

In the passage in the gate of reincarnation, there seemed to be gusts of cold wind blowing, like a knife slashing across his heart. This feeling was palpitating, but Lin Fei had endured all these things, and he had to live Only by going down can I be worthy of Master's painstaking efforts. .|


I don't know how long it took, but he finally had a sense of consciousness, his limbs could move slowly, and he clearly felt that he had landed.



As soon as Lin Fei became conscious, he vaguely heard a sound of chaos around him, which seemed to be the sound of broken stones caused by an explosion. This seemed to be a closed room, and there were messy footsteps in the room, but from the sound of footsteps Not many people go there.

"Sovereign, what should we do now? They have already entered this secret room, and if we don't want to get out, we will all die here!"

"Don't panic!"

A deep voice came from the secret room, and the voice echoed in Lin Fei's ears dozens of times. He could tell that this was a man with profound skills, even comparable to his master.

Lin Fei tried to open his eyes, but his eyes were so sore that he couldn't open them at all. The man said coldly: "It has been a thousand years since I He Huanzong was established, and I have never suffered such a big blow." Difficult, this time it all started because of the Holy Ancestor's "Goddess Treasure Book". The "Goddess Treasure Book" has disappeared for thousands of years. It was finally found this time. I, Lin Feng, will definitely not let it fall into the hands of villains !"

"Sovereign, the situation is critical. You take the young master and leave from the back mountain quickly. The old slave will desperately protect you and the young master!" Another man in the room said anxiously.

"No! With your skill, you can't stop those beasts for a long time. In the end, Xiaofei will inevitably die!" The man ordered, "Lao Luo, quickly take Xiaofei away from the back mountain, and take him to see Chunyang Daoist, that old Daoist is my life and death friend, and he will definitely fight to the death to save Xiaofei!"

"No, suzerain, if you personally took the young master away, the old slave was able to live for a hundred years thanks to your rescue, which is already enough!"

The middle-aged man said coldly: "Lao Luo! Calm down!"

"You and I know very well that only my ecstasy array can stop them for an hour! With this hour, you can take Xiao Fei away safely!" The man was filled with grief and indignation. I have to return the spirit stones, otherwise, just a shady formation would be enough to refine them alive, and now I can only rely on my flesh and blood to trap them for an hour!"

"But that's enough! Before you take Xiao Fei away, I will put the treasure mirror into Xiao Fei's body!"

"Sect Master!" Lao Luo wept but was helpless, his skills were not enough, even if he threw his flesh and blood into the maze formation, he still couldn't trap the traitorous beasts outside.

"Needless to say, time is running out, I will put Baojian into Xiaofei's body!" the man shouted.


"Could it be that I am the young master of some He Huan sect?"

In a daze, Lin Fei probably understood a general idea, that he might be reincarnated and revived, and became the young master of some kind of Acacia sect.

He Huanzong, from the name, you can tell that this is not a decent family, it is full of men and women, picking yin and nourishing yang.What made him feel the most sad was that just after reincarnation, he encountered such a betrayal, and it was very likely that he would hang here right after his reincarnation.

However, this cheap father of himself is very affectionate, and he wants to take his own life to protect himself well.

To his relief, it seemed that his name was Lin Fei, which was no small coincidence.



Just as Lin Fei's thoughts were flying wildly, a powerful and vast force suddenly drilled into his mind, and bursts of cold sweat rolled out of Lin Fei's body.

This is an extremely powerful force, probably the "Goddess Treasure Book" that cheap dad said. The pain lasted for a while, and a vague figure appeared in Lin Fei's spiritual sea.His spiritual power is completely insufficient now, he can only vaguely see the appearance of a book, and the cover looks like a gorgeous girl, but he can't see anything else clearly.

"Old Luo, take good care of Xiao Fei and tell him that he has never been an unscrupulous flower picker who only goes around with women!"


Just as Lin Fei, the cheap father, finished speaking, the outer door of the secret room was blasted open, and there were waves of messy footsteps, shouts, and the sound of chasing and killing.

"Sovereign, don't worry, even if this old servant puts his life to the test, he will definitely protect the young master well!"

After hearing this, the Sect Master of He Huan Sect laughed loudly: "Then I will go with peace of mind! I will wait underground for my son to hunt down all the goddesses in the world and achieve eternal fame! With the blood of Sect Master He Huan Sect, I will sacrifice to Mi Sha The array, open it for me!"

As soon as the words fell, there were murmurs in the secret room, and a roar came, as if thousands of troops and horses came through the void.

"Could it be the Yin soldiers and Yin horses?"

Lin Fei finally tried his best to open his eyeliner. He still saw a burly man, his generous back, thrown into the mist, and then the dark soldiers and dark horses in the mist swallowed him flesh and blood.

In the mist, there seemed to be a pair of firm eyes staring at him, and there was a gratified smile on his face. This feeling made Lin Fei's eyes moist.


He thought of his master, who would sacrifice Yang Yuan to change his life against the sky to continue his life, and opened the door of chaos, but on the other side of the door, there was a father who had never met and never talked to him, who used flesh and blood as his own. Build a way of escape!

"Sect Master!" Lao Luo in the room, seeing Lin Feng jumping into the maze formation, couldn't help weeping loudly, knelt down and saluted Lin Feng in the formation.

He picked up the semi-conscious Lin Fei, got into the hidden door of the secret room, and started a difficult escape.


The secret door of He Huanzong's secret room is not too long, and Lao Luo's cultivation is not weak, at least not weaker than before Lin Fei, and the speed of entering with Lin Fei in his arms is also very fast. He carried Lin Fei to the exit of the secret door.

Lao Luo took out a cyan token from his bosom, put the token into the groove of the secret door, and suddenly the stars changed, and the two appeared on a back mountain.

"There is a lot of aura here, not as poor as the earth..."

The refreshing air shocked Lin Fei. The spiritual energy in this world is much better than that of the earth. After inhaling a few mouthfuls of sufficient spiritual energy, Lin Fei could immediately open his eyes.

This place is a low hill, and behind it is a small solitary grave, which is the exit of the secret door that you would never have guessed.

"Young Master, you are awake!" As soon as Lao Luo lowered his head, he saw Lin Fei's eyes opened, and he couldn't help crying, "Young Master, you have finally woken up. The Sect Master, for you..."

Lin Fei was still very weak, and he clearly felt several powerful spiritual power surges not far away, probably some masters were chasing after him, and hurriedly said: "Uncle Luo, you don't need to say any more, I already know, he will be a slaughterer in the future Let's go as soon as possible if we are traitors to avenge our father!"

"Well, young master, what you said is..." Lao Luo is a middle-aged man with a silly face, and rushed down the mountain quickly holding Lin Fei, feeling that the young master who was so ignorant before finally understood, what the young master said just now What he said was not in vain for the suzerain to lose his life for him.

With gusts of wind in his ears and changing scenery, Lao Luo moved very fast, and led Lin Fei into the deep mountains and old forests not far away to avoid the pursuit of the traitors.

After about an hour, Lao Luo's speed gradually slowed down, and his breathing began to become rapid. The previous battle and high-speed escape had exhausted him too much energy.

"Uncle Luo, please let me go and rest for a while, they can't catch up here yet..." Lin Fei's husband has a strong sense of spirituality, and the previous surges of powerful spiritual energy were obviously cut off. Fengbu's ecstasy formation worked.

Lao Luo now also calmed down ashamedly, he was surprised in his heart, could it be said that the young master has really started to understand?He ever called himself "Uncle Luo". In the past, he used to call him "the one whose surname is Luo, the one whose surname is Luo".

"Quickly stop and take a rest in the cave in front of you. Uncle Luo, it's counterproductive. Why don't you rest for a while, and then hurry up. There should be a village a hundred miles ahead, and you can buy a spirit beast there. Let's see." Lin Fei said softly.

When Lao Luo heard Lin Fei's words, he couldn't help remembering that his young master was a master who had traveled all over the country of Wei, and he was very familiar with the roads. This place is not far from Mimi Mountain. Lin Fei might be very familiar with this area. .

After walking a few hundred meters further, I found a cave. This cave is very hidden, and the entrance of the cave is covered by rocks and trees. It is a good place to hide.

Lao Luo led Lin Fei into the cave, and arranged a simple formation outside the cave, and then he and Lin Fei began to rest in the cave.

"Young master, have you stayed here before?"

After entering the cave, Lao Luo found that the cave was very dry, and there were still firewood and a few bags of rice, so he couldn't help being surprised.

Lin Fei smiled, sat on a dry grass, and said, "Not far from here is a ten-thousand-year cold lake. I stayed here for a while before, and the scenery is nice..."

"The young master is really well-informed..." Lao Luo couldn't help being startled when he heard it, and sighed, "The cold lake is very good for practitioners. If ordinary people want to find a cold lake, it is a big deal." By chance, young master, you found the Ten Thousand Years Cold Lake by chance. If you also cultivate, your achievements will be limitless..."

"The water in that cold lake is too gloomy and cold. Ordinary people, even cultivators, would freeze to death if they get too close. I'm afraid they don't have that kind of luck..."

When he said this, Lin Fei couldn't help but blush a little. In the hour of fleeing here just now, he sorted out some things.

This time he is equivalent to returning his soul from a dead body, but the memory of Lin Fei, the young master of He Huan Sect, still remains in his mind. consciousness.

The He Huan Sect that Lin Fei belongs to is one of the three major demonic sects in Wei State, and it is also the weakest demonic sect, and it is also the demonic sect that everyone shouts to beat.Most of the disciples in the sect are veritable flower picking thieves, and some unsightly things often happen in some houses in the sect, all of which are immoral acts of harvesting yin to replenish yang.

The original young master Lin Fei was not ashamed of the behavior of the insiders of the sect. Although he was the young master of the He Huan sect, he had never practiced any of the exercises of the He Huan sect and wandered around the mountains and rivers all day long. The earth, in modern parlance, is a traveler.Of course, occasionally some riding spirit beasts will be added to speed up the pace. Otherwise, at his speed, it would take 1000 years to cover the entire Wei Kingdom.

It is precisely because of these memories of the former Lin Fei that the present Lin Fei is even more shocked, because although the former Lin Fei did not know how to practice Taoism, he has experienced a lot, especially his understanding of the mountains and rivers of Wei State.

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