Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 111 Unfortunately, your singing voice didn't impress me!

Chapter 111 Unfortunately, your singing voice didn't impress me!
In the early morning of the second day, Chen Mo got up early, ate the breakfast prepared by the elves, and after taking the Lambas bread baked by Miss Elf and various preserved meats, Chen Mo stepped onto Elrond to give His elven steed followed Gandalf further north.

"Those dwarves were good boys, but their leader..."

Gandalf was riding on the horse, still talking.

"Then why don't you choose someone else?"

"Because Thorin is the best talker!"

Gandalf's voice was so loud that Chen Mo almost dropped the bread in his hand.

"The other dwarf lords, especially Thorin's cousin, Dyne Ironfoot, are like stones in the toilet!"

"It's okay, take back the Lonely Mountain, and you don't have to see the dwarves again!"

The two followed the footsteps of the dwarves all the way north, crossing mountains and mountains, but lost the trace of the dwarves in the misty forest, which made Gandalf a little worried.

"Shouldn't the heads of these dwarves be smashed into meat paste by the stone giant?"

"No, I think it might have something to do with our new friends!"

Chen Mo pointed to a river valley not far in front of the two of them, where a goblin with a wicked eyebrow and mouse eyes was riding wildly on a wild boar.

"Well done, Celent! I leave it to you!"

Gandalf drove his horse to chase the goblin, while Chen Mo sat on the horse and raised his gun. Seeing Gandalf approaching the goblin, Chen Mo pulled the trigger and killed the wild boar that the goblin was riding.

Then the thrown goblin landed right in front of Gandalf's horse.

After learning that the dear dwarf brother had been surrounded by goblins, Gandalf smashed the messenger's head with a stick.

"Sauron has already been repelled. I really don't know how the Orcs have the guts to act in broad daylight!"

"Perhaps it is because he is not dead that Orcs have the courage to act?"

Gandalf was speechless, and could only say that the white robe would deal with Sauron's ruthless words, and then took the lead and rushed to the gate of the Goblin Kingdom.

Goblins who can step on anyone are actually very miserable, because they are not even qualified to serve as cannon fodder for Sauron, they can only squat in the mountains and honestly dig mines and do coolies. Therefore, their gates are relatively Simple, Chen Mo took a look at the [-]-meter-high gate, and he had no doubt that he could turn it over by running with his own help.

But Gandalf has a faster way.

The gray-robed wizard took the lead, and the gemstone on the top of the staff flashed white light, and the goblin's gate and sentry were blown into the sky together.

Then the two rode their war horses directly into the interior of the kingdom, chopping melons and vegetables along the plank road built with simple wooden frames, and wiped out all the goblins they saw.

On the other side, King Goblin, who captured the dwarves alive, directly put the dwarves in front of his throne in order to celebrate his brilliance and prowess, and let them enjoy his wonderful singing voice.

After singing one song and another, the spout of saliva gave the big dwarf brothers a bath, but the smell was a bit strong.

Just when the dwarves heard that life was hopeless and began to fight for the land with their heads, Gandalf, Prince Charming, came.

Gandalf, who was driving the white horse, swung his staff at the Goblin King's head for a moment. This moment did not break the king's head, but the crumbling throne under the opponent's buttocks could no longer hold it. .

With the sound of rattling, cracks appeared on the throne and the base below, and then fell into the abyss with the king.

"Thorn Oak Shield, you are really easy for me to find!"

Thorin, who was being looked down upon by Gandalf, suddenly felt that he had no face left, and his face was burning hot.

And the other dwarves looked happy.

After being released by Gandalf, the morale of the dwarves was greatly boosted, and they took up their weapons and rushed out with Gandalf.

It's just that the goblin king appeared in front of everyone again before he ran very far.

"You will pay for interrupting my concert!"

The goblin king holding his scepter was about to burst into tears of anger. Do you know how much psychological shadow Gandalf caused to the child?
Then another elf warhorse jumped out from behind him, and the man on the horse fired three shots in the air.

"Sorry, your singing didn't impress me, so I won't turn around!"

The dexterous elf war horse braked sharply on the ground, and the man on the horseback picked up the soft hat on his head, and gestured slightly to the goblin king whose head had disappeared from the back half.

The Goblin King's lips twitched a few times, as if he wanted to say something, but in the next second, his huge body fell back into the abyss under the wooden trestle.

Then it was time for everyone to run happily, because Chen Mo killed the goblin king, and all the goblins in the whole kingdom ran away, and all the goblins rushed towards him like crazy, because according to the According to the tradition, whoever kills Chen Mo will be the next king. The goblins who have been bullying horses for too long also have a calm heart, and they are willing to give everything in order to take a step forward.

But getting close is one thing, but being able to meet Chen Mo is another.

Chen Mo charged forward with his right hand raised high, and the light in his hand was shining brightly. The dazzling golden holy light burned the approaching goblins and blinded their eyes. The goblins fell into the abyss screaming like headless flies , fell to pieces.

Holy Light Secret Technique, Blind Light!
Chen Mo at the front is like a tsunami crossing the border, but all the goblins who stand in the way are doomed. It's like a wave sweeping in, opening a bright road for the dwarves behind.

A goblin tried to knock down the wooden arrow tower built at the key point to block the way, but it was blasted by the impact of the holy light, sawdust flying, and countless bodies flew down immediately.

Chen Mo, who was in front, opened the way all the way, and Gandalf, who was behind him, was not to be outdone, holding a sword and staff all the way, harvesting the lives of countless goblins.

And when he saw Chen Mo destroying the buildings blocking the way with impact spells, Gandalf started casting spells directly on the mountain.

Beware, Celent, this is how the Shock Charm works!

Following Gandalf's actions, huge cracks appeared on the mountain that was supposed to be solid, and a large amount of gravel was falling down. The dwarves were so frightened and cried when they saw the falling rocks that were comparable to the city gate. Mother, what is the serious illness of these two people?We are still in the mountains and you are going to cause landslides?Can we just go out and talk?
A dozen or so dwarves wished their parents would grow two more legs, and ran abruptly behind Chen Mo's war horse. Seeing a glimmer of light appearing on the mountain in front, several dwarves even surpassed Chen Mo for a while, bouncing like a ball Bounced out.


(End of this chapter)

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