"You guys are too naive. Since I can release her to talk to you, it means that I can control her with confidence! Do you want to help her? Unless you have the strength of a fairy!" Huang Linjiao smiled triumphantly.

Hua Ningyan originally had a classic face, but when Huang Linjiao was in charge, she showed an air of arrogance and arrogance to everyone, especially her pair of phoenix eyes, which were even more vivid.

"You asked me to say a few words to him. From now on, this body will be yours!" Hua Ningyan seized the opportunity and said to Huang Linjiao.

"There's nothing more sad than heartbreak? For the sake of being women, I'll give you this opportunity!" Huang Linjiao's goal has been achieved, so give Hua Ningyan a few more minutes. For her, There is no loss, but you can still see a good show that makes you happy.

Seeing Ji Tianyu and Hua Ningyan in pain, Huang Linjiao felt extremely comfortable just thinking about it.Her hatred for Ji Tianyu cannot be eliminated in a short while.Ji Tianyu not only destroyed the energy she cultivated, but also refined her spiritual consciousness.

Although it was only the weak consciousness that Huang Linjiao divided, when they were refined by Ji Tianyu, the pain that was engraved on the soul, when Huang Linjiao thought of it, the pain seemed to still be in her Can't hang around.

"Tianyu, whether you loved me or not, it doesn't matter to me now! Just please look after the love we had, and take good care of my parents for me! They only have one daughter, me. Now that I'm gone, they are completely helpless. I beg you for this matter!"

Hua Ningyan's eyes were full of tears, her heart was frozen and numb, she didn't even care whether she would live or not!pain?Hua Ningyan smiled wryly to herself, if she could still feel the pain, she would not give up hope completely!

How long have you been missing?Ji Tianyu got married in a hurry, and he married as many as eight women at one time!When I was still with him, I never heard him mention it.Neither mentioned that he was going to get married, nor did he mention that he was going to marry herself! !

Originally, I was still arguing with Chen Ming, saying that I don't care what will happen in the future, what kind of ending with Ji Tianyu will happen! !But now it seems that this is all a lie!Fool yourself with lies.It was only when Ji Tianyu married other women, and there were many brides, but none of them were her own existence, that she realized that no one can be magnanimous, no one cares about the rewards, only for giving!

Hua Ningyan once thought that liking Ji Tianyu was her own business, and it didn't matter whether Ji Tianyu liked her or not!Whether you like it or love it, the important thing is your own feelings. Feelings are your inner feelings. What others think will not affect you!

But when she really knew that there was no return for her efforts, and Ji Tianyu didn't have herself in her heart at all, Hua Ningyan suddenly realized that feelings are her own inner feelings, but they also need the cultivation of the other party's affection.If it's just a one-way effort, no matter how strong the feelings are, there will be a moment of fading.

The devotion of heart, but in exchange for the other party's disdain, will anyone stick to it?Is it necessary to stick to this kind of emotion?

Hua Ningyan is now suffering from internal and external troubles, and being stimulated by Ji Tianyu externally, she is disheartened and has no intention of fighting against Huang Linjiao.Inside is Huang Linjiao, who is watching covetously, who can seal her soul at any time and turn her body into her tool.Under the double blow, Hua Ningyan felt that her life had really come to an end, and she could not see any hope. Instead of suffering like this, it would be better to just disappear into the world and never suffer from that pain again.

"Ning Yan, don't do this, we will find a solution! I have already been to your house, and I have promised the elders that I will definitely send you to them. Ning Yan, without you, no one cares. Can't comfort their hearts, don't you understand?"

"Tianyu, thank you! I know you are an affectionate person, and you will definitely help me take care of them! You want to save me? Transformation is easy! Do you know who she is? She is the king of the Phoenix clan, like a god existence, can we compete with her?"

"Booty! You have said enough, I have given you face, now you go back to where you should be!" Huang Linjiao reprimanded Hua Ningyan, preventing Hua Ningyan from continuing to talk Her identity was revealed to Ji Tianyu.

"Ning Yan, I love you! Don't give up, I will rescue you, let's go home and see your parents together!!" Ji Tianyu's heart was like a mirror, Hua Ningyan was so disheartened, determined to go How could Ji Tianyu not understand the appearance of death?

"You...you...love me..." Hua Ningyan asked awkwardly.

"Love! If I didn't love you, I wouldn't be with you! The marriage was already prepared, not after you disappeared!" Ji Tianyu hurriedly explained.

"..." Ji Tianyu saw Hua Ningyan's face struggling for a while, and her facial expressions changed several times in an instant, until she finally calmed down.

"Ji Tianyu, you are so despicable! You actually used this method to rekindle her hope of living. Unfortunately, your calculations are wrong. No matter how strong her desire to survive is, she can't change her fate!" Huang Huang Lin Jiao glared at Ji Tianyu indignantly, this time to seal Hua Ningyan again, it took Huang Linjiao a lot of effort.

According to common sense, Hua Ningyan's soul has been sealed for a while, and her soul power is already very weak. Huang Linjiao will not spend much effort to seal Hua Ningyan again.But Huang Linjiao didn't expect that just a few words from Ji Tianyu would rekindle Hua Ningyan's hope for life.

Huang Linjiao's sealing was very troublesome, which made her transfer her hatred to Ji Tianyu again.

"No matter how despicable I am, I am not as despicable as the Phoenix King. You spread your energy in the form of seeds to the world, and invaded the bodies of unborn children. When they are useless as your energy cultivation tools, you destroy them. Take their bodies and take away the energy placed in their bodies! Phoenix King, tell me, are you more despicable or me?"

Ji Tianyu looked at Huang Linjiao coldly. When he knew that Hua Ningyan was in her body, Ji Tianyu felt happy and worried.The good news is that Hua Ningyan did not really disappear in this world, but the bad news is that the dominion over this body is still in the hands of this vicious phoenix, and it may not be a simple matter to drive her out. matter.

Huang Linjiao was lingering in Hua Ningyan's body, which made Ji Tianyu wary of making too drastic moves towards her.

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