Female supporting style is wrong

Chapter 963 Daily love with the top class

Chapter 963 And Top-Rated Love Daily (57)

Ji Ge raised the corners of her lips, stared at this reply for a while, and then bent her eyes.

As soon as Wei Zhou sent out this reply, the number of replies surged, and Weibo was immediately paralyzed. The background hurriedly repaired it, and within 10 minutes the normal operation of Weibo was restored.

"Is there any female celebrity whose figure fits the photo?"

"It may also be an outsider. My brother rarely gets close to the female stars in the circle, and rarely shares the same frame with them."

After guessing round after round, the woman's information was never revealed, and it was well hidden by Wei Zhou.

Chi Ming also saw this Weibo, and his face turned livid.

She really didn't expect that Wei Zhou would open up his relationship so openly. You must know that being in a top-notch relationship is not a trivial matter.She had considered whether to use this as a reliance to negotiate with Wei Zhou before, but since Wei Zhou dared to tell her, she must not be afraid of her being exposed.

If she exposes this matter, the retaliation from Wei Zhou will come in an instant. Father Chi has just warned her not to provoke Wei Zhou again. Chi Ming is best at judging the situation, so naturally he will not provoke him at this time.

The girl's face was extremely ugly, and she bit her lip, leaving deep red marks.

As soon as the assistant opened the door, he noticed the low air pressure in the lounge.

She tensed her body and said in a low voice, "Sister Chi, the next scene is about to begin."

Chi Ming's cold eyes swept over her, and the assistant's fingertips trembled slightly. She knew Chi Ming's personality well, and knew that her kindness and approach were just a disguise. If she lost her mind...

The assistant's face was frighteningly pale.

Chi Ming is still worried that this is a filming scene, and there are too many people around. If someone spreads it out, her reputation will be ruined. The girl's high-heeled shoes make a clear sound, and the sight of the assistant has disappeared at some point. , Chi Ming responded lukewarmly, raised his hand to open the door and walked towards the director.

The assistant breathed a sigh of relief, and prayed secretly in his heart, hoping that Chi Ming's mood would get better as soon as possible.

But things backfired.

Three days later, a huge scandal broke out in the Chi family. All the dirty things the Chi family had done in private were exposed, and the shares of the Chi family plummeted.

Ji Ge shot.

She knows that a company like Chi's has a lot of involvement, so if she is the one who leaks the black material, it is easy to be found out, so Ji Ge packed the black material she had finally dug up and sent it to Chi's competitors , one for each, to ensure that the Chi family can be planted thoroughly.

As Ji Ge expected, the Chi family fell into an unprecedented crisis.

Yin-yang contracts, matchmaking... It would be a big deal for any of these black materials to be brought out, but they got together.

The Chi family is Chi Ming's reliance, and she was very angry when she saw the news. She clearly told Chi's father to stop, but Chi's father promised well on the surface, but there was no improvement behind it, and she was even arrested Here comes the handle.

She asked for leave, stayed in the hotel, and called father of Chi.

"Dad, why are you still doing these things?!"

Father Chi also regretted that he didn't close his eyes for a few days, just to deal with the aftermath. He was already very angry, but now when he heard his daughter complaining, he became even more angry and said impatiently.

"You don't have to worry about it, just act well, and I will take care of this matter."

Chi Ming almost gritted his teeth.

Leave her alone, how is it possible? !
 one more

(End of this chapter)

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