Campus flower heart master

Chapter 2589 Re-entering the Monster Race

Although Ji Tianyu came, he was not sure that Fairy Lingbo did it.

The people in Wu Nan only know that there are some powerful practitioners in this deep mountain, but they don't know the identity of the other party.

The monster race and the human race have always tried their best to keep a distance. They both despise and guard against humans.

Of course, generally speaking, except for the too weak monster clan, the only ones who can stop them after they get out of the monster clan are the masters of major potential cultivation.

If there is no threat from these people, it is unrealistic to be able to live in peace without causing trouble with the temperament of the monster race.

Don't look at those masters of major potential cultivation, who are indifferent to worldly affairs.Even if there is a change of dynasty, they will not always intervene.

But in fact, they don't really care about anything.Naturally, they don't care about the mundane affairs of the world, but if there are monster races, or some practitioners who are wicked, they will come forward and eradicate these people.

There are obviously two different worlds between practitioners and the secular world.Therefore, they have their own world rules, and such rules are not something ordinary people can get involved in.

With the help of Jintang, Wu Nan succeeded in building the foundation, and now he already has the cultivation base of the foundation period.If he wants to be stronger, he has to practice hard.

Because of Ji Tianyu and Jintang's help, Wu Nan's cultivation path is naturally much faster and smoother than others.This has to be said to be Wu Nan's chance.

When Ji Tianyu returned to Binhai, there were quite a few people who came into contact with him, but there were not many people who could really get advice from Ji Tianyu.Wu Nan, who has no friendship with Ji Tianyu, can get Ji Tianyu's advice, not to mention his chance, I really don't know how to describe it.

Wu Nan herself was very excited.This time, Ji Tianyu and his party came to the southwest, and Wu Nan rushed over after dealing with some affairs.

Wu Nan now represents not only himself, but also the special strength of China in this respect.

Ji Tianyu and Tian Cuizi walked into the mountain alone.Wu Nan originally wanted to go with him, but because of Ji Tianyu's words, he gave up the idea.

"Over there is the headquarters of the demon clan. There are many demon clans that have existed for thousands of years. If you go, you will probably add another number to those dozens of people!" Ji Tianyu said lightly.

Wu Nan is not an impulsive person, he knows that what Ji Tianyu said makes sense.

He can fight against those terrorists, and he can also contend with vicious villains, but he really has no ability to fight against those thousand-year-old goblins.

Ji Tianyu and the others went into the deep mountains. The last time he went to the Yaozu, he was going to meet Hu Qingqing at that time, and at that time, Hu Qingqing was going through the third millennium catastrophe.

If Ji Tianyu wanted to enter the Yaozu with only their strength, he would definitely not find the right path, but because of Hu Qingqing's leadership, Ji Tianyu was able to enter the Yaozu smoothly.

This time, although there was no Hu Qingqing's leadership, Ji Tianyu already knew the way.

The most important thing is that in the eyes of Ji Tianyu and the others, those protective formations of the Yaozu are children's play toys that generally have no deterrent effect.

But after passing through several protective formations, they suddenly discovered that they seemed to have fallen into a trap.

The big formation they are in now is no longer the original paper-like formation, but a powerful fairy formation.

And when they fell into this formation, the formation they had passed through before also changed instantly.

"It seems that what happened here was indeed done by Fairy Lingbo!" Tian Cuizi said in a deep voice.

"Well, I hope we can find Lingbo this time!" Ji Tianyu said softly.Lan Qian was by his side, so he couldn't say too many exaggerated things to Fairy Lingbo in front of Lan Qian.

"Now, let's break the formation!" Tian Cuizi observed the formation.

"She expected us to come, so she dug a big hole for us early, waiting for us to jump!" Ji Tianyu said coldly.

"Break the formation! From this point of view, Tianjiao must be in her hands! Let's rescue Tianjiao's family!" In Lan Qian's heart, he only thought about Ji Tianjiao's family.As for those missing people, they have nothing to do with Lan Qian, of course Lan Qian doesn't take them seriously.

The relationship between Lan Qian and Ji Tianjiao was all in the past. The reason why Lan Qian now values ​​Ji Tianjiao is also because of Ji Tianyu.

The so-called love of houses and birds is exactly the truth.She naturally cares about the people and things her loved one cares about.

Ji Tianyu is the Shenzi of the Shenfu Sect. When he accepted the inheritance of the Shenzi Hall, he learned not only the talisman, but also the inheritance of the formation.

Although the formation is powerful enough, it requires the person who set up the formation to do it himself. Therefore, Ji Tianyu, a very lazy guy, would naturally not be willing to set up the formation himself.

Of course, lazy people have their own lazy tricks, but he fused formations and talismans together to refine the formation plate.

The formation disk is a magic weapon type formation, which can be as big or small as you like. The most important thing is that the power needed by this formation disk is provided by talismans.

Although high-level talisman is a very rare item, it is naturally not difficult in front of Ji Tianyu, the god son of the talisman sect.

Once again, the formation that Ji Tian personally set up was only used when the Underworld Army invaded the Immortal Realm. Ji Tianyu set up a large formation, killing millions of Underworld Army troops in one fell swoop.

Therefore, many people don't know about Ji Tianyu's inheritance of the formation.

Come to think of it, Fairy Lingbo didn't even think that he had received the formation inheritance from the Shenzi Hall of the Shenfu Sect.

I believe that if Fairy Lingbo knew this, she would never have spent all her energy to set up a large formation here to trap Ji Tianyu and his party to death.

Ji Tianyu took a look, and found that this formation is indeed a very powerful fairy formation, at least in the fairy world, it is used as a protection formation.Now, the purpose of setting up the big formation at the entrance of the Yaozu is self-evident.

Inside and outside, there are nine large formations, and the nine formations are one, which means ninety-nine return to one.In other words, if it is affected, the other eight formations will also transmit their strangling power to this formation.It is conceivable how powerful a person who gathers nine formations and punishes one is powerful.

If you can't see this point and enter the big formation, you won't have any other thoughts except death!

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