Chapter 4

Han Yunlei is already a strong Taoist, and Lao Luo is still in the secret realm of Lunhai, and there is no chance of winning. Han Yunlei and others fabricated a lie, unanimously labeling Lao Luo and Lin Fei as traitors, and they will be strangled at this moment, forever future trouble. .|

Seeing that the long whip that Shendeng swung was about to cut off Lao Luo's head, a blood-red red silk suddenly appeared, blocking the deadly long whip.


The two collided, creating a powerful wave of air that directly lifted Lao Luo on the ground. Lin Fei had quick eyes and quick hands, and stepped forward to grab Lao Luo. He dashed forward and flashed onto Wuhua Beside the door and others.

"Thank you sister for saving me..." Lin Fei said urgently, "If sister hadn't acted today, I'm afraid I'd have been killed by a female adult. All of you, avenge the Patriarch!"

"Uh..." Hearing Lin Fei's flattery, Meiji could not stop complaining in her heart, this kid would be able to climb the pole, and she hadn't rescued him at all, so she put on a big hat of righteousness for herself here.

Meiji quickly made a small calculation in her heart, and the gauze skirt lightly brushed Lin Fei's handsome face, and said with a smile: "My brother is really serious, Uncle Lin is a celebrity in my dark world, and he also has some friendship with my mother. There is a traitor in your clan today, and I, Wuhuamen, should seek some justice for you!"

Meiji and people from the Wuhuamen had no chance to intervene, which made Han Yunlei furious, and Han Yunlei couldn't help shouting angrily: "Meiji, I advise you not to meddle in your own business, this little bastard actually killed my father, my suzerain, and stole my sect's house." Treasure. If you are involved in Wuhuamen, I have reason to suspect that you are the one behind the scenes who instigated this little beast to do such a heartless thing! Hurry up and throw this little beast over with bound hands, otherwise, don’t blame me. Thinking of your friendship without Huamen!"

Even if the fire is big, Han Yunlei doesn't want to act rashly. There are more than a dozen Wuhuamen here. The most important thing is that Meiji has also entered the secret realm of the Taoist Palace. She is a new rich man in Wei State, and there may be a few guardians in the dark. elders.Although there are dozens of people on my side, I am the only one in the secret realm of the Dao Palace. The other elders have not arrived yet, so it is obvious that I will suffer a big loss if I do it now.

"Elder Han, what you said is wrong..." Meiji's veil fluttered, and her charming figure made some male disciples of the Hehuan Sect dry mouthed. She covered her mouth and chuckled, "Ji'er How could it be possible to meddle in the affairs of your noble clan, but I know the character of Xiaofei's younger brother, it is absolutely impossible for him to murder his biological father, and besides, Uncle Lin is a master of the second level of the Dao Palace, how could it be possible for Xiao Fei to kill his own father? Brother Fei was killed, I think there must be something strange about it."

"So, you don't plan to hand over this little beast, and you want to cover him?" Han Yunlei's eyes burst into flames.

This place belongs to the sphere of influence of the He Huan Sect. It is not normal for some masters of the Wuhua Sect to appear here. I have never heard of any friendship between Lin Fei and the people of the Wuhua Sect. This little fairy must know The matter of "Goddess Treasure Book" is about to prepare for the mantis to catch the cicada!

The "Goddess Treasure Mirror" was created by an ancient sage. It is of great importance and must not be lost. Not a little trouble. .|

"I pet your sister, pet!" Standing beside Meiji, Lin Fei suddenly cursed, pointing at Han Yunlei and cursing, "If you have a younger sister, I will be the first to pet her! Who do you think you are? , with a stick, do you really think you are a man!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar, and even Meiji couldn't help covering her mouth and snickering. Lin Fei's cursing words were quite interesting. It's rare to see people scolding people so openly in the cultivation world. They pretend to be immortals, and they don't want to be trapped by the world, but how many people really do it.

"You little bastard, you really don't know how to live or die. This old man will kill you now!" Han Yunlei's beard fluttered in anger. He has lived for more than 180 years. He has never been insulted like this. Today is really a loss of face. people.

"If you have the guts, kill it!" Lin Fei acted very arrogantly, grabbing Meiji's skirt and screaming, "You old bastard! Didn't you covet my sister Meiji for a long time? Today my sister is here , why did you wither?"

As soon as this remark came out, a bunch of people had complex expressions. The traitors of the Hehuan Sect were all depressed. Unexpectedly, Elder Han also fell in love with Meiji, and the people from the Wuhua Sect gritted their teeth.Meiji is the saint among them, and you, an old bastard, still want to covet our saint, you really don't know what to do!

Especially Meiji's face was even greener, not to mention whether Lin Fei's words were true or not, just because Lin Fei was pulling her skirt and screaming here made her very embarrassed.If it wasn't for getting the "Treasure of the Goddess", she really wanted to slap this guy who ruined her reputation to death!

"You, you, you bastard, don't talk nonsense!" Han Yunlei's face was livid with anger, and his eyes were filled with fire.

Lin Fei was talking nonsense, but he hit the mark. As the third elder of the He Huan Sect, Han Yunlei was naturally well versed in the way of harvesting yin and replenishing yang.Meiji's beauty is already well known to everyone in the Wei Kingdom, and her cultivation level has also broken into the Dao Palace. If she can pick up the vitality of such a woman, it will have infinite uses!

Being exposed by others, Han Yunlei tried his best to suppress his anger, and tried his best to pretend to be calm, making himself look very calm.

"You what you! Do you want to deny it after being exposed!" Lin Fei didn't care about it, and shouted, pulling at the corner of Meiji's skirt, "Don't think I don't know what you were doing there that night, you took me to Meiji A portrait of Sister Ji, masturbating there, her behavior is really nasty!..."

"Lin Fei! Don't talk nonsense!" This time Meiji really couldn't calm down anymore, what Lin Fei said was too vulgar, and it was disgusting to shoot with a picture of herself!

"What! Elder Han actually shot a gun with a painting?"

"No way, this is definitely slander! Elder Han is not that kind of person!"

"Uh, keep your voice down, that seems to be a possibility, I heard that Elder Han can take all men and women!..."

For a while, the disciples of the He Huan Sect were all talking about it. For them, they all had extremely high attainments in both men and women!As cultivators, it is not difficult to find some random women to be their cauldrons, and it is not necessary to shoot a gun with a picture, and the way to have fun is not just to get married. There is no way to go, it's just that some methods of collecting yin are too bloody!

"Boy, it doesn't matter if you slander the old man's innocence. You pour dirty water on Mei Ji. The intention is really hateful. Today, the old man will end you, so as not to pollute the aura of this world!" Han Yunlei was really furious, but it was very clever It was said that it was to find innocence for Meiji!

The cyan god charged towards Lin Fei holding the saber. As he was walking, the ground cracked, the ancient trees shattered and collapsed, and the aura of the saber gathered the aura around him.

"This is Elder Han's Spirit Gathering Evil Knife!"

"That's right, Elder Han collected the blood of the 81st place of the Ninety-Nine and refined it for several years!"

"What nonsense are you talking about! Be careful that the elder cuts off your naughty tongue!"

Everyone recognized Han Yunlei's Spirit Gathering Saber, and the disciple of He Huanzong also said the truth, but they didn't know that Han Yunlei's Spirit Gathering Saber collected the blood of nine hundred and ninety-nine sons and boiled it. It has been practiced for more than ten years, and its power cannot be underestimated!

"What's the matter? Being poked in the sore spot, you want to kill me?" Lin Fei hid behind Meiji and sneered, "Do you really think I, Meiji, is a fool? How could you be fooled by your few words!"

Everyone present looked down on Lin Fei very much. This man was too thick-skinned, and he completely used Meiji as a shield, saying "Sister Meiji", it seemed that he didn't know Meiji very well!

"This saber energy is really scary. The powerhouse in the secret realm of the Dao Palace is unfathomable!" Lin Fei looked very rascal on the surface, but his heart was startled.

There is a Dao palace in the human body, and the gods can be cultivated in the Dao palace. This kind of gods is somewhat similar to the Taoist incarnation. With this supernatural power displayed, the cultivation method of Tianyuan Continent seems to be completely different from that of the cultivation world on Earth.

The cyan god turned into a sword, full of fighting spirit and power, draining the aura of the entire area, and slashed at Lin Fei with a killing intent.

"Sister, save me..." Lin Fei suddenly pushed Meiji forward, and he fled to the crowd in Wuhuamen, making everyone despise again!


A loud bang exploded in front of the crowd, and a god had already been born in Meiji's Dao Palace, but the appearance of this god in front of him was shocking!

It turned out to be a muscular girl about two meters tall, but the appearance of this muscular girl was the same as that of Mei Ji, equally glamorous and incomparable, but coupled with her explosive muscles, it gave people a very strange feeling.

"Okay, witch, you really want to protect that little bastard. Don't blame the old man for destroying flowers today!" Han Yunlei sneered. Search his soul to get "Goddess Treasure Book".

"Old man, do you really think that my sister Meiji is a soft persimmon, you can do it if you want?" Lin Fei in the crowd of Wuhuamen screamed again, and a disciple beside him wanted to cover his mouth, but he had no choice. He didn't cover it, but he continued to shout, "If you have the guts, try it, not to mention the beautiful men and fairy sisters from Wuhuamen who disagree, even I, Lin Fei, will never forgive you ! You will be cut into pieces and trampled into minced meat!"

"Let's die together!" Han Yunlei yelled, and in the Dao Palace, he rushed to another god. This is a red god, which is the treasure of his heart!

"Second Heaven of Dao Palace!"

"I didn't expect Elder Han to break through to the Second Heaven!"

Seeing the appearance of this god, everyone was shocked. They didn't expect Han Yunlei to cultivate the second god.There are five stages in the secret realm of the Dao Palace, heart, liver, spleen, kidney, and lung. Every time one additional level is cultivated, one more god can be created, corresponding to the god of the heart, the god of the liver, the god of the spleen, and the god of the kidney. Zang, the God of Lungs, Zang!Every level of divine treasure, that is, every time a god is repaired, it is equivalent to an extra combat power. At this time, Han Yunlei summoned the second god to end the battle quickly!

Han Yunlei's second God Arrival is more powerful than the first one. Its weapon is a black skull flag. When the flag is waved, the speed of the first God Arrival is increased several times, and the momentum is also increased several times. All the surrounding spiritual energy was sucked clean at once, and a blue sword with a length of several tens of feet was condensed, and swept towards Lin Fei and the people of Wuhuamen!

"Damn, it's too scary! The monks here are many times more terrifying than those on Earth!"

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