Accurate and fast within seven steps

Chapter 112 Someone is in a hurry, I won't say who it is!

Chapter 112 Someone is in a hurry, I won't say who it is!

After they escaped from the cave, they didn't dare to stay any longer, and continued to run outside until they confirmed that the debris from the collapsed mountain could not hit them before they stopped after running for several kilometers.

"This is really exciting! It's up to you, gray-robed mage!"

"You are not bad for each other, hunter!"

Chen Mo looked at the mountain that was slowly collapsing behind him, and couldn't help but flattered each other with Gandalf.

The two of you come and go, during the conversation, Sauron and his lackeys have all been destroyed, and the opponent everyone is talking about has been replaced by Sauron's big brother Morgoth. Why is Morgoth not a one-shot enemy? The other party punched three times and so on. Anyway, Morgoth was dead, so he couldn't hear the two of them bragging like this.

It's just that when Chen Mo was about to blow Gandalf's punch to Vera, the latter hurriedly stopped the car, and after talking a few more words, I was about to be dragged back by Vera to beat me, and then hanged on the lighthouse in Valinor harbor.

"Stop, stop, the enemy is not dead yet, we still need to be cautious!"

"Well, Gandalf, what you said makes sense, next time we will go to Mordor to find Sauron to settle accounts!"

Then Gandalf acted as if he hadn't heard, and began to count the dwarves.

"Isn't it because you're afraid?"

"how is this possible!"

Gandalf blew his beard and stared, his hands were neither light nor heavy, and almost smashed the hapless dwarf Duvalin to the ground.

Then there are some incomprehensible words such as the mission of wizards is to lead the future, and violence will only bring violence again.

Chen Mo nodded, that's right, it seems that the gray robe really doesn't have the confidence to beat the opponent!

After counting the number of people, Gandalf realized that there seemed to be a dwarf missing.

"Where's Bilbo?"

Only then did everyone realize that Bilbo, who had been following carefully in the team, had disappeared.

"We got separated from him before he fell into an ambush!"

Some dwarves said that when they saw Bilbo, they were stepping into a goblin's trap, and then they could never find each other again.

And Chen Mo's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, he had so much fun just now, shouldn't he bury the unlucky hobbit in the mountain?
Immediately, the crowd hurried to the crumbling mountain, trying to find Bilbo, but before they ran far, they saw a short man with a dusty head running down the hill while waving his hands.

"Got it, Bilbo is the Warrior of Light!"

Looking at such a substituting meeting scene, Chen Mo suddenly thought of the old seniors. Every time they finished fighting the monsters, they would raise their hands and greet each other with a smile, while running out of the corners. Except for Bilbo's height, other The duplication rate is as high as [-]%.

Although he didn't experience too many battles, Bilbo became good friends with the dwarves with his unique charm. Even Thorin Oak Shield couldn't get angry with him. Everyone took turns hugging and celebrating Bilbo. Chen Mo looked at the pocket that Bilbo could protect and showed a very satisfied smile.

It seems that there will be more trouble next time!

Bilbo found the Supreme Ring in the Goblin Kingdom, and then carried it on his body for decades. It can be called the No. 1 magic resistance in Middle-earth.

But Chen Mo didn't have the slightest interest in that ring. If he really wanted the ring, wouldn't it be good to get Gandalf's Ring of Fire? What else can the Supreme Lord of the Rings do except make people like Gulu's skin?As long as Chen Mo can grow another five centimeters, Chen Mo will go directly to Mordor to recognize his godfather without saying a word!

Now that all members of the team were unharmed, they continued to move forward. On the way, Gandalf and Sorin had a detailed conversation again. Of course, it was Gandalf who was angry the whole time, and Sorin, who knew he was wrong, remained silent and let the other party preach , but after talking about the future of Lonely Mountain, Sorin still broke out.

The reason for Sorin's outbreak is also very simple. He is always worried that the wealth of the Lonely Mountain will be missed by others, especially the elves. Sorin is very sad about the elves who stood by when Smaug attacked the Lonely Mountain. He is unwilling to accept the kindness of the elves. , I always think that they have other plans, and Gandalf is still counting on the elves to send people to deal with Smaug with them, which hits Thorin's pain point.

Chen Mo curled his lips as he listened in the back, wondering what Sorin would think if he knew that Thranduil, the king of the woodland, and his army were not here to help the dwarves, but to collect debts by force?It's good that the opponent didn't take advantage of Smaug's attack on the dwarves to add insult to injury!

"Dragon disease!"

Gandalf looked at Thorin who was angry, and silently made a mouth shape to Chen Mo.

What a surprise!
Chen Mo rubbed the center of his brows, logically speaking, everything went well, everyone should be happy, why did this guy suddenly fall ill?

In fact, it is not difficult to explain. The original death squad escaped death, and the continuous battles left everyone with no time to think about other things, so Sorin only fell ill after taking the Lonely Mountain, but now, the death squad met all the way. The enemies were either wiped out by Chen Mo or beheaded by Gandalf. In such a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, Sorin thought a little too much, and with a little more, he finally got out of hand!

How about we beat him up?If the child is disobedient, just give him a good beating!

Chen Mo gestured quickly, regardless of whether Gandalf could understand it or not.

Then Gandalf really understood.

can not fight!
Gandalf shook his head, then sighed again, it would be great if there were some orcs in this meeting, as long as there is a fight and let them vent, it will be easy to convince!

Then everyone heard a horn sounding behind their buttocks, and another wolf cavalry appeared on the horizon, and looking at the flags, it was the Orc leader Azog himself leading the team.

Sure enough, seeing the enemy appear, Sorin immediately put everything behind him, and his eyes were no longer distracted, but instead, he ignited the anger of revenge!

Someone is in a hurry, I won't say who it is!

Chen Mo looked at the wolf cavalry in the distance. He wanted to break his head and didn't know why Azog appeared, but after seeing Gandalf, he suddenly realized.

"Do you think that guy doesn't know we're here?"

"It's possible!"

Gandalf nodded!

"Then let's leave this thing here?"

Chen Mo made a movement of touching his neck, the meaning was very clear, choosing a day is worse than hitting the day, if Azog delivered it to the door by himself, then he must not be allowed to run away!
"That's what I meant!"

Gandalf nodded, a child can be taught, within a few months after he came out, Chen Mo already knew the person who solved the problem!

Then Gandalf flattered and signaled the Death Squad to move their position, to lure Azog a little deeper, lest the other party run away early.

And Chen Mo was thinking about whether to remove the opponent's arm later, and let him compete with Sorin on a fair basis!
 the third
(End of this chapter)

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