Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 110 You cheer the road!

Chapter 110 You cheer the road!
The liquid that Galadriel poured into Chen Mo had a good effect, it was sweet and refreshing, soft and long-lasting in the mouth, and successfully brought back Chen Mo's already popular energy core value.

The majesty of Maya is so terrifying!
Chen Mo was lying on the ground, looking at the turning progress bar, but what he was thinking about was the one that Suo Dayan just gave him. Just looking at each other, Chen Mo was almost regarded as an idiot by the other party, and his strong mental strength almost overwhelmed him. his nerves.

But fortunately, Gandalf took the main damage. This made Chen Mo understand that his damage was still not high enough. As long as he can kill the opponent with one shot, he won't be caught by the opponent in seconds!
After recovering almost all his energy, Chen Mo, who had nothing to do but his face was still covered with blood, stood up, raised his rifle and shot Sauron who was staring at the Elf Queen.

At this moment, the elf queen has changed her appearance. The dress on her body has turned blue-black like mold, and she herself is even darker than the dress. She is evil, and her eyes are burning with blue flames, which looks like the same black. Sauron is perfect.

But Chen Mo knew that it wasn't that the other party had turned black, but that the super fighting form of the Noldor Elf looked like this, worthy of being the eldest son of the gods, turning from black to white and white to black was as simple as eating and drinking water.

After the holy light bullet shot by Chen Mo entered the dark duel area between the two, it was like shooting into water, the speed suddenly slowed down, but it was still moving forward firmly, and then a ball of golden light exploded in Sauron's eyes.

Then it's gone!
Chen Mo felt that if his system had a blood bar, a number minus one would pop up on Sauron's head.

We failed to penetrate enemy armor!

Sauron, who was shot, was not in a hurry. After glaring at Chen Mo, the Nazgul who was fighting with Saruman immediately separated into two and rushed towards him.

Then the ring spirit was shot in the face again, Chen Mo reached his waist with a rifle, and the gun shot his head. Less than 20 meters away, the two ring spirits scattered and gathered, and they couldn't move in front of Chen Mo. Resurrection, Chen Mo has killed these two guys hundreds of times.

After being scattered again, a ring spirit learned to be smart and did not choose to attack frontally. Instead, he gathered his body and appeared below Chen Mo. His body flew along the stone pillars of the fortress, ready to give Chen Mo a chic backstab.

Then, just as he was about to rush up, Chen Mo took out the revolver with his left hand, and the gun was facing down.

The golden flames exploded, and the Ringwraiths who were trying to attack from the lower three lanes dissipated into the air like bursting balloons, and when they reappeared, they had already returned to Saruman's side, and a new Ringwraith took his place.

Is this a psychological shadow sprayed out by me?
Chen Mo didn't panic at all, let's fight with the wheels, come on, let's see if you have more resurrections or I have more bullets!

Loading, shooting, loading, and shooting like flowing clouds and flowing water, Chen Mo seemed to have entered the state of meditation. The whole set of actions was not muddled at all, and it even felt pleasing to the eye.

The rotation of the ring spirits has lasted for several waves, and the nine ring spirits have basically been beaten to the brim. They would rather be hacked to death by Elrond than go to Chen Mo.

And Sauron didn't feel very good. Galadriel could still fight against him, but with the addition of Saruman, he couldn't stand it a bit.

Middle-earth wizards, there are five in total, two blue robes went to the east and have been missing since then, most likely because they were cut down by Sauron, and among the remaining three wizards, Saruman occupies the place in white robes. Essinger is not unreasonable.

Although Gandalf thought that the white robe was a pretentious, hypocritical, prudish mage, he never doubted the other party's qualifications for the white robe.

Saruman and the Elf Queen, the two Middle-earth powerhouses fought one against another, and they forced Sauron's phantom back step by step.

Coupled with the fact that the Ringwraith, who was infinitely soloed by Gandalf Chen and Elrond, has been beaten to numb by the three of them, Sauron knew that he had to make a decision!
Is it just to explode the seed and fight back, or is it not to be killed if the explosion fails?

Among these two paths, Sauron chose the middle one.

The big ferocious eyes opened again, the black mist was hazy, and the flames were rushing. Seeing that Sauron was going to do his best, the Elf Queen and Saruman mobilized their strength one after another, waiting for the other party to make a move, and then Sauron disappeared without a trace in an instant.


Saruman, who thought he would be confronted by a unique trick, stared at him, but he never expected that after finishing his big spells, the other party ran away.

"Worthy of being a white robe, he repelled the Dark Lord!"

Gandalf knew that he would flatter the other party at this time, and he would not have to listen to his nagging in the next few decades, so he seized the time and said a lot of compliments to Saruman, and Saruman was very embarrassed by the flattery , he waved his hand and took care of everything, saying that the rest of the work will be left to me!
"Go back and recuperate, Sauron will leave it to me!"

"That's hard work, Master!"

Several people saluted to show their gratitude to the white robe, and Chen Mo was also very respectful, after all, the other party caught him. As for Saruman's betrayal, there is an old saying that a slap can't slap!Flies don't bite seamless eggs. If Saruman keeps himself clean, then Sauron will naturally not take advantage of it. If Saruman surrenders because of his strength, it will be useless to stop the other party now. let him go!
Saruman's figure chased Sauron and disappeared. The exhausted Galadriel was picked up by Elrond and was about to be sent back to the valley for recuperation. Chen Mo glanced at Gandalf, who glared at him.

"What are you looking at, I won't hug you!"

"Someone is in a hurry!"

Chen Mo got on his horse, Sauron ran away, and now his only task is to go to the lonely mountain to slay the dragon!
It's just that after returning to the deep valley, the elf waiter sent a piece of bad news.

When they were looking for Sauron, Thorin Oakenshield ran away early because he couldn't wait for Gandalf to return!
"When did this happen?"

Gandalf grabbed the elf servant's hand and asked loudly.

"Just yesterday, after a large number of Orc cavalry retreated from Doguldu!"

The elf waiter bowed slightly and said politely.

And Chen Mo and Gandalf looked at each other in blank dismay, Thorin Oak Shield was afraid that the elves would pick peaches, so they ran away early?Did he think his opponent was done with that?
"Then are we going to chase?"

"Let's rest for one night, you and I are not in good shape!"

Gandalf shook his head helplessly. He still wanted to repel Sauron, and then united with the elves to recover the Lonely Mountain. As a result, Sorin ran away ahead of time. He still asked the elves to help?

"These stupid dwarves!"

Gandalf could only swallow the bitter wine angrily, and then he and Chen Mo went back to their rooms to rest, and waited until the next morning when they were energetic before setting off.

(End of this chapter)

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