Chapter 10

Xiao Xueer is worthy of being the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Wei, and she basically knows about things here and the division of powers, and Lin Fei also raised a few questions about some cultivation issues.

"You said that there is chaos in the sea of ​​bitterness?" Hearing what Lin Fei had seen and heard, Xiao Xueer couldn't help but frowned, and said slowly, "That may be the legendary body of chaos, I heard from the emperor in the palace. However, it is said that the chaotic body is different from the general physique of monks, and they have inherent advantages. Their sea of ​​suffering is a chaos as soon as they are born, and there are many ancient totems in it. I can see the supreme physique, but..."

"But what?" Lin Fei explained without changing his face, "I was also explaining to a friend of mine that when a fellow Taoist opened up the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, there seemed to be a little chaos, but there was no such thing as the ancient totem you mentioned. ..."

Of course he wouldn't admit that he was that chaotic body, otherwise he wouldn't have been dissected.

"I once read an ancient book, which mentioned this unique physique. It recorded some characteristics of this physique, and it can be said to be praised or criticized." Xiao Xueer is well-informed and has indeed seen I have read such an ancient book, "their sea of ​​bitterness was the sea of ​​chaos at the beginning, accompanied by the appearance of a large number of ancient totems, including ancient sharks, sky clouds, peacocks, cranes, and even real dragon totems. With such a large number of totems, once they cultivate and enter the Dao Palace, they will have strange appearances that are different from ordinary people."

"However, there is another legend about the chaotic body. Because their sea of ​​suffering is too large and filled with a lot of chaotic energy, they need a lot of spiritual energy to replenish, so it is very difficult for them to advance. Ordinary monks have ten times or even a hundred times more spiritual power!"

Xiao Xueer revealed a secret, which made Lin Fei feel a little embarrassed.

"It might be better if it is in the first secret realm. Some holy places can still cultivate chaotic bodies. After all, they can afford to produce those ordinary spiritual liquids. But once they enter the secret realm of Dao Palace, the spiritual liquid is completely useless. Spiritual power is drawn from spirit stones. Ordinary monks need a lot of spirit stones every time they rise to a small realm, while chaotic bodies often need ten times or even a hundred times the spirit stones to rise to a level. If you want to reach the peak of the five heavens in the Taoist Palace , It’s hard to imagine how many spirit stones are needed to fill it up, I’m afraid it’s hard to give up a chaotic body in the four-pole secret realm if the accumulation of all the holy places is taken out...” When talking about the secrets of the chaotic body, Xiao Xue’er couldn’t help but feel a little curious. Hush, "That's why the chaotic body is also called the ancient waste body!"

"...I..." Lin Fei really wanted to be rough when he heard that, what's going on, he didn't offend anyone in this world, how could he be called an ancient waste body just as soon as he was reincarnated!


At this moment, the goddess treasure book that had just disappeared for a while appeared again, hanging in front of Lin Fei, nodding vigorously, as if turning a page, but it was actually a blank page.

"Take Xiao Xueer, a little girl, into the treasure book, dare to say that we are useless, take her in, let her see how powerful we are, and see whether we are useless or not, hehe, this little girl is so thin The skin is tender and the body is good..."

There was an inexplicable palpitation in Lin Fei's mind, as if another self was laughing evilly in his mind, which made him enter a state of trance for a short time.

"Friend Daoist Lin?" Seeing that Lin Fei had lost his mind, Xiao Xueer called him softly, and Lin Fei woke up from his loss.

"Oh, it's okay, I was a little dizzy just now..." Lin Fei hurriedly explained.

Xiao Ling'er murmured softly: "You are clearly staring at Eldest Sister, but that naughty brow doesn't seem to be doing anything good..."



Lin Fei and Xiao Xue'er had different expressions. Lin Fei was depressed. Could it be that the moment he lost his mind just now, Xiao Xue'er really felt the abnormal look in Lin Fei's eyes just now. It was a kind of male to female. Intense dominating gaze.

"Hehe, although it may be an ancient waste body, I seem to have heard that every three hundred generations, this chaotic physique will give birth to a super supreme. I wonder if the princess knows the secret?" Lin Fei quickly changed the subject, and Secretly suppressing the goddess treasure book in my heart, that treasure book is really too evil.

Xiao Xue'er also climbed up the pole, and said thoughtfully: "There is indeed such a legend, I don't know anything else, but it is said that the [-]th generation of chaotic body is a generation of demon emperor Xue Ji, that is a generation of great emperors, it is something that ordinary people can't understand." The existence of speculation is a deep taboo among monks."

"Although it is said that every three hundred generations of the chaotic body, there will be a Gaidai figure, but it seems that the demon emperor Xue Ji was born 8 to 8 years ago, and in these [-] to [-] years, I want to give birth to another [-]th generation It is impossible to think about the chaotic body, so most of the current legends about the chaotic body will still regard it as an ancient waste body..."



The four of them were talking, when there was a strange noise from outside, Lin Fei and the three sisters of the Xiao family quickly extinguished the fire, and the four of them hid together on a towering old tree.


A small animal covered with black fur was running towards Lin Fei and the others, but there were more than a dozen monks chasing after them with swords.

"It seems to be a flying civet..." Xiao Ling'er was very concerned about this kind of thing, and recognized the identity of this little animal at a glance.

Xiao Qian'er also nodded: "And it's a flying civet that hasn't grown up. If this civet grows up, it will at least have the strength of the peak of the Taoist Palace. It may even break into the four-pole secret realm. It is the most precious treasure among spirit beasts... "

"Don't talk anymore, those people in front seem to be from Heilian Kingdom..." Xiao Xueer reprimanded lightly, and the two sisters stopped talking.

Lin Fei, on the other hand, looked carefully at the flying civet in front of him. To him, it looked more like a little black-haired mouse. It was about the same size as a mouse on Earth, but it contained a lot of spiritual power.

"No wonder it's called the flying civet..." Lin Fei had sharp eyes and noticed the pair of thin wings on the little guy's back.

After this little thing becomes an adult, it should be able to spread its wings and become a real flying civet!

The little flying civet was captured by a group of people from the Black Lotus Kingdom, and it ran for nearly a hundred miles. It found a fire in front of it, and some roasted pork bones that Lin Fei and the others had eaten, so it stopped and grabbed a few. Put it in your mouth and start chewing non-stop.

In a short while, the little guy ate more than a dozen big bones, and then he burped in satisfaction.

"Look where you're going!"

As soon as the little guy was full, a silver-clothed monk stood in front of him, and several other monks also settled down to surround the little guy.

"Let's see where you can go this time!"

"Hey, Your Majesty the Crown Prince, you see that this flying civet has been surrounded by us, this time it can't escape even with its wings!"

A young man wearing a silver crown stepped out from the crowd. He had a square face with sword eyebrows, and he was somewhat handsome, but this man was full of sinister energy, and his eyes were a bit scary. This man was Prince Hei Lian.


Prince Hei Lian couldn't help but slap the flattering guy beside him, and shouted: "Make a net and capture this little beast!"

He didn't want to listen to that animal's nonsense anymore, and he said "this time it can't escape with its wings!" but every time he let this little thing run away, it was like an animal. waste!

Seeing that the prince was already angry, everyone dared not neglect any more. This prince is a master of murder without blinking an eye.


The little guy ate some leftover bones, and his bones became hardened. He no longer ran away, but stood up with his legs, baring his teeth and claws as if to demonstrate to everyone.

"Little thing, die!"

"Look at your grandpa's magic weapon..."

"I took you a little thing for a gourd!"


Eight people surrounded the little flying civet, and each threw out a magic weapon of their own, including a gourd, a flying sword, a fan, and even a magic weapon similar to a wrench...

These magic weapons are not too bad, but they are not the best, they are all ordinary things.But these eight things were sacrificed at the same time, but a powerful coercion was emitted, which immediately crushed the flying civet to the ground.

"The sky and the earth net, knot!"

It turned out that it was Prince Hei Lian who was in the highest position, who sacrificed a bottle of liquid medicine, and this bottle of liquid medicine actually connected these eight magic weapons into a big net, and threw it at the flying civet.


The Flying Civet was scared this time, and ran away despite the coercion. Obviously, it had seen the power of the net on its way to escape before.

"It's still possible to do this? Is this the method of assembly described in the introduction book?"

Lin Fei on the ancient tree was amused to see that the eight magic weapons could superimpose mana power through a bottle of liquid medicine, forming a coercion that was obviously dozens of times stronger than a single magic weapon. This was the first time he had seen this kind of attack secret method.

As the name suggests, the assembly method is to combine some magic weapons together, and its power can exceed the sum of the power of the original single magic weapons.Legend has it that in the world there is a technique called "Group of Gods". If one obtains this technique, even the most common magic weapon can exert hundreds of times the power of the original magic weapon after combination, which can be called a magical skill.

What this prince of Hei Lian used was the Art of Assembling Artifacts, which is an uncommon technique of the Hei Lian Kingdom. Combining the eight magic weapons through some secret methods can exert three times the original power of the eight magic weapons!

The Flying Civet rushed to the east, and there was a thin young man holding a wooden bowl. After several escapes, it had long since discovered that this young man was the weakest among these people. The cultivation base in the mid-stage of the sea of ​​bitterness.


While sprinting, the flying civet's claws turned purple, and several extremely long sharp claws grew out, grabbing at the thin young man with the momentum of piercing through the air.

Assembling device method, as long as one of the devices is broken, it can be destroyed without attack.


Seeing the civet cat pounce on him, the thin young man showed a sneer, and the civet cat suddenly felt that something was wrong, how could this guy laugh so strangely.

"The sky and the earth net, knot!"

At this moment, Crown Prince Heilian threw out the medicinal liquid again and formed a heaven and earth net. Behind the thin young man, another monk appeared. He sacrificed a piece of talisman and melted it into the sky and earth net.


The flying civet immediately withered away, and the net formed by the components immediately covered it, and the wooden bowl of the emaciated young man took the flying civet into it.

"Congratulations, His Majesty the Prince, finally got what he wanted..."

The young man handed the wooden bowl to Prince Hei Lian respectfully, and several other monks also congratulated him. Prince Hei Lian took the wooden bowl and weighed it, and couldn't help but smiled with satisfaction: "If it wasn't for breaking through to the group in the past few days How can it be so easy to subdue this little thing..."

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