Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 961 Daily love with the top class

Chapter 961 And Top-Rated Love Daily (55)

Wei Zhou was nestling on the sofa next to her, typing with her head down, as if discussing something with someone else.

Afraid of disturbing him, Ji Ge put on the earphones, and a light-hearted cartoon was playing on the laptop, with a witty and interesting plot. She had no work today and just wanted to relax.

After Wei Zhou finished talking with his manager, his eyes flickered and fell on Ji Ge, his eyes flickered slightly, the young man raised his phone, snapped a photo, and sent a message to Ji Ge.

The message notification signal kept jumping, Ji Ge casually pressed the animation pause button, opened WeChat and glanced at it.

Wei Zhou: Ji Ge, I want to post the photo on Weibo.

Ji Ge clicked on the photo sent by the boy, the light and composition of the snapshot were just right, the girl in the picture looked down at the laptop, only showing half of her cheek, raised her finger to hold the earphones, and there was a large bright summer light behind her, thin It was like gold powder, splashed on her back, blurring the lines of handover, making her whole person appear gentle and quiet, with a peaceful and soft atmosphere.

After making sure that this photo won't reveal anything, Ji Ge took off his earphones and nodded at him: "Ah Zhou, have you asked your manager yet?"

"I've asked." Wei Zhou tapped the phone case with his finger: "He said it's up to me to arrange."

Ever since he found out about Wei Zhou's relationship, Brother Zhang has been laying the groundwork for the publicity. He knows that his little ancestor must not be willing to hide him for too long.

In order to avoid causing too much disturbance when the time comes, he has been quietly preparing.

The photo didn't reveal too much information, and Ji Ge didn't show her face. Unless it was a close person, it would be difficult for others to recognize her with such a photo.

Thinking that I will go abroad next semester, when the time comes to separate the two places, my little boyfriend will not feel safe, so it is understandable to imprint her in advance, Ji Ge pampered him: "Okay."

Wei Zhou happily hooked the corners of his lips, and lowered his head to operate.

One minute later, Wei Zhou, the number one teenager in China, posted a new Weibo on Weibo, causing an uproar.

Wei Zhou V: JPG with pictures of my rose
The fans below are all ahhhhh.

"What's the situation, my brother finally stopped forwarding the partner's Weibo, but what does this private Weibo mean?!"

"Rose...I don't believe it!"

"Hey, let me, Holmes, explain it to everyone. Is this an official relationship announcement, brother?"

"I don't accept it, my brother is only nineteen, so don't worry about falling in love."

"Wooooow, has my world treasure finally become someone else's private property?!!!"

"Sisters, my house collapsed, I was so desperate, I went to the rooftop to line up QAQ"


Five minutes later, Wei Zhou's weibo post appeared in the trending searches, killing the list directly.

There was wailing below, and corpses were strewn all over the field.

In just 10 minutes, the number of comments on Weibo has exceeded five figures.

The influence of the top-notch look can be seen.

Wei Zhou clicked a like on the message asking if he was in a relationship, pushing the matter to a new climax.

Brother Zhang has been prepared for a long time, and has been sending people to monitor Weibo, and immediately send people to criticize when he sees a bad trend.

Half an hour later, Ji Ge received a call from Wu Li.

She raised her eyebrows slightly. At this time, the other party should still be at work, but she was so anxious to call her.

This is... I recognized her.

Ji Ge raised his mobile phone towards Wei Zhou, and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

As soon as it was connected, Wu Li's roaring voice came through the screen immediately.

"Ahhhh Ji Ge, is it you that brother Guan Xuan's relationship is with you?!"

 two more

  I have to get up early tomorrow because I have something to do, so I won’t stay up all night, good night, babies
(End of this chapter)

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