Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 962 Daily love with the top class

Ji Ge was glad that he had the foresight and did not turn on the hands-free.

Wei Zhou raised his head and glanced this way, and asked Ji Ge with his eyes. The girl shook her head, silently took the phone away, and waited until Wu Li calmed down before admitting it.

"it's me."

Wu Li took a breath, and took a sneaky look outside. The bathroom was empty now, so it was quiet. She made sure once again that her movements would not be heard by others, and lowered her voice, "My sister, you are too awesome!" Right, I won the highest difficulty all at once."

Although Wu Lichang thought about the cool story of Ji Ge making a better boyfriend than Yan Chenyi, but this is too cool, it is equivalent to reaching the sky in one step and picking the moon directly.

Wu Li was immediately in awe of Ji Ge.

After the excitement passed, Wu Li thought of the heart-wrenching fact that her idol was taken away, her heart ached again, and she sighed faintly.

"What's the matter?" The girl's soft voice rustled past her ears, like the clear and melodious singing of a church choir, sweet and melodious.Wu Li frowned, and asked cautiously, "You...how are you together?"

"I know you in Paris," Ji Ge replied succinctly: "Don't tell others about this."

Wu Li thought of Ji Ge's trip to Paris more than two months ago, and guessed that this was the most likely time. The girl was a little frustrated that she missed the opportunity to get in touch with her idol, but she also knew how to measure: "Yes."

Ji Ge hung up the phone and sat back on the sofa.

The boy naturally turned his head and looked at her.

The girl took the initiative to explain, holding her chin: "My roommate recognized me and just called me to ask."

Wei Zhou's focus was skewed: "Roommate, do you know each other well?"

The photo that was sent out was blurred, and basically only an outline and the girl's smooth forehead can be seen. In this case, people can be recognized, which only shows that they have a very good relationship.

"Of course," Ji Ge laughed, "We lived in the same dormitory for three years, and we ate and lived together."

Wei Zhou stopped talking and pursed his lips slightly.

Ji Ge hugged the soft pillow and leaned over, his light black hair swaying in his field of vision, and kissed the other party: "Why do you even eat girls' jealousy?"

There was a teasing smile in her eyes: "Wei Xiaozhou, were you jealous in your last life?"

Wei Zhou lowered his eyes, sealing her tool of chaos.

"Sweet." He said affectionately.

"I just ate candy, of course it's sweet."

Jige adjusted his breathing and replied.

"What's the smell?" Wei Zhou held her cheek with his palm, the distance between the two was getting closer, the girl raised her eyes, and looked at him without avoiding.

Ji Ge recalled it for a while, not sure: "It seems to be apple-flavored."

"I'll try again."

When Ji Ge had time to check the online news again, he found that the popularity of Wei Zhou's Weibo continued unabated, and the following messages were densely packed, already breaking through six figures.

Just horrible.

Ji Ge silently hid his vest a little better.

In the evening, most of the excited fans had calmed down, and Ji Ge was mixed in the super chat, watching the fans' reactions to Wei Zhou's love affair.

The rare low air pressure in Chaohua.

"Although I know it's normal for my brother to fall in love, I still don't want to accept this fact:("

"Did you pay attention to the background of the photo? My brother's assistant has been in business before, and it seems to be my brother's house. Does this mean that they are living together?"

"No, no, brother, you are still young, so don't think about crossing the line."

"Did someone find out who the woman is? My brother likes her so much, he replied to the messages under Weibo, and as fans, we can only congratulate her."



Ji Ge turned back to Wei Zhou's Weibo, and the comment with the most likes was a fan's inquiry.

"Brother, do you like her?"

The following is Wei Zhou's unprecedented reply.

"Yes, I really like it."

one more

I feel dizzy and uncomfortable, I can't do it anymore

It may be slower to write at the end.

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