Campus flower heart master

Chapter 1866 Local Customs

The territory assigned by Feinan to Ji Tianyu was far away from the main cities. After this trip, Ji Tianyu had a better understanding of Ethiopia. In his impression, there were many deserts seen on the plane. , I thought there were deserts all over the place, but after I really walked in Ethiopia, I realized that although there are deserts, not all the land is deserts.

The beauty of the African savannah is very touching, but the words of the guide also let them understand that behind the beautiful things, there are dangers that are proportional to them.On the grassland, ferocious beasts abound, of course, some militants will appear in front of you at any time!

After passing through some villages, Ji Tianyu saw where the poverty in Ethiopia is reflected!In Addis, although it is not comparable to the domestic imperial capital, it is not comparable to Dasha, but in general, the ancient country with a history of more than 3000 years is still very charming.

But if you really go to a remote place and look at it, you will find that Addis, which is underdeveloped in Jiang Hao's mouth, is simply a paradise.

Most of the beauties in Africa are very beautiful. Ji Tianyu found that not everyone's skin is as dark as Feinan's, and most of them have brighter skin!This so-called bright comparison is of course compared with people of Feinan's color!

When Ji Tianyu saw a group of naked women appearing in front of them, he avoided his eyes in embarrassment.This is not Ji Tianyu's manipulation, but when a group of women walk towards you with their breasts exposed, they don't care about the astonished expressions of these outsiders.

Not only Ji Tianyu dodged his eyes, Xiang Xin and the others also turned their eyes away.There is no man who doesn't like to see women with naked bodies, but that is in a close-up situation, so it is still embarrassing for men to walk on the street like some girls in China wear dispensable small fabrics.

Want to see it?To be honest, Xiang Xin and the others really wanted to look at it a few more times. They were afraid that if they watched it for a long time, they would be laughed at by their companions, and they would even be beaten up.Compared with their uneasiness, the guides who were also walking beside them looked normal as if they hadn't seen the beautiful scenery in front of them.

"The clothes are a little short!" Ji Tianyu said to the guide.

After hearing Ji Tianyu's words, the guide suddenly laughed.

"This is very normal in our place! In fact, it's not that we don't have clothes. The hot weather is one thing, and the other is the custom! Of course, you can't see this kind of situation in Addis. This kind of custom, It’s still hard to get into the Hall of Elegance.”

"Women are walking all over the street like this. I seem to have just discovered that there are young girls among those women. The girls are also like this. Will there be any accidents?" Ji Tianyu asked worriedly.

"Of course what you said is true. In remote places, it is very common. Of course, men with some safety awareness will not do that kind of thing when they see a woman! There are many AIDS in our country, according to the national report. , there are currently more than 300 million AIDS patients, and now our country's AIDS ranks among the top three in the world. What a ridiculous ranking, in other respects, the world ranks at the bottom, but in front of this disease, we actually rank in the top three !"

The guide was a middle-aged man, and when he talked about it, the evidence was very agitated.

"How does the country manage so many AIDS patients?" Hearing what the guide said, Ji Tianyu's scalp tingled for a while.He couldn't imagine that in a country with a population of only 3000 million, AIDS patients accounted for one tenth!If the spread of this disease cannot be well controlled, it will destroy a nation.

"Is there any other way, publicity, statistics, and then what to do! The relationship between men and women is not very strict, so the source of this disease can't be contained for a while." The guide sighed.

"Did you see it? In this remote place, people's thinking is more backward, poor, and ignorant. The only fun is that. In many villages, the entire village is full of AIDS patients."

This is taking life for pleasure!The momentary pleasure is exchanged for the withering of life and the torment of illness.

"In our country, it is not uncommon to get this kind of disease. Many people don't care at all. People who get AIDS will die. People who are afraid of AIDS are you foreigners. In our country, people will die at any time if they catch a cold or have diarrhea. Yes! If you die from AIDS, then you have to say that you died unjustly!"

Listening to the guide's words, Ji Tianyu felt waves of sadness.What made this middle-aged man say such helpless words.

Ji Tianyu saw a skinny little boy standing by the wall, with a pair of big eyes that were out of proportion, looking at Ji Tianyu's car and the few men in the car who were obviously foreigners. .

"Stop!" Ji Tianyu called the driver to stop, packed a bag of the food they had prepared, got out of the car with them, and walked towards the little boy.

The guide opened his mouth, and the outstretched hand finally slowly fell down.He knew that Ji Tianyu took some of his food for him because he felt sorry for the little boy.But here, people generally don't have enough to eat, and those who spread money like Ji Tianyu will be looted by everyone!

"Don't sit still, get ready, protect everyone and our food!" The guide said to several compatriots.These people have obviously experienced such a thing, and they quickly brought out their guns.

In Ethiopia, it is very common for individuals to have guns. Of course, even if they have guns, they don’t dare to show them around too blatantly.Especially for the work of these few people, if there is no casual style, I am afraid that they will die long ago without bones left.

These ordinary villagers, that's still a trivial matter. The most common encounters they encounter are some armed elements and bandits, and those people will not show mercy.

Ji Tianyu didn't expect that after he gave the things to the little boy, he was surrounded by a group of people before he could say a few words.

All of a sudden, English and Ethiopian mother tongues came into battle, and people questioned Ji Tianyu in a hurry. Fortunately, Ji Tianyu's communication skills were not a problem. Instead, they took Ji Tianyu to meet their village chief!

The guide and a few partners, you look at me, I look at you, this is too surprising, according to their experience, seeing Ji Tianyu with food, these people should have started to snatch the things away, It's the division, why didn't such a scene happen?

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