Jiang Hao originally wanted to go with Ji Tianyu, but after thinking about it for a while, he found that this plan would not work.

Feinan is waiting for their Haoming fleet!In addition to Ethiopia's own shipping company, the shipping company that originally transported between China and Ethiopia also cooperated with other companies.Because the contracts were all short-term, Feinan urgently hoped that Jiang Hao could quickly take over the business.

Under such circumstances, Jiang Hao had no choice but to take Chen Ming and leave first.In this way, only Ji Tianyu was left in Ethiopia with the six members of the exploration team.

Feinan and Ji Tianyu talked about it. Ji Tianyu's mineable range is demarcated. Within the demarcated range, if the survey results satisfy Ji Tianyu, then the cooperation between the two parties is considered formal. Kicked off.

Ji Tianyu observed it against the map of Ethiopia, and did not raise any objection to Feinan's restriction.Ai Guo planned a range, but Ji Tianyu did not express surprise.This is not our own country, so of course we can't just drill a well wherever we want, and set up an oil well wherever we want!The reason why they will cooperate with others instead of doing it independently is because they lack money!If it is not because of poverty, there is a lot of silver, and the colorful bills are not needed, so give it to yourself for nothing?

Although it is said that the land boundary has been drawn, Ji Tianyu has observed it a bit. Looking at the map, the total area is equivalent to half of the land area of ​​Ethiopia. Thinking about it, he is still satisfied.

Walking in this country where there are sandstorms from time to time, without an experienced guide, it is easy to go out and never come back!Ji Tianyu took the six prospectors and found a few more locals! When they were walking outside, most of the places they were going to were uninhabited areas, so they didn't bring a few people with them. Not much!

After preparing for a while, Ji Tianyu set off with fourteen people.According to the walking route discussed with the guide, a group of people moved forward step by step.

It's really good. After reaching the boundary line that Feinan had agreed upon, on the first day, there were results.

"Boss, there is oil underground in this place, but according to the data analysis we have obtained, there are not many measurements!" The head of the exploration team was a man in his 50s. The actual age is much older. If you don't know his specific age, when you see him, you will think that he is an old man in his 60s!

"Captain Xiang, you don't need to count the data, we will analyze it after we complete this mission!"

After listening to Ji Tianyu's words, Xiang Xin nodded, sorted out the materials, and put them away safely.

After a few days in a row, after a lot of trouble with various equipment, the report to Ji Tianyu was either that there was no oil, or the amount was very small, and it was not worth mining at all.

Regarding Xiang Xin's report, Ji Tianyu has never said anything, but in fact, within a few days, Ji Tianyu has determined several large oil and gas storage areas based on the information he obtained from Gan.From the data obtained from Gan, it has been confirmed that this transaction is worth doing.

But reporting to the new ones puzzled Ji Tianyu. Could it be that the materials and data they obtained could not be analyzed?After Ji Tianyu observed Xiang Xin's group for a few days, Ji Tianyu denied his own idea, because when they were recording data, there were actually two people recording them. After checking their records, it turned out that these were two completely different data.

It would be ridiculous if Ji Tianyu couldn't see the reason when he reached the fixed step.Although Ji Tianyu's purpose of finding them was just an eyesore, and he didn't want outsiders to pry into his secrets, but it was obvious that these people made two copies of the obtained data and gave himself one. When changing the data, Ji Tianyu felt very uncomfortable.

Xiang Xin and his party followed me to Ethiopia, but I paid them a lot of work fees. It seems that I haven't offended them, right?Why would they fool themselves like this?

Although there are still more than half of the places that have not been visited, judging from the places that have already been controlled, Ji Tianyu's investment is very worthwhile.Especially after seeing several people from Xiang Xin playing tricks on him, Ji Tianyu decided to terminate the trip and go back to Addis!

"Go back? Boss, we still haven't reached two-thirds of the way, why don't we continue? Although the results these days are not ideal, this is a very common thing in my work. We are in China, Maybe after working outside for a few months, there is still no valuable results.”

"Yes, boss, maybe there will be good news later!"

After hearing Ji Tianyu say that the exploration trip was over, Xiangxin said to Ji Tianyu in a hurry.

If Ji Tianyu hadn't known about their small actions, he might have been moved by their dedication and seriousness to work.But now, Ji Tianyu only thinks that they are disgustingly hypocritical.

"There is no good news these days, and I don't want to continue. You should also know that I don't understand these things. The reason why I came here this time is to sell face to Feinan. Since these few days The results of today's exploration are not satisfactory, so I will not continue! By the way, Xiang Xin, you give me the data you have memorized, and I will tell Feinan to quit, there must be a reason!"

None of Xiang Xin's people could tell what Ji Tianyu was thinking.After hearing Ji Tianyu's words, although they were reluctant, they had no choice but to follow Ji Tianyu and prepare to return to Addis.

Ji Tianyu asked them to record the data, because with Ji Tianyu's money, they naturally couldn't disobey the boss's wishes, so they obediently handed over the recorded data to Ji Tianyu.

It is much easier to walk back, and there is no need for various equipment to control materials, so they still walk faster.

At Ji Tianyu's request, the guide did not follow the route he had come to go back directly, but made a small detour, passing some scattered villages on the way.

Seeing the people in these villages, Ji Tianyu's heart was pulled hard.Is this life for refugees?In his life, he only heard the stories from his parents and adults at school, and those stories that he used to not have enough to eat, now these stories are truly presented in front of him.

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