"Brother, don't talk nonsense..." Lin Fei's face was covered with black lines, and he was not dazzled by the beauty. Although this woman was young, her cultivation was terrifying, and her aura was not weaker than that of her master Wu Yazi.

Yuan Ye smirked and said: "Junior brother, this girl has already come to your door, why don't you go up and pinch her, I think she obviously has a crush on you, otherwise why would she stand in front of you..."

"You..." The woman was stunned, and she slapped Yuan Ye's head without hesitation, "Go to hell!"

This time she was really angry. After several years, how could anyone dare to tease her like this!

A powerful coercion suddenly appeared, a kind of Dao rhyme was struck from the woman's palm, and there was a powerful spiritual power in the palm. If this palm hit Yuanye's head, it would definitely kill him.

"Stop!" Lin Fei's eyes froze, and he rushed to move, stepping on Chaos Steps to push Yuan Ye away, and the two of them rolled on the ground together, "Fellow Daoist, please stop!"

Before he got up, Lin Fei yelled loudly, and said to the woman: "My senior brother has some neurological problems, so I ask fellow daoist to raise your hand. He also admires fellow daoist's appearance as an exiled immortal. The words come from the heart, but my senior brother is not very neurotic. Normal, misnomer..."

"Huh?" The woman raised her pretty eyebrows, and actually withdrew her jade palm, but a hint of embarrassment suddenly flashed in her eyes, and she snorted softly, "What a ridiculous excuse, could it be that people who do wrong things have mental problems? "

"Yes, fellow daoist, please trust me and my junior brother. I do have a mental problem, a problem, a big problem..." Yuan Ye came to his senses at this moment, and hurriedly followed Lin Fei's words, "Fellow Daoist, you don't know. When I was three years old, I once ate a Yinling grass. After eating it, I would have a little nervous problem from time to time. It must have happened just now. I'm really sorry. I'm sorry ha..."

"Huh!" The woman snorted coldly, and then she put on the fairy sword and was about to leave, but she didn't want Lin Fei to ask behind her, "Dare to ask the fairy's name?"

The woman didn't turn her head back, and went straight to the sky with her sword, and it took a long time for a name to echo.

"Wu Qingying!"


"Wu Qingying?" In the Sword Palace, Wu Yazi frowned slightly, looked at the two disciples, and asked, "You won't offend her, will you?"

Yuanye's heart swelled violently, and he asked in a low voice, "Master, what's her background? Even you are afraid of her?"

Wu Yazi waved his hand and said: "There is nothing to be afraid of, but this girl is not young, her cultivation base has reached the peak of the fifth heaven of the Dao Palace at a young age, and one foot has already stepped into the four great secret realms. In this Tianyuan There are also very famous young ascetics on the mainland."

"The peak of the five heavens of the Dao Palace?" Yuan Ye didn't dare to speak anymore. .|

After Wu Qingying left, Lin Fei dragged him back to the sword palace, fearing that he would cause trouble again, but Yuan Ye himself always took it lightly, thinking that she was just a prettier woman, nothing to be afraid of.

But now hearing what Master Wu Yazi said, he immediately lost his temper.

"My little girl is too fierce. How did you practice? I'm only in my twenties and I'm about to enter the four great secret realms. I'm about to go to the third place now. How come I'm in the realm of the bridge? If you haven't cultivated it, you will be more angry than others..." Yuanye groaned in his heart that God was unfair.

Lin Fei was puzzled and said: "Master doesn't know where she came from. At least such strength is the core disciple of the Holy Land?"

Wu Yazi nodded and said: "That's right, Wu Qingying came from the Holy Land of Tianchi, and it is said that she has been designated as the successor of the saint..."

"Saint?" Yuanye exclaimed, "Is she a saint?"

"Brother, don't you always take it as your duty to accept saintesses and goddesses into the harem, this time is your chance..." This guy forgot the pain after his scar healed, Lin Fei really wanted to slap him.

Wu Yazi was not very angry, and said with a half smile: "Xiao Fei, if you really have this goal, you will be proud of you as a teacher. Accepting the world's saints and goddesses into the harem, this goal was established 5 years ago. You guys almost finished it..."

"Has anyone really done this before?" Lin Fei and Yuan Ye were both taken aback, with strange expressions on their faces.

Wu Yazi nodded and said: "5 years ago, a bull who claimed to be the Lord of the Heavenly Palace was born out of nowhere, swept the Tianyuan Continent, and robbed the saintesses of the major holy places at that time, and the goddesses of the God Dynasty, and took them all away. Entered the Heavenly Palace, and made them concubines of the Heavenly Palace..."

"The Lord of the Heavenly Palace?" Lin Fei's heart trembled, could it be that Gong Tianren?

He hurriedly asked: "Master, is there really a Heavenly Palace in this world? Could it be that the Lord of the Heavenly Palace is really a fairy? What's his name?"

"Yes, Master, are there really immortals in this world?" Yuan Ye was also excited when he heard that.

Wu Yazi recalled it for a while, and said fascinatedly: "It was an age that people yearn for. It is said that the lord of the Tiangong was named Gong Tianren. He claimed to be the 920th generation of the lord of the Tiangong, but he was born at an untimely time. When he was about to snatch the last goddess, he was suppressed, and finally ended up being completely wiped out..."

"Gong Tianren? It's really him!" Lin Fei was shocked. He didn't expect to get the news of this great man again. It turned out that he had such an experience that all men admired.

Sweeping across the Tianyuan Continent, robbing the saintesses of the major holy lands, and confiding all the goddesses of the major dynasties as concubines, this kind of grandeur and generosity can be called an immortal legend on the Tianyuan Continent.

"Master, what realm is this Gong Tianren? Is there anyone better than him?" Yuan Ye asked curiously.

Wu Yazi said: "I don't know exactly what level he is as a teacher, but there are historical records that he is very likely to be a peerless powerhouse at the peak level of a great sage, and the one who suppressed him is probably a taboo master." It is very likely that the existence of the quasi-emperor or even the ancient emperor..."

"Has there ever been a Great Emperor on the Tianyuan Continent?" Lin Fei and the two exclaimed.

The ancient emperors are hard to guess. No one knows how fierce they are. One word from them can silence the world, one blow can shatter the starry sky, and destroy the heavens and all races. They are the No. 1 of the invincible universe. .

"Although I'm not lucky enough to witness the true face of the ancient emperor, Tianyuan Continent has another name called Tiandi Star. Presumably there must be an ancient emperor who once lived here, but we don't know that's all..." Wu Yazi's eyes are clear , although his cultivation is not at the top, but his mind is very good, "There are people outside of people, and there is heaven outside of the sky, and the ancient emperor may not be truly invincible in the world, or how to say that everyone pursues longevity, and all ascetics pursue immortality. Well, if there really are immortals in the world, is it possible that there is no one in the immortals who can defeat the Great Emperor? All of this is unknown, so Er waits to witness..."

"Master is really calm..." Lin Fei admired in his heart.

If Wu Yazi's words are spread to the outside world, it will definitely cause an uproar. The ancient emperors are hard to guess. They almost gained the Tao by stepping on the shoulders of all their colleagues. They must be invincible in the world before they can prove the emperor's way !

The universe is invincible, No. 1 under the starry sky can be called the ancient emperor, and only then can he be certified as the emperor.Therefore, only one great emperor was born in the same period. It was never rumored that the two great emperors met. Usually, after one great emperor passed away, a new great emperor would be born after tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of years.If the emperor is not invincible, many people's obsession with Taoism will be broken.

"Okay, I won't mention these things anymore. It's too far away from you and being a teacher..." Wu Yazi shook his head and said seriously, "Let's talk about the Baicao Moyuan. Went to discuss, this time the two of you will join the herbal collection team separately, Yuan Ye, you will follow the Jin State’s herb collection team, Lin Fei, you will follow the Wei State’s herb collection team.”

"Master, why did you separate me from my junior brother?" Yuan Ye was a little dissatisfied. In fact, he felt that it would be safer to follow his junior brother, who had a much higher level of cultivation than himself.

Wu Yazi snorted: "Don't think that the teacher doesn't know your little thoughts, such a big man, you are so embarrassed!"

"Hey, master, I'll just listen to you..." Yuanye smiled, not daring to act cute any more.

Wu Yazi looked at Lin Fei and reminded: "Xiao Fei, you should be more careful this time. I heard that there are some old acquaintances of yours in the herbal collection team of Wei State..."

"Oh?" There was a strange light in Lin Fei's eyes.

"It seems that I saw the Emperor Wei, and his master He Wudao also came, and the eldest daughter and second daughter of Emperor Wei came..." Wu Yazi recalled, and added, "It seems that the Meiji from Wuhuamen is also here..."

"That girl is here too? Could it be that she wants to chase after me?" Lin Fei's face changed. The woman's strength was terrifying, and if he met her, he might have to run away.

Wu Yazi also pondered: "Well, be careful with her. Although she is a junior, her strength is very terrifying. Even a teacher can't see through it. I'm afraid she is a bit stronger than that Wu Qingying..."

"Hmm..." Lin Fei nodded.

He sneered in his heart: "Since you have come to find fault, I will continue this time! Let's see who can beat the other!"

A few days later, the team of practitioners heading to Baicao Moyuan finally assembled, and everyone came to a large sword hall on the Daotai.

There are four teams coming to Baicao Molai this time, most of them are monks from four countries.Jin, Wei, Heilian, and Yan, each of the four countries had monks, and the total number reached 500. Among them, Jin had the largest number of nearly 200 people, and Wei had nearly 150 people. There are more than [-] people in the third country of Yan, and at least a dozen people in Heilian.

Wu Yazi was not in the Great Sword Palace, and he didn't know where he went. Lin Fei was incorporated into the Wei State Herb Collection Team, and Yuan Ye was incorporated into the Jin State Herb Collection Team.

As soon as he entered the herbal collection team, Lin Fei sensed a familiar aura. In front of the team of the Wei Guo herb collection team, there was a graceful and beautiful woman in black gauze looking at him.

"Mei Ji!" Although this peerless beauty wore gauze on her face, there was a familiar hostility in her breath, and Lin Fei sensed it instantly.

"Fellow Taoists from the Kingdom of Wei, please come with me..." Mei Ji said, her voice was like the voice of a fairy from the Nine Heavens, which could be called the melody of heaven.

Lin Fei's face darkened, he didn't expect Meiji to be the leader of their Wei Guo herbal collection team, this might cause him a little trouble.

Meiji has a slender figure, shifting shape and shadow, and soon took the lead out of the Great Sword Hall. The rest of the more than a hundred monks in the Wei Kingdom were all shocked. They did not expect this woman's footwork to be so strange, and her cultivation level is even more incomparable. People can see through.

All the monks from the Kingdom of Wei came out of the sword hall, there was a big fairy boat waiting outside, everyone boarded the fairy boat together with Meiji, there were three disciples of Huashan Sword Sect on the fairy boat, and all three disciples had divine bridges With his cultivation base, he activated the magic circle of the fairy ship, and the fairy ship suddenly started to rush to the Baicao Demon Abyss.

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