Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2588 Important News

The news of Ji Tianyu and Long Lai Wanlao was originally unknown, but when Ji Tianyu Kelong appeared outside the manor, someone finally found out, and the news spread to In that ear.

Originally, when Ji Tianyu said he didn't have time, he wasn't too angry.But now, Ji Tianyu, who said he didn't have time, ran to Mr. Wan's side!

Of course, if Ji Tianyu is just visiting people, he can't control it, but he knows in his heart that Ji Tianyu went all the way to see Wan Lao, really just to see Wan Lao?If you tell this to others, some people may believe it, but if you tell it to him, he will definitely not believe it.

He invited Ji Tianyu, but was rejected by Ji Tianyu, but he took the initiative to go to the old place. Isn't this kind of difference a slap in the face?

Ji Tianyu didn't expect that he would be hated because of this incident.Of course, even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

In his eyes, even if someone wants to attack him, there is no chance.

After Wan Lao absorbed the Longevity Pill, his whole body rejuvenated even more. At this time, if Wan Lao was seen by an uninformed person, he would definitely think that he was just a person in his 60s or [-]s.

Seeing Wan Lao's changes, Ji Tianyu felt at ease.

When he saw Wan Lao, Wan Lao's candle of life had really reached the point of blowing out the candle at the end.Fortunately, he came early enough, if it was a little later in the evening, Wan Lao's life might be coming to an end.

After Wan Lao saw his new appearance, he was terrified and didn't know why.

He knew that Ji Tianyu was capable, but he didn't expect that Ji Tianyu had such ability?After feeling emotional for a while, Wan Lao chatted with Ji Tianyu and Long again.

After this chat, Wan Lao knew that the Huaxia Kingdom at this time was in danger.

"Xiao Ji, if you need help, just tell me, I will try my best to help you!"

How could Ji Tianyu let Mr. Wan do this?You know, Mr. Wan has already retired to the second line. How can the real power be controlled by a leader who has retreated to the second line?

But Ji Tianyu was still moved by Wan Lao's heart.This is a real concern, and has nothing to do with the strength of the strength.

After Ji Tianyu repeatedly assured that he could do what he wanted independently, Wan Lao stopped pestering Ji Tianyu.

Ji Tianyu left Wanlao's manor, and Long also left together.However, this time, the dragon was sent back to the Dragon Soul by Ji Tianyu.

He came to Wan Lao's place, and he believed that those who were thinking about him had already guessed what good things he would give Wan Lao when he went to Wan Lao's place.

Ji Tianyu didn't care about other people's speculation.At his level, ordinary conspiracies, even if implemented, would not be able to harm Ji Tianyu.

He is naturally skilled and bold, and he would not really provoke Ji Tianyu if he is sensible.But not provoking Ji Tianyu doesn't mean really doing nothing.

The master rushed to Wanlao's manor with infinite indignation in his heart.

Although the area of ​​the manor is not too large, the layout is very fine.

After the master left, Wan Lao sighed.

"I caused trouble for Xiao Ji!" Wan Lao said with emotion.

The face of that master always appeared in front of Wan Lao's eyes.When he came to the manor, naturally no one stopped him. .After all, he is the supreme leader of Huaxia Kingdom!

When Wan Lao appeared in front of him in good spirits, his face suddenly became lifeless.

He knows the situation of Wan Lao clearly, but now, Wan Lao looks younger than this junior!How is this possible? According to the latest news he got, he had to believe it again. ,

Thinking about Ji Tianyu's ability, he was too surprised.But thinking about it again, Wu Nan sent him the news, and he believed that Ji Tianyu really had such ability.

A man who was almost dead, now alive and kicking, looked younger than him.

If this helps me, what will I become?

Unbeknownst to Ji Tianyu, someone actually regarded him as a plastic surgeon and asked him to help him become younger!

Ji Tianyu returned to Binhai, and during the few days he was away, there was no news from Fairy Lingbo.

Ji Tianyu was somewhat worried.After all, Ji Tianjiao's family of three is in the hands of Fairy Lingbo, and Ji Tianyu always has to worry about their safety no matter how broad-minded he is.

Fairy Lingbo's temperament is not much stronger than that of the evil emperor.The only difference is that Fairy Lingbo will hide her emotions. In front of others, he always looks gentle.But the evil emperor was different, he didn't even bother to cover up, and showed his evil nature to the fullest.

Finally, Long sent the news that several people had disappeared near the mountains in the southwest!As soon as this news was received, another news was received, and people had been sent there to investigate the truth of the matter.

Southwest Dashan, when Ji Tianyu heard this name, his heart moved.

The mountains in the southwest are continuous, majestic, dangerous, strange, and steep. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are some practitioners in the mountains in the southwest.

Of course, according to the news from Long, when that place was marked on the map, Ji Tianyu's heart trembled violently.

He was too familiar with that place, it was not other places, but Hu Qingqing's home!Monster race in the human world!

Yaozu!Ji Tianyu didn't know, after Hu Qingqing left, what has become of the current Yaozu?

Ji Tianyu knew in his heart that those missing people might have something to do with the Yaozu!To be precise, it should be related to certain people.

This is just Ji Tianyu's guess, whether it is true or not depends on the final result.

After Ji Tianyu explained the affairs of Huanyu, he hurried to the mountains in the southwest with Tian Cuizi and the others.

Everyone is missing, so it must not be in the deep mountains.After all, in that deep mountain, let alone going in, even if ordinary people stepped into the outer periphery of the deep mountain, they would probably throw their lives there.

Guess people who live closest to the southwest have a super-instinctive perception of danger.Without such a perception, how could they live here.

Well now, dozens of people have disappeared one after another, which is a big deal.

But here lies the problem. If Wu Nan hadn't ordered to pay attention to the abnormal situation in various places, even if this happened, it would not have reached Wu Nan's ears.

Ji Tianyu went all the way outside the mountains in the southwest, he met Wu Nan's people, and the other party told Ji Tianyu and the others what they had learned.

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