Chapter 3 Fairy Maiji

This is a place called Tianyuan Continent. No one knows how big Tianyuan Continent is. Wei State is just a small country on Tianyuan Continent. There are many countries like Wei State in Tianyuan Continent. .|But such a small country of Wei is bigger than the earth where Lin Fei is now. It is conceivable how terrifying the entire Tianyuan Continent is.

"Uncle Luo, are there any legends about extraterrestrials or starry sky on this continent?" Lin Fei was resting with his legs crossed, and suddenly raised his head to ask Lao Luo.

Although Lao Luo didn't understand why Lin Fei asked these questions, he thought for a while and said: "There must be some outside the territory, although I have no chance to go, but I heard from the suzerain that he had seen a few monks from outside the territory before. The mana is monstrous, unfathomable, all above the four poles, very frightening..."

"The Realm of the Four Extremes?" Lin Fei's eyes frowned slightly, and Lao Luo hurriedly explained, "Young Master, you have never practiced, and you may not know much about the realm of cultivation. This human body cultivation is divided into four great secret realms, Lunhai, Dao Palace, Siji, Xiantai. For example, the suzerain is located in the realm of the second heaven of the Taoist Palace, and he is already a super expert in Wei State. If he can enter the Siji Secret Realm, then he can completely dominate Wei State..."

When mentioning suzerain Lin Feng, Lao Luo couldn't help feeling a little sad.

Lin Fei comforted: "Old Uncle Luo, don't be sad. In the future, I will take the heads of those thieves and open an altar to pay homage to my father!"

"Okay..." Hearing what Lin Fei said, Lao Luo couldn't help but feel happy all the time, and sighed, "Young master, you are right to think so. In fact, there is nothing wrong with practicing. Although our He Huan sect is not good enough However, it is also one of the three dark ways of the Wei state. Although the outside world calls us the magic way, the true meaning of our He Huan sect is not those superficial ways of collecting yin and replenishing yang. If you are eager for success, you will go astray."

"Then what is the true meaning of He Huanzong?" Lin Fei couldn't help being curious.

The He Huan Sect, the He Huan Sect must be based on the yin and yang of the human body. Does the He Huan Sect have other true meanings?

Lao Luo said awe-inspiringly: "Everyone in the world agrees with each other. Huan is a crooked way. Harnessing yin and nourishing yang harms others and benefits oneself. In fact, they all misunderstand the true meaning of our harmony. Huanzong. Of course, picking yin and nourishing yang can restore the body's yang energy in a short time. Supplementation, but it will produce many disadvantages, too much yang energy occupying the body, but not coordinated, will cause damage to the five internal organs in the body, and in the long run, it will harm people and self."

"The one who founded our He Huan Sect was a great ancient sage. He advocated the harmony of yin and yang, using the power of the yin and the sun to gather the power of the Tao to make the five internal organs of the human body the strongest, and then impact the highest secret realm of the four poles. The true meaning of He Huanzong is to use the harmony of yin and yang to generate a power of chaos, and use the power of chaos to break through all the shackles of the human body in one fell swoop, and become the strongest human body Taoist weapon!"

Although Lao Luo's self-cultivation is average, when it comes to the true meaning of this sect, he is very solemn.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lao Luo noticed that Lin Fei's face was a little strange, and he was afraid that his illness would recur.

In fact, the reason why the former Lin Fei was lying in the secret room this time was because he suffered from a strange illness and was sent back to the sect to recuperate from his injuries.

Lin Fei suddenly said: "The true meaning of this sect is really extraordinary. My previous understanding was narrow. The power of the sun and the sun can be merged into one, and the achievement of an immortal Taoist weapon is a supreme achievement. I don't know. Who is the founder of this sect?"

Lin Fei Earth is a monk, and he also learned some secrets, and naturally he also knows some legends about the power of the sun and the sun.Just like the Nine-Yang Divine Art and Nine-Yin Mantra written in martial arts novels, they all do exist in fact, but compared with the real power of the sun and the sun, they are just drizzle.

What moved Lin Fei the most was that Lao Luo said that the power of yin and yang could be harmonized with each other to produce a force of chaos that could sweep away all the shackles of the human body in one fell swoop, which shocked him very much.

Because he is the disciple of the Chaos Sect, and he was designated by the master as the legendary Chaos Body!


Lin Fei and Lao Luo rested in the cave for two hours, that is, an hour on the Tianyuan Continent, and then set off on their way. According to Lin Feng's instructions, Lao Luo must send Lin Fei safely to Chunyang Road go there.

Daoist Chunyang is a bigwig in the cultivation world of the Jin Kingdom, and he is already a strong man in the third heaven secret realm of the Taoist Palace. He is a little stronger than Lin Feng. From here, he rushed to the Jin Kingdom within a few months. I'm afraid I can't make it in time.

"Young master, is your recovery ability so fast?" As soon as he left the cave, Lin Fei didn't let Lao Luo carry him on his back, but went on his own way.

Lin Fei smiled: "I met a Buddhist Taoist priest before and taught me some techniques of nourishing Qi, so I recovered quickly..."

"Nursing qi?" Lao Luo didn't seem to have heard much about this thing, but he was also happy that the young master recovered, "Young master is really a blessing, and I will be together in the future. Huanzong will definitely carry forward in the young master's hands... ..."

"It's just some ways to use spiritual energy reasonably, it's not something profound..." Lin Fei waved his hands and smiled, and walked forward with Lao Luo. The speed of his progress made Lao Luo's eyes widen, and he was different from himself. Comparable.

Lao Luo suspected that he was wrong: "Young master?"

"When I was young, I learned some body skills with my father, but I never used them. Today I just came in handy..." Lin Fei smiled lightly, ignoring Lao Luo's doubts, and then slapped a hand The decision was turned into a rune and printed between Lao Luo's eyebrows.

"Young master, what is this?" Lao Luo was shocked, because Lin Fei passed on an ancient Qi nourishing technique to him. Even though he only glanced at a few words, Lao Luo was already shocked.

This ancient Qi nourishing technique is very ancient, and its luck method is completely different from the current Tianyuan Continent. For monks in the secret realm of the Wheel, it is simply a timely help.

"Although it's just an article on nourishing qi, it's given away by an old man. I hope that old uncle Luo will not send it to anyone, otherwise he will definitely be killed!" Lin Fei's expression was very serious.

Lao Luo quickly nodded and agreed. As far as the value of this qi-nourishing technique is concerned, many big factions will definitely compete for it. By then, he will die without knowing how, and he will most likely be drawn out of his soul.


This place is an old forest deep in the mountains. The towering trees startled Lin Fei. From time to time, some large birds and beasts flew over his head, such as a big eagle with wings tens of meters long, and a tiger with an elephant's nose. , and even a three-headed giant snake hundreds of meters high, Lin Fei was deeply amazed by the abundance of species and geographical diversity in the Tianyuan Continent.

"No, there seems to be someone in front..."

After traveling for a few miles, Lao Luo suddenly exclaimed, raised a five-foot-long cyan saber and rushed out from between his eyebrows, swung a sharp saber aura, felled several towering trees in front of him, and pulled Lin Fei disappeared to one side.

"Hehe, why should old Uncle Luo panic, I just want to see brother Lin Fei..."

As soon as the two entered the grass beside them, there was a burst of coquettish laughter not far away. Lin Fei had good eyesight and saw a tall woman appearing tens of meters ahead. This woman was dressed in red tulle and long The slender figure is looming, the woman's face is also very delicate, and the bulging figure is even more coveted by men.

"This woman is proficient in the way of harvesting yang!"

Although he didn't get close to this enchanting woman, Lin Fei could sense this woman's aura with his unique spiritual sense. This woman's aura was not weak, only a little worse than Lin Feng's, and her cultivation could be said to be extremely strong.Moreover, this woman's aura is rather feminine, obviously she often does that kind of activity of harvesting yang, so she is definitely not a good product.

"This girl's name is Meiji, she is a contemporary saint of the Wuhua sect, she has cultivated to a small degree in Wuhua kungfu, and she is already a master of the first level in the Taoist palace. She came to block us today, probably for the sake of "Health. "Huan Bao Jian" came." Lao Luo secretly transmitted Lin Fei's voice, his face embarrassed, "I'm afraid I can't be kind today, there are not many people in the Wuhua Sect, but everyone has good skills, young master, you have good agility, stay for a while Son, I will go forward and fight, you wait for the opportunity to escape, you can't stay here for long."

The realm of monks is divided into four big secret realms: Lunhai, Dao Palace, Siji, and Xiantai. There are four realms in Lunhai, five small realms in Dao Palace, and four small realms in Siji. rarely...

Lunhai is divided into four realms: Sea of ​​Bitterness, Fountain of Life, Shenqiao, and the other side. Lao Luo is just a monk in the early stage of the other side. It is almost a dead end to fight against Mei Ji.

"Old Uncle Luo, this is not acceptable. I think this woman must have her own intentions, and she will not block our way of life..." Lin Fei shook his head, not wanting to just retreat.

In his opinion, leaving this old Uncle Luo is a dead end for him, and there are several powerful spiritual powers surging behind him, at least they are all strong in the secret realm of the Dao Palace, and he is a young man who is currently powerless , is a dead word.

"Haha, it's not that easy for you guys to leave!"

Sure enough, there was a roar of mountains and tsunami behind him.

"Catch the traitor in the sect and avenge the sect master!"

"Killing one's father for the sake of the treasure is simply unreasonable, so catch him and go back to be a male favourite!"

"Ignorant child, return the life of my suzerain!"

In a short while, behind Lin Fei and Lao Luo, dozens of disciples of He Huan Sect appeared, and one of them was Han Yunlei, the third elder of the sect, who was one of the initiators of the treason and treasure hunting .

"You bastards killed our suzerain in order to seize the treasure, and now you come to bite us back. I will kill you now!"

Lao Luo's eyes were bloodshot, and he picked up his saber and was about to fight the traitors, but Lin Fei stopped him and shouted: "Uncle Luo, the situation is critical at this time, don't be so reckless! Keep the treasure mirror first. !"

"You, you wait, I will kill all of you ungrateful things in the future, and avenge the suzerain!" Hearing Lin Fei's persuasion, Lao Luo gradually calmed down and observed the situation carefully.

At this time, the situation is critical, and the situation between him and Lin Fei is quite bad. In front of him are the saintess Meiji from Wuhuamen, and some people from Wuhuamen who just appeared, and behind them are those traitors. Fortunately, this The two people are not together, otherwise it will be even more troublesome.

"The ungrateful thing dares to kill even his own father. If you don't hurry up and catch him, go back with me and die!" Han Yunlei walked at the forefront of the traitors, and a blue god rushed out from between his eyebrows.

This god was three feet tall and looked exactly like Han Yunlei. The green god held a long whip in his hand and threw it at Lin Fei to sweep him away.

"Dare!" Lao Luo yelled, brandishing his saber, cutting off a large forest nearby, and a sharp saber slammed into the god.


With a loud bang, Lao Luo was slammed into the air, and blood spurted wildly. Han Yunlei sneered again and again: "You haven't even entered the Dao Palace, and the pearl of rice grains dares to shine, to help the tyrant, to murder the suzerain, you deserve to die!"

[The new book is almost eleven months later, and it is finally out, please bookmark it, brothers who have recommended tickets, give me a few.]

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