"I'm despicable? It's their honor for a humble human being to provide me with energy!" Huang Linjiao said proudly.

"Human? Human life is not life? You can deprive them of their life at will?" Ji Tianyu couldn't stop his anger when he saw Huang Linjiao's appearance.

This stinky bird that thinks it is noble, belittles the existence of human beings at will, but she doesn't want to think about it, if there is no human beings, she is just a bird, and she will still have the status she is today?Will you still call yourself a divine bird?Who bestowed these honorable titles?Not human yet!Would she still tremble if humans treated the phoenix like a crow?Will it still ignore the existence of human beings like this?

"Humans are just humble creatures! It is their honor to provide energy for this king! Life is only a few short decades for human beings. What is the difference between dying one day earlier and dying one day later? The same is death, can you It is an honor to use their humble lives to serve this king!"

Huang Linjiao squinted at Ji Tianyu, and what she said was really annoying.If Huang Linjiao was not in Hua Ningyan's body at this time, if Huang Linjiao was not in the busy street, Ji Tianyu would definitely attack her.

"You don't have to stare at me like this, Ji Tianyu, if one day you also reach the position of my king, you will think the same way! Life and the future belong to the strong, and the weak can only live humblely. Their lives are not important! Ji Tianyu, this world only recognizes the strong, and only those who are strong enough have the right to speak! And you are not worthy now!"

Ji Tianyu took a deep breath, now is not the time to argue with her, some things are only useful if they are done, no matter how brilliantly they are said, they are illusory after all.

"Phoenix King, you have your thoughts, and I have my motto in life! Different ways don't conspire! Tell me, where do you want to take me?"

"If you don't want to follow me, then forget it. As for me, I don't have any specific ideas about where to go!" Huang Linjiao said indifferently.

"You know that I will follow you, so why do you say that?" Ji Tianyu asked back.When Ji Tianyu already knew that Hua Ningyan was still there, how could he leave Hua Ningyan alone and let Huang Linjiao flaunt Hua Ningyan's body everywhere?

Especially Ji Tianyu was more worried that Huang Linjiao would hurt Hua Ningyan's soul!Judging from Huang Linjiao's ability to harm human life at will, it would not be surprising if she harmed Hua Ningyan's soul.

"Since you have decided to come with me, please do so!" Huang Linjiao smiled triumphantly, and walked in front of Ji Tianyu.

"The human world is a bustling place. Compared with the fairyland, it is much more lively." Huang Linjiao walked in front, looking left and right, observing this colorful world.

Although Huang Linjiao came to this world early, and even went to Daying for a while, but she has something to do, so she naturally doesn't have the heart to see how wonderful this world is!

Huang Linjiao's original purpose was to kill Ji Tianyu, avenge him for destroying her energy and refining her spiritual consciousness.But then she felt that killing Ji Tianyu would be too cheap for him. If he could make his life worse than death and watch him sink in pain, that would be the best way to relieve hatred.

It was precisely because of this thought that Huang Linjiao suddenly appeared on stage when Ji Tianyu was holding a wedding, disturbing Ji Tianyu's wedding!

This is the first step of Huang Linjiao's revenge.As for the exposure of her true identity, it was beyond Huang Linjiao's expectation.She wanted to stay by Ji Tianyu's side as Hua Ningyan, and let Ji Tianyu fall into the abyss of pain step by step.

Making Ji Tianyu think that Hua Ningyan was harming him was Huang Linjiao's second plan. No, this plan had no chance to be carried out.Ji Tianyu saw through her identity early on, which forced Huang Linjiao to change her mind and release Hua Ningyan to have a conversation with Ji Tianyu.

Knowing that his woman is in this body, but unable to communicate with him, he can only watch Hua Ningyan's body being occupied by others and become a tool!Huang Linjiao hit Ji Tianyu in this way, hoping to see a painful and regretful Ji Tianyu!

As a matter of fact, Huang Linjiao didn't see Ji Tianyu's inextricable pain, but made Ji Tianyu arouse Hua Ningyan's confidence to resist.

Although the development of the matter is different from what she expected, Huang Linjiao feels that this is enough to be a challenge.It's been long enough to be bored in Huangning Palace, and she, who is naturally aggressive and aggressive, feels uncomfortable all over.

Now in this world, although the opponent is too weak in her eyes, but having an opponent is much stronger than not having one.

In Huangning Palace, except for Feng Du who was by her side, she never saw the other subordinates.With her sealed ability, it is not enough to deter some ambitious subordinates.

Although the Phoenix family is not a high-yield group, it is still countable and has a certain scale. Because of the characteristics of the Phoenix family, they are all immortal, and they have the ability to nirvana. As long as they are not beaten by the enemy, they will eventually find a way to burn again reborn!

Years and months, long-term living, there will always be ambitions in some people's hearts.The king of the phoenix clan, there are too many people coveting this position.Huang Linjiao knew this very well.

In order to ensure her own safety, she had no choice but to stay out of closed doors, except for her close confidants, all other clan members were not seen.

Now that she was able to leave the Huangning Palace with the appearance of Hua Ningyan, Huang Linjiao seemed to be a long-suffering person who was suddenly lifted from the ban.

Ji Tianyu followed Huang Linjiao and saw that she was like an ordinary girl, watching the shops on both sides of the street.

"Phoenix King, if you are interested, let's go in and take a look?" Ji Tianyu suggested.Now that he has walked out of the wedding scene, Ji Tianyu no longer thinks about this unfinished wedding.Now he wanted to know more about the Phoenix King in front of him.Ji Tianyu was thinking about Hua Ningyan in his heart, waiting for an opportunity to rescue Hua Ningyan.

"Are you still in the mood to go shopping with me?" Huang Linjiao glanced at Ji Tianyu in surprise.She originally thought that after Ji Tianyu saw Hua Ningyan, he would be anxious to drive herself out of this body!I don't want Ji Tianyu to set such an innocent example, completely making Huang Linjiao confused about Ji Tianyu's thoughts.

Is Ji Tianyu affectionate or ruthless towards Hua Ningyan?Huang Linjiao couldn't figure it out!If it is said that Ji Tianyu has feelings for Hua Ningyan, why did he not worry at all after knowing Hua Ningyan's situation, as if he didn't know about it.

But if he was ruthless to Hua Ningyan, why did he tolerate himself in every possible way?Huang Linjiao is not yet confident enough to think that Ji Tianyu didn't attack her because she pities her!

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