Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 9 "Treasure of the Goddess"

Chapter 9

"Goddess Treasure Book!"

The fairy book is shining with bursts of silver light. On the cover is a woman who is the most famous in the world. This woman is dressed in a white dress called Sai Xue. With a slim figure and a slim waist, the woman on the cover looks like a fairy descending to earth, which made Lin Fei's heart tremble!

As soon as the treasure mirror came out, it emitted a burst of golden light, which enveloped the three young girls, and none of the cold air from outside could penetrate into the body, and could not hurt the three sisters of the Xiao family in the slightest.

"This treasure book is really not a thing! Seeing profit and forgetting righteousness!" Lin Fei felt extremely resentful, and really wanted to go up and whip this treasure book hard.

I fell into the cold lake before, and I didn't see it rescue me. It was the void mirror that saved me. Even during the year I stayed in the cold lake, I tried countless times to summon this treasure book, but this Stuff just can't die!

Now as soon as he sees a woman, this damn treasure will come out by himself, and the speed is not as fast as usual, and immediately starts to do the work of pity and pity!



A few miles away from the Wannianhan Lake, Lin Fei lit a fire and roasted several pig-like animals on it.This small animal looks a lot like a modern pig, but it is very small. After the skin is stripped and the internal organs are removed, one weighs only seven or eight catties.

Lin Fei has been roasting here for more than half an hour, and the piglet is almost done roasting. The golden oil inside is overflowing, and the aroma is so strong that Lin Fei almost drools.

Over the past year, Lin Fei would come up to roast a few of these piglets every other month, and then bring them to the bottom of the lake to make dry food.The quality of the small pork is not old, and it is very resistant to storage. In addition, the oil in the body has a special fragrance, which makes people's lips and teeth fragrant after eating.

There are three beautiful girls lying beside the fire, they are the three sisters of the Xiao family, and there is a treasure book in the void above the heads of the three sisters.But most people can't see this Goddess Book, only its owner. Lin Fei can see the dirty look of that book, and the movement of turning around is clearly thinking, which one should I ask first? It's better for girls to start.

"Well, it should be almost..."

Taking a roasted piglet and smelling its aroma, Lin Fei nodded with satisfaction. It had been seven or eight days since he had eaten such a delicacy, and he was really salivating.

As for the goddess treasure book, let it do whatever it likes, and now he doesn't know how to use this treasure book!

"Huh? It smells so good..."

At this moment, Xiao Ling'er, who was lying beside the fire, slowly opened her eyes, took a deep breath, and immediately rolled her big watery eyes.

"I'm not dead yet?"

Soon she discovered that the place she was staying in should still be in the old forest.

"Uh, you're not dead yet, you're alive and well..." Lin Fei beside the fire replied lukewarmly.

"Ah! Who are you!" The voice of a strange man beside him startled Xiao Ling'er, sat up and looked at Lin Fei carefully, covered her tender body and exclaimed, "You did this to me!" What, can't it be me? This lady is omnipotent in heaven and earth, and she can fascinate thousands of young men. How can the future fairies of heaven be caught by your..."

"..." Lin Fei was stunned, black lines appeared on his face, and he wondered if I was like that kind of person, "I said, little sister, do you have any sharp eyesight? Are there still gentlemen in the world?"

From appearance, Lin Fei really thinks that he is a gentleman. His predecessor Lin Fei walked among the mountains and rivers, visited names, learned literature from teachers, and he was full of elegance. In addition, he was a little thin and his features were not good. It's like a big girl doing big evil.

The girl in front of her is probably only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she has a beautiful face, watery eyes, long eyelashes, a smart nose, and a small ruddy mouth. She is a pure angel, a saint.In time, she will definitely grow into a beautiful girl who will cause troubles in the world, but now Lin Fei really has no interest in her at all, because what she just said is really inappropriate.

Xiao Ling'er covered her body and found that there was nothing unusual on her body, her complexion couldn't help but twitch, could it be that she scolded wrongly.Smelling the scent of burning fragrant pigs, Xiao Linger's stomach groaned uncontrollably.

"Huh? You are so cruel, you even skinned and roasted the cute little fragrant pig!" But after seeing clearly that it was a little fragrant pig, Xiao Linger's resentment came up again, and she joined Lin Fei's In front of him, with an angry expression on his face, "You have slaughtered the little fragrant pig, and the young lady and the two elder sisters will definitely not be able to escape your clutches. Tell me, which sect and faction are you from, and why did you appear in our country of Wei?" In the territory..."

"Could it be that you are the flying flower picker in the legends of the world? Yin Tianyu?" Xiao Ling'er suddenly thought of a scary name, and couldn't help but take a few steps back to protect herself and her two sisters.

"Yin Tianyu?" Lin Fei's eyes suddenly turned sharp. This name was unforgettable for him forever!

Seeing the sudden change in Lin Fei's expression, Xiao Ling'er couldn't help but shuddered, and quietly took out a piece of gray talisman paper from her waist!

"Do you know Yin Tianyu?" After a while, Lin Fei raised his head and stared at Xiao Ling'er.

"I, I don't know..." Xiao Ling'er stuttered a little bit, Lin Fei's eyes had a fierce light, and there was an inexplicable murderous look, which made her, a little monk in the Sea of ​​​​Bitter Realm, a little scared.

"Then tell me about the background of this Yin Tianyu..." Lin Fei's murderous aura suddenly dissipated, and Xiao Ling'er felt that the pressure was much less. She wondered if this guy had a grudge against Yin Tianyu?

"Could it be that he has an older sister or younger sister who was picked by Yin Tianyu?" Xiao Ling'er's little mind was spinning quickly.

She has already thought of countless possibilities in her mind, and the most cruel idea is that Lin Fei has some kind of fiancée, or wife, who was raped by Yin Tianyu, or Lin Fei's old mother. Her beauty was also fucked by Yin Tianyu's heavy taste!


At this moment, Xiao Xueer and Xiao Qianer on the ground woke up at the same time.

"Thank you fellow daoist for saving me..." Xiao Xueer was the first to react, thanking Lin Fei for saving her.

Xiao Xueer looks similar to Xiao Linger, but the eldest sister Xiao Xueer is more feminine and her body is more fully developed.She has a slender figure and graceful curves. Although she was seriously injured, her gestures are still full of the unique taste of a mature woman. Just a gift, it can be seen that her temperament is definitely not from ordinary families. big family.

"You scum, why do you keep staring at my elder sister! Do you still want to bully my elder sister?" Seeing Lin Fei looking at her elder sister, Xiao Ling'er was so angry that she stepped forward with her hands on her hips and wanted to grab Lin Fei's ears. A little tigress.

Lin Fei smiled helplessly, and with a swipe in the air, a cloud of chaotic air separated Xiao Linger's hand, and said with a slight smile: "You misunderstood, I just admire your sister..."

He didn't expect that the little peppers in this world would pull their ears when they bully boys.

"You, you..." Before Xiao Ling'er reprimanded her, she was covered by Xiao Qian'er. Xiao Qian'er saluted Lin Fei generously, and smiled at Lin Fei, "This fellow Taoist made you laugh. Linger has always been like this, she is eccentric and likes to play tricks on people..."

Xiao Xueer also came out to make a rescue: "Yes, I hope fellow Taoist will forgive Ling'er's offense. This is because of her nature. I don't know how to call you friend?"

She could see that Lin Fei's simple wipe of his hands just now separated the spiritual power transformed by his little sister. The young man in front of him was not an ordinary person.

"Lin Fei!" Lin Fei's answer was very simple. He looked up at Xiao Linger who was waving his small fist at him, and asked, "I wonder if sister Linger can tell me about Yin Tianyu?"

Yin Tianyu, Lin Fei will never forget this name!

The Chaos faction has a mortal enemy named Ji, and Yin Tianyu is the No.18 descendant of that Ji. In order to practice the bloodthirsty Dafa, Yin Tianyu did not hesitate to kill hundreds of villagers in a village, and was bumped into by Lin Fei.

The two fought, Lin Fei was defeated, and his life was in danger. In the end, the old Taoist Ziyang had to help him change his life against the sky!

This Yin Tianyu is not the Yin Tianyu on Earth. This Yin Tianyu has been famous for a long time in the Wei Kingdom. For decades, relying on his cultivation in the secret realm of the Dao Palace and his unique disguise technique, he has already There are no less than a hundred stunning beauties from all over the country of Wei who have been murdered by him.Moreover, it is said that this guy often commits crimes across borders, and many female monks in some small sects have been defiled by him.

Although Xiao Ling'er was not ashamed of Lin Fei's cruelty to the little fragrant pig, her stomach still didn't live up to it. She snatched a little fragrant pig that Lin Fei had roasted, and killed most of the little fragrant pig without any beauty or feminine demeanor. pig.Xiao Xue'er and Xiao Qian'er were much more refined, each of them just ate a roasted pork leg, and the remaining few roasted fragrant pigs were all packed into Lin Fei's stomach, which was enough for him to eat. There are twenty or thirty catties of meat.

"I said scum, you are not reincarnated from starvation, are you? You eat so much in one meal? Which family can afford you?" Xiao Ling'er seemed to be born at odds with Lin Fei, no matter how you look at it, Lin Fei is uncomfortable.

Lin Fei wiped his mouth, smiled and said nothing.

Who told him to be a disciple of the Chaos Sect? All the disciples of the Chaos Sect have a big appetite, even his own master, who used to eat a roasted cow of several hundred catties by himself.The Qi of Chaos is the Mother Qi of Heaven and Earth. To refine these Qi of Chaos, a large amount of energy must be replenished. Just eating a few piglets is not Lin Fei's real appetite at all.

"Ling'er, don't be unreasonable..." Xiao Xue'er was also quite helpless towards this younger sister, and apologized to Lin Fei, "Fellow Daoist Lin, don't forgive me like a little sister, she is just like this..."

Lin Fei waved his hand: "It's not like..."

"Cut, what are you pretending to be an expert..." Xiao Ling'er couldn't see Lin Fei's generous appearance. After Xiao Qian'er pinched her, she closed her mouth, but she murmured in her heart, "Isn't it because I covet my eldest sister?" And the beauty of the second sister, and pretending to be the same, what a scum..."

Naturally, Lin Fei didn't have the same knowledge as Xiao Ling'er, since he returned to his soul, he hadn't had any communication with anyone, that is, he had a few chats with Lao Luo in that cave.Now that there are so many beautiful sisters by his side, Lin Fei will naturally not let this opportunity go, and ask sister Xiao Xueer for help more often.

Xiao Xueer was generous, she knew everything, and even told Lin Fei her identity.

It turns out that the three sisters are the three princesses of the Xiao family of the royal family of Wei State. Because the younger sister Ling'er was playful before, she accidentally broke into this deep mountain and old forest by mistake.

Regarding Lin Fei's background, Xiao Xue'er didn't ask much. Lin Fei just said that she was a hermit monk, and she was just preparing to go out for some experience.

[Three chapters and [-] words are finished today]

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