Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 28 1 pinch 1 pack of water

The Huashan Mountain in front of me is more atmospheric than the Huashan Mountain on the earth.The most astonishing thing is that there is a huge platform in mid-air, which is as large as a hundred football fields, even if it can seat 10 people, it is no problem at all.

Hundreds of halls of different sizes were built on the Daotai. People of the Huashan Sword Sect did not realize the sword on Huashan, but comprehended the way of swords in the halls on this Daotai.


A purple-green sword light pierced high into the sky, piercing a small void.

"What kind of magic weapon is that?" Yuan Ye exclaimed.

Wu Yazi calmly introduced: "That is the Ziyang Excalibur of Han Jianchi, the sixteenth elder of the Huashan Sword Sect. It has been practiced to a great height, and it is said to be able to kill gods..."

"Tu Shen?" The corner of Lin Fei's mouth twitched, that Han Jianchi was bragging a bit.

Although the sword power pierced the void just now, the level of its caster will never exceed the peak of the third heaven of the Dao Palace. At that level, he dared to claim to kill God. If God really existed, this guy would have already He's dead, even a fart can tear him apart.

"call out……"

"call out……"

At this moment, five divine lights appeared in the distance, and a young man with five divine swords appeared, causing Lin Fei to lose his mind for a while.

The strength of this young man is very strong, the five divine swords under his feet are shining with multicolored divine light, and there is a powerful reason intertwined in them, which brings a strong coercion to people.

Wu Yazi released a coercion in time, suppressing the coercion of the divine sword of the young man, and explained in time: "This man is named Xiao Chi, and he is the most outstanding disciple of the third generation of Huashan Sword Sect. When he came back, Xiao Chi Chi's cultivation has reached the middle stage of the third heaven of the Taoist Palace, but now, it seems that he has advanced to another level, and has reached the middle stage of the fourth heaven of the Taoist Palace..."

"The mid-stage of the fourth heaven of the Taoist Palace?" Lin Fei was stunned, and asked intently, "Master, how long ago did you come back here?"

Wu Yazi thought for a while, and said, "It seems like it happened the year before last..."

"Uh..." Yuanye said speechlessly, "This guy's cultivation speed is too fast, he has risen from the middle stage of the third heaven of the Dao Palace to the middle stage of the fourth heaven in just over a year. Entering into the Four Great Secret Realms within five years? How old is he this year? Judging by his small body, he doesn't look like he's over 25 years old..."

Wu Yazi said: "It is said that the last time his master introduced him to me, he was 19 years old, so he should be 21 years old this year..."

Yuan Ye vomited blood directly, and said angrily, "Comparing people to others, you are so mad..."

"Senior brother, stop being fussy..." Lin Fei suddenly smiled solemnly, and then asked Wu Yazi for advice, "Master, what is the origin of his five divine swords, it seems very difficult..."

Wu Yazi looked at Xiao Chi who was galloping towards him in the distance, nodded in satisfaction and said: "These are five divine swords made of high-grade black iron, and he has already intertwined his own way. He has been able to endure for so many years. It's not easy to use this Xiaochi, I underestimated him before..."

"The talisman of intertwining debut?" A strange color flashed in Lin Fei's eyes. .|

In Gong Tianren's basic introduction book, there is a detailed introduction about magic weapons. Generally, weapons made of high-grade materials can only be called weapons, but not magic weapons.A magic weapon is something with mana, that is, something with spiritual power. It can only be called a magic weapon if the effect of using the spiritual power can be enlarged through the magic weapon.Just like the giant sword under his feet, it can be blessed with spiritual power to speed up the flight, so this giant sword can be called a magic weapon.

Magical treasures are also classified into high and low levels. Above the magic weapon is the spiritual treasure, and the spiritual treasure is the magic weapon that has been intertwined with Tao.If you want to intertwine to debut, you must depend on this magic weapon for misfortune and good fortune, and temper it for many years to make it communicate with your own soul. After intertwining, the power of the magic weapon will also increase dramatically.

"Senior Wu Yazi, hello..." While speaking, Xiao Chi's hearty laughter came.

After a while, Xiao Chi came to Wu Yazi and the three of them. He gave Wu Yazi a heavy gift, and said with a smile: "After two years, I miss senior very much. It is really gratifying to congratulate you that senior has improved in cultivation. ..."

Wu Yazi smiled lightly and said: "You are too polite, the old man has not made much progress in his cultivation, he is still standing still, but Xiao Chi is a fearsome future for you. In just one year, you have reached the middle stage of the fourth heaven of the Dao Palace. You are already in the top ten of the young generation in the world of self-cultivation in a hundred countries..."

This is an extremely high evaluation. There are so many cultivators from hundreds of countries nearby, yet Xiaochi can be ranked in the top ten.But this is definitely not Wu Yazi's flattery. With Xiaochi's current cultivation in the middle stage of the fourth heaven of the Dao Palace, and the natal magic weapon he has refined that interweaves Dao and Li, he deserves this ranking.

"Senior Wu Yazi thinks highly of this junior..." Xiao Chi didn't change his face, looked at Lin Fei and Yuanye, and cupped his hands and said, "The two fellow daoists must be the two high-level disciples that Senior Wu Yazi accepted last year. Chi, lucky to meet you..."

"Yuanye..." Yuanye smiled grinningly, revealing a mouthful of silver light.

Lin Fei's eyes were deep, and he gave a name calmly: "Lin Fei..."

"Uh..." Xiao Chi paused for a moment, and soon thought of a name. The young master of the He Huan Sect who caused a lot of trouble in the cultivation world of Wei State a few years ago was Lin Fei. Could it be that this person is that guy?

"Lin Dao is friendly..." Xiaochi didn't say much, and led Wu Yazi and the three to the Taoist platform of Huashan Sword Sect.

"This Xiaochi has such a big heart and extraordinary talent, he can use the way of the sword so freely, he is an extraordinary person..."

Lin Fei, Wu Yazi and Yuan Ye stood together on Xiaochi's Five-Color Excalibur, but they didn't feel the powerful dao rhyme coercion just now, but experienced a kind of extremely smooth true meaning of swordsmanship. I can't help but feel a little more appreciation.

Wu Yazi's master and apprentice came to Huashan Jianzong, and Xiaochi, the best disciple of the third generation of Jianzong, led the way, and soon arranged a secluded sword hall.The Sword Hall is a unique building of the Huashan Sword Sect. It is not much different from other treasure halls, except that there is a huge sword hanging from the top of the hall.

"It is said that the founder of Huashan Sword Sect is a sword master. This sword master may have mastered an extremely powerful sword array. If there is an enemy attacking, the giant sword on each treasure hall will transform into a thousand swords. Formation, guard the entire platform..."

Wu Yazi was clearly aware of these secrets, and after explaining some things to Lin Fei and Yuan Ye, he went to the Huashan Sword Sect's Headmaster Hall alone to discuss this year's Baicao Moyuan.

"Junior brother, let's go out for a walk, this sword hall is too small, I'm so aggrieved..." As soon as Wu Yazi left, Yuan Ye urged Lin Fei to go out for a walk.

Lin Fei took a look at the sword hall, it was only four or five meters high, and with Yuan Ye's height of more than two meters, he was really uncomfortable, and the size was only more than 100 square meters, so he was really a little bit aggrieved .

"Okay then, let's go outside, but senior brother, you have to watch your mouth, there are quite a few ruthless people here..." Lin Fei nodded in agreement, but he was more worried about his stupid senior brother. That big mouth.

Yuan Ye laughed and said: "Junior brother, look at what you said. Your senior brother and I have the most serious mouth. I never talk nonsense. Don't worry, my good junior brother..."

Having said that, the two of them left the sword palace, and as soon as they looked up, they saw silver lights flashing by, all of them were people from the cultivation world.

"Wow! There's a bad old man riding a broken scythe, it's too cool..." Yuan Ye yelled.

Lin Fei hurriedly shouted: "Brother, stop talking nonsense, the so-called bad old man in your mouth has at least four or five levels of Taoism, but he is a fierce person..."

"No way?" Yuan Ye was a little unbelievable, and snorted, "Look at the old man's appearance, he doesn't look like a Taoist person at first glance, he is also the fourth or fifth heaven of the Taoist Palace, how can I, old Yuan?" Hasn't it been sanctified long ago..."

"call out……"

A silver light flashed suddenly and slammed towards Yuan Ye. With quick eyes and quick hands, Lin Fei pulled Yuan Ye away, and the two of them snowballed on the ground to avoid the fierce attack.

A big hole was blown out of the ground, but it quickly recovered. The Taoist platform of the Huashan Sword Sect is really miraculous.

"Hey, what is that..." Yuan Ye got up from the ground, feeling terrified.

An angry shout came from the sky: "Stinky boy, if I let the old man hear your wild boy's nonsense again, I will directly roast you for dinner!"

After finishing speaking, the old man left Yu Jian cursing.

Yuan Ye smiled embarrassingly, and apologized to Lin Fei: "Junior brother, you are still more knowledgeable, this is too bad... No, this senior's cultivation level is really high, I am afraid that the lowest level is the fifth heaven of the Taoist Palace... "

"Uh..." For this barbaric senior brother, Lin Fei was really speechless sometimes, and said seriously, "Brother, let's go back to the Sword Palace and wait for Master, I'm afraid you won't be able to control your mouth..."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, brother was too excited just now, I promise I won't do it again..." Yuan Ye hurriedly apologized to Lin Fei, making him stay in that small layer, he couldn't stay , have to suffocate.

Lin Fei said with a gloomy face: "Brother, if you talk nonsense again, I will..."

"Day! Junior brother, look, that little girl is so tender!" Lin Fei hadn't finished speaking, and Yuan Ye seemed to be pumped with chicken blood again, jumping up and down with his two-meter-long body, The ground rumbled loudly.

It turned out that the animal found a beauty, and that's why it screamed.

Lin Fei really wanted to scold his mother this time, but when he looked up, he was also dumbfounded.

Right in front of him, a peerless beauty came with a sword.

When he got closer, Lin Fei could see clearly that the woman was about 20 years old, dressed in brilliant colors and embroidery, with a gold silk bun on her head, a Chaoyang five-phoenix hairpin, a red gold plate chi ring under her neck, and a skirt skirt. Wearing a pea green palace sash Pisces eye rose, like a concubine descending to earth.

A pair of red and phoenix triangular eyes, two curved willow-leaf hanging eyebrows, slender figure, coquettish physique, pink face with spring power but not revealing, red lips before smiling.

"This woman is really beautiful..." Lin Fei sighed in his heart, this woman can definitely be called a super disaster level.

At this time, Yuan Ye said: "This little girl pinches a bag of water, junior brother, you go up and pinch it..."

The woman not far away frowned slightly, and her sword galloped to the top of Lin Fei and Yuan Ye's heads, her pretty face was covered with frost, and her clear voice was full of anger: "Are you talking about me?"

The woman never thought that there are such vulgar people in the cultivation world, how can such a person enter the cultivation world, his Taoist heart will never be able to break through to the other side.

Yuan Ye's words are really too ugly, what do you mean by "pinch and soak in water?" Otherwise, how could a woman with such status be angry.

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