cute, but now it was broken into large and small pieces. It's a pity.

He lowered his pupils, watching Ji Ge busy before and after, squatting down silently to pick up the pieces.

As soon as Ji Ge turned his head, he saw Wei Ri unsuspectingly cleaning up the fragments of the ceramic cup. The edges of the fragments were too sharp, and accidentally cut the boy's fingers.

She hurried over: "Does it hurt?"

Bright red blood beads came out and adorned the white fingertips, like bright red rose petals falling on the flawless snow. The young man hissed, and his breathing became disordered for a moment. He shook his head, as if nothing had happened: "It's okay."

"It's all bleeding, it's okay." Ji Ge remembered that there was a home medical kit in Wei Zhou's apartment. The girl ran out with a thud, and came back shortly after holding two pieces of Band-Aid, and tore open the package neatly: "Maybe there will be a little It hurts, bear with it."

She bowed her head and carefully wrapped the Band-Aid on him. Her beautiful eyebrows and eyes became more and more quiet and soft in the flickering light and shadow. Her long eyelashes were lightly fanned, like black velvet, lining her light black pupils with focus and clarity, glowing with plateau The color as clear as the sky, smiled at him after finishing the work, his expression was very lively, Wei Zhou suddenly wanted to get close to her, the young man complied with his heart and bowed his head slightly.

"Are you a kissing fish?" Ji Ge laughed and teased, raised his head obediently, and looked at him with round eyes without blinking: "The wound can't touch water these days..."

The rest of the words were submerged between the passionately intertwined lips and teeth, and the emerald green vines tightly wrapped around the tree trunk next to it, following the fine texture all the way up.The young man's slender finger bones hooked her little finger, exuding a bit of childishness, his brown pupils were dark and full of fleeing fireflies, dotted with stars.The top-notch beauty is almost invincible, and Ji Ge's unconvincing loss of focus was clearly captured by him. The young man's brows were filled with a smile, and he murmured softly, slurring his words, dragging out a bit of softness: "Ji Ge."

Familiarly plundering the air in her mouth, and kissing her long and deeply, Ji Ge was finally let go by the insatiable hunter.The girl's limp waist was caught, and he accidentally touched the wound on the pulp of the finger, and he gasped slightly.

Ji Ge gritted his teeth bitterly.

"Deserving it."

Wei Zhou was brought up with rich clothes and good food since he was a child. He is not as active as other children. When he is rarely injured, he is more able to protect himself when he grows up. Therefore, this injury experience is for him. Quite novel.

The rest of the work was done by Ji Ge alone. Fortunately, there was not much work to be done. The bed sheets and quilt covers were replaced with corresponding styles. The empty walls were covered with clear blue wallpaper, and the empty guest room looked warm. Many, Jige is done, and I really want to just lie on the bed and not move.

But thinking that Wei Zhou was still in the room, which would damage her image, the girl forced herself to stand up, rubbed her sore wrist, bent her lips and smiled: "It's all taken care of."

The guest room was completely new, Ji Ge sat on the sofa in a lazy and casual posture, and turned on the laptop.

 one more

(End of this chapter)

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