Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 8 The Three Sisters of the Xiao Family

Chapter 8

Lin Fei didn't dare to open this ritual book anymore, so he quickly sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath, trying to absorb the energy of chaos from the spiritual sea.This time he succeeded, a ray of chaotic air floated out from the spiritual sea and flooded into his eyes, but this time he did not heal quickly, but it took a long time before Lin Fei dared to open his eyes.

"This Tianyuan Continent is not easy!" Lin Fei sighed in his heart, opened his eyes and burst into tears.

Lin Fei took out three ritual books from the box in total. He couldn't read the first one and had to put it in the spiritual sea, and read it later when his cultivation level improved.The second book was a cyan wooden ritual letter, which was of good quality. He hung the Void Mirror on the cover of the book, and he carefully opened the book.


As soon as the book was opened, the void mirror was overturned. It turned out that there was a small formation on the first page, which caused the void mirror to suffer a small loss.


The Void Mirror was extremely dissatisfied, like a child, it circled around the ritual letter a few times to demonstrate.

"Hehe, there are times when you meet your opponent..."

Seeing such emotions in a mirror, Lin Fei couldn't help laughing. He pulled the Void Mirror over and read the book carefully.

"Introduction to practice..."

"Sick to death, it's so interesting that such a basic introduction to practice has been placed in a formation. This Gong Tianren..."

After flipping through many pages, Lin Fei had a strange expression on his face. This is actually an introduction to the most basic practice.It may be useless for others to take it, but for him, it is a timely help, because at this time he is completely ignorant of the division of cultivation levels and strength in Tianyuan Continent.Even the chaotic sea that appeared in his spiritual sea now, he couldn't explain it. He thought it was a mutation when he practiced Qi Transformation.

Flipping through this most basic introduction book, Lin Fei read it very engrossed.

"Cultivation is the creation of heaven and earth. Blessing is on one's own body. There are risks at any time. You need to be cautious when entering the Tao!"

The first line of the introduction made Lin Fei roll his eyes, which is actually the same as the modern "smoking is harmful to health".

He directly ignored the nonsense and read some introductions that he urgently needed to know.

"The human body is a treasure. No one knows how many secrets are hidden in this treasure. It is precisely because of the continuous exploration of human beings that there is a common path of cultivation. It is not easy for ordinary people to live a hundred years, and the most ordinary monks, the natural life expectancy is at least 130 years old. There is a wheel of life in the human body's spiritual sea. Only by ditching some methods and successfully communicating with the wheel of life will a sea of ​​bitterness be born in the spiritual sea. This is the official On the road of cultivation."

"Cultivating Taoism is divided into the four secret realms of Lunhai, Taoist Palace, Four Pole, and Xiantai. If you successfully create the Sea of ​​​​Bitterness, you have entered the first big secret realm, Lunhai Secret Realm. With the help of various exercises in the realm of Taoism, you can cultivate this Lunhai Mystery."

"The secret realm of Lunhai is divided into the four realms of the sea of ​​bitterness, the spring of life, the bridge of God, and the other shore. After the sea of ​​bitterness is successfully opened up, after a certain amount of accumulation, you can try to ignite the fountain of life in the sea of ​​bitterness. Once ignited, , you can enter the realm of Fate Spring..|After reaching the realm of Fate Spring, you can learn flying skills..."


"If you reach the realm of Life Spring, you can fly with the sword?"

Looking at the above introduction, Lin Fei couldn't believe it. In the cultivation world of the earth, even if he had reached the realm of practicing God and returning to the void, he had never heard of anyone who could fly.

This book not only introduces some common sense in practice, but also introduces some rare physiques in the world. On these rare physique rankings, Lin Fei saw his own physique ranking.

"The physique of the Tianyuan Continent ranks third, Chaos Body! Also known as the Innate Chaos Body, it is rare in all ages. Anyone with this physique is a Gaiden figure. The previous demon emperor Xue Ji is the Innate Chaos Body!"

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Fei frowned, and couldn't help biting, because there was still a paragraph behind.

"It's a pity that since ancient times, there have been 980 recorded births of two chaotic body monks, but there are only three who have achieved Taoism! These three are Zhundi Daoge, Zhundi Niu Li and Yaodi Xue Ji! None of the other chaotic physiques has reached the height of a saint. This vein is deplorable! Therefore, it is said that every three hundred generations, a peerless powerhouse will appear in the chaotic body, and Doug is the first Three hundred, Niu Li is the six hundredth, Xue Ji is the nine hundredth chaotic body!"


"Your uncle, according to what you said, wouldn't I have to be the [-]th generation chaotic body to achieve the right result? Otherwise, it would be impossible to even become a saint?"

Lin Fei directly ignored the above introduction, and continued to study this book of rituals, trying to supplement the common sense of Taoism in Tianyuan Continent.


This is an old forest deep in the western part of the Wei Kingdom, with towering ancient trees, birds and beasts can be seen everywhere, and there are even many spirit beasts walking through this forest.

In the secluded place of the old forest, the heat is steaming, the clouds are shrouded in mist, and there is a calm lake in front of it.Experienced hunters nearby know that it is definitely not a warm water lake, but a ten thousand year cold lake that ordinary people cannot get close to. Once the blood in the whole body condenses, it will instantly become a frozen corpse.


A huge bat dragon lifted off from the canopy of the tree, startling some small animals below, and a broken piece of wood fell from the canopy, which was grabbed by the bat dragon's claws.

"Look, it looks like a flying spirit beast Batosaurus!"

"Yeah, the wings are so long, they must be more than ten feet long?"

"If I can catch such a bat dragon as a flying spirit beast, wouldn't the empress become an omnipotent dragon knight?"

Just under the branches of a towering ancient tree, there were three girls in animal skins chattering about the bat dragon that had just taken off.

"Hush... all of you keep your voices down, this bat dragon is the king of flying spirit beasts, if it finds out, all three of us will confess here today..." the girl in red glared at the other two, and said cautiously .

This bat dragon has a strange temperament and is usually docile, but once it is stimulated, it will go crazy, and its combat power will be increased dozens of times.There are legends in the world of self-cultivation that this top-level bat dragon can be cultivated into a human form, promoted to the ranks of holy beast kings, and may even become a saint.


As soon as the girl in red finished speaking, there was a roar in the sky, and a powerful air current hit directly below.

"Let's go! It's Batosaurus back!"

The girl in red moved quickly, pulled the two sisters and rushed to the side, "Bang..." "Bang..."

Broken logs flew behind him, the ground shook and the mountains shook, and a violent airflow above the head instantly blasted the place where the three sisters had landed to pieces.

A huge figure of Batosaurus appeared in the sky, and a shadow covered the entire bottom, and the three sisters were mainly under this shadow.

"Elder Sister, Second Sister, why is this bat dragon so big, is it trying to tear us apart?" The purple-clothed girl's pretty face turned pale, her body trembled slightly, and she tightly grabbed the sleeves of the two older sisters.

The girl in red is the eldest sister Xiao Xueer, the girl in green is the second sister Xiao Qianer, the girl in purple is the third sister Xiao Linger, and these three girls belong to the three daughters of the Xiao family of the Wei State.

Xiao Xueer protected the two younger sisters behind her, looked up at the bat dragon above her head, and said solemnly: "This bat dragon is very strong, judging from the turbulence just now, it is at least the peak of the fourth heaven of the Dao Palace. With such strength, the three of us have no chance of winning..."

"The realm of the Dao Palace, or the peak of the Fourth Heaven?" The third sister Ling'er's expression changed, "If such a bat dragon is adopted as a spiritual pet, then my strength will be improved in an instant. Arrogant!"


As soon as Xiao Ling'er finished speaking, the bat dragon above became angry again. In its view, the girl below was really hateful, and she wanted to accept herself as a spiritual pet!

"Ling'er, don't say any more..."

The second sister Xiao Qian'er pulled the third sister Ling'er aside, just now the place where the three sisters stayed was blown out of a big hole again, and the words of the third sister Linger just now had already provoked Batlong!



"Boom boom boom..."

Master Bat Dragon began to show his power, and launched an indiscriminate range attack. The ancient trees and small beasts below suffered disaster. In a short period of time, they were all wiped out, and even the several boulders below were also bombarded. It became powder!

The three sisters were also practitioners, among them Xiao Xue'er saw the situation and quickly sacrificed a silver broad sword, leading the three of them to flee in the forest with the sword flying.

The bat dragon was very angry, its huge body hovered in the air, and the icy ice balls hit the three sisters below one after another.Xiao Xueer's strength is not bad, but she is still far away from the Bat Dragon, and she can barely dodge one after another of fierce attacks while controlling the sword, but her spiritual power is being consumed rapidly, and she can't last long.

"Eldest sister, hurry up, hurry up, that big guy is going to catch up!" Ling'er, the third sister, hugged the slender waist of Xiao Qian'er, the second sister, with an unspeakable excitement on her pretty face. I don't know the danger of the three sisters at this time.

Xiao Qian'er reprimanded: "Ling'er, don't talk nonsense, it will affect your elder sister's control of the sword!"


Another ball of cold struck, and the broad sword was almost overturned in the air. The third sister, Ling'er, was thrown halfway to the bottom, and was pulled up by her second sister.


Xiao Xueer was severely injured, and spit out a big mouthful of blood, which wet her red clothes.


"Sister! Are you okay?"

Ling'er only became nervous at this moment, her face turned pale. Just now she had been playing with the mentality, thinking that her eldest sister led herself and her second sister to avoid the bat dragon above her head with ease, but she didn't expect her eldest sister to be injured.

"It's... nothing..." Xiao Xueer forced herself to stabilize her mind, absorbed the spiritual energy again and flew with the flying sword, swaying to and fro, before she knew it, she came to a cold lake!


The bat dragon in the sky spit out several ice balls again, the air flow in the space was blocked by the ice balls, the powerful icy air directly overturned Xiao Xue'er, the flying sword also lost control, and the three sisters fell into the cold lake.

"Ah, no..."






The three sisters fell into the cold lake one after another. The bat dragon in the air chased them here, but it seemed to have seen a ghost, and quickly turned away again. It couldn't stand the cold here!


"What fell in?"

At this moment, Lin Fei who was at the bottom of the cold lake had just rushed up. After staying in the cold lake for a year, it was time to go out.

Before he got out of the lake, Lin Fei saw three graceful figures falling from above his head. It turned out that three girls fell into the lake.



Lin Fei was about to sacrifice the Void Mirror to save the three girls. After all, it was three human lives, but before he had time to sacrifice the Void Mirror, a golden fairy book was automatically drilled between his brows.

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