?Chapter 310 five

Lin Fei's eyes were like two white flames, rushing straight into the heart of this arrogant female cultivator, making her drenched in cold sweat, and she dared not look at Lin Fei with her beautiful eyes. "Pure" network

"You, what do you want to do?"

The female cultivator's tone was a little panicked, she felt a little fear of Lin Fei from the bottom of her heart, she took a few steps back, and retreated behind the male cultivator.

Another beautiful female cultivator said in a deep voice: "Fellow Daoist, please restrain yourself, don't want to be as knowledgeable as my little junior sister, she has always been like this..."

Although her cultivation base is stronger than Lin Fei's, she still can't see through Lin Fei's strength at this time, so she has to ask for advice.

Lin Fei withdrew his gaze and snorted coldly: "I, Lin, don't want to kill anyone today, so I'll ask others..."

After all, he stepped on the nine steps to ascend to the sky all the way, and it was really bad luck to meet such a woman when he first arrived in the sixth city.

"My surname is Lin! Who do you think you are! Are you a Dao protector? You! You can kill as much as you want, you are just a little Zhun! The elders in the family didn't teach you what is etiquette and morality! You are uneducated. What are you pretending to do when you come out! My old lady sprayed you and me to death!" Lin Fei flashed out for a few miles, and the female cultivator yelled at Lin Fei.

She was shocked by Lin Fei's eyes just now, but now she realized that she is also a core disciple of everyone.

How could he be frightened by a little quasi-sage, and he just entered the quasi-sage for the first time, so he didn't even care about himself.

"Okay! Junior Sister!" The male cultivator yelled, pulled the female cultivator aside, and reprimanded in a dark voice, "Aren't you busy with your bad mouth?"

"Eldest brother! Me!" The female cultivator snorted with a look of grievance, "It's obviously his fault! Why are you still turning your elbows to outsiders! Am I your junior sister?"

"You..." Before the male cultivator could speak, his complexion suddenly changed, and a strong coercion suddenly appeared above his head.

A thousand-meter-high mountain unexpectedly fell from the sky, and a huge shadow enveloped the three of them.


A gloomy light appeared in the male cultivator's eyes, and he quickly pulled the two girls aside, and the three managed to avoid the huge mountain peak.

"My God, what kind of mountain is this!" The female cultivator felt chills on her back for the rest of her life after the catastrophe.

"It seems to be a secret treasure!" Another female cultivator said in a deep voice.

"Take control of your broken mouth! Otherwise, I will not spare you! If you dare to speak nonsense again! I will teach you how to blow your mouth!"

Lin Fei's hoarse voice resounded through the starry sky, shaking all three of them, especially that arrogant female cultivator.

The mountain peak disappeared, and the danger of life and death was completely removed, and the faces of the male cultivator and the two female cultivators recovered a little bit. Among them, the arrogant female cultivator didn't dare to speak, but thought to herself, "Your surname is Lin, don't fall to this girl!" hand, or I will definitely bury you alive!".

"Okay, let's go! Junior sister Hu, don't make trouble anymore!"

The male cultivator's face has turned green. The mountain peak just now is definitely a treasure, and those who can possess such a treasure are definitely not ordinary people.

If it is really the son of some big family, it is really possible to bring disaster to the family.


Lin Fei entered the sixth city alone. This sixth city is very vast, with a radius of nearly ten thousand li.

From the outside, the sixth city was surrounded by clouds and mist, but after entering the city, Lin Fei realized that there was no cloud or mist in the city.

There are antique towers, inns and restaurants on both sides of the street, and there are a lot of monks and ordinary people coming and going. It can be said that this is the most prosperous ancient city among the first six cities.

"There are estimated to be billions of people in this sixth city..." Lin Fei couldn't help but sigh inwardly as he watched the crowd passing by.

Among the crowd on the street, the ratio of monks to ordinary people is about one to three, which means that nearly a quarter of the people are monks.

There are people everywhere around the city gate, and the population density is relatively high.

With such a density, it is far higher than that on the earth. The entire sixth city is estimated to have several billion people.



"Get out of the way, Master Ben..."

At this moment, a group of soldiers rushed across the street ahead, and the people along the way gave way one after another.

The people in the center who had no time to dodge were also rescued by some monks nearby.

Not long after, a team of armored sergeants probably consisted of more than [-] people. The iron armor they wore was made of top-quality spiritual jade, which was comparable to the armor of a quasi-sage. Soldiers at the pinnacle of the sky, they rode their horses and rushed out of the city gate regardless of the life and death of the people on the road.

"Is it going to war again..."

"God knows..."

"These army horses are chasing wind horses, only a few big families have them, I don't know which family's holy army..."

"It's a bit like the Black Feather Army of the Wang family..."

"No wonder they are so arrogant. Among the several great holy armies, only the Black Feather Army has the worst character. They are all rogue army ruffians..."

"Don't talk nonsense, if someone overhears you, you will be beheaded..."

A group of ordinary people talked about it, and some monks also talked in private, obviously not interested in this so-called black feather army.

"Could it be that there are still a few monk troops in the sixth city?"

Lin Fei was curious. The first five cities had never seen any monk army, and generally no monk would join any army.

Most of the monks are solitary people and will not get mixed up with too many people, because they each have their own paths of practice, and it is destined that they cannot be entangled in large numbers for a long time.

"Master, I wonder if you know where the City Lord's Mansion is..."

Lin Fei asked an old man on the side of the road for advice. This old man is not young, but he is still tough.

He looked at Lin Fei, but there was something weird in his eyes, then he shook his head and ran away.

Lin Fei was a little puzzled, and then asked a few aunts and uncles, all of them looked good, and when they saw him, it was like seeing a devil, and they ran faster and faster.

"My fellow daoist, please excuse me. Do you know where the city lord's mansion is?" Finally, Lin Fei found an old monk in the secret realm of the Taoist palace and asked him for advice.

The old monk also sized up Lin Fei for a while, and found that he couldn't see through Lin Fei's cultivation, so he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Daoist, I've broken the old man. I'm afraid it's inconvenient to go to the City Lord's Mansion now..."

"Oh? But what happened?" Lin Fei asked unexpectedly, "I just asked a few people in the city, and they all ran away when they saw me, not knowing why..."

"Hehe..." The old man smiled wryly and said, "Your friend, you may have just arrived in the Sixth City. A lot of strange things have happened in the Sixth City recently, and they are all related to young monks. The monks who are going to go..."

Lin Fei smiled wryly: "Then I really have been wronged..."

"Unfortunately, those young evil cultivators seem to have spoken out recently, saying that they are going to sleep all the women in the City Lord's Mansion, and you asked them about the location of the City Lord's Mansion, so, hehe..." The old man looked at Lin Fly laughed.

He couldn't see through Lin Fei's cultivation, which must mean that Lin Fei had suppressed his cultivation. He looked so young, but his cultivation was higher than his own.That must be someone from some family or sect, who is much better than someone like him who has nothing but cultivates on his own.

"There is still this kind of thing..." Lin Fei's face was tangled, and he smiled wryly, "Senior, please tell this junior that there is indeed something for this junior to go to the City Lord's Mansion..."

He had to go to the City Lord's Mansion to know the current trial situation, otherwise he really didn't know how to get to the seventh city.

Now that all the girls are gone, he doesn't intend to keep fighting the ancient roads of the human race. He just wants to inquire about the information of the Milky Way Star Field in these ancient cities, and by the way, go to the tenth city to get some god stones back.

The old man did not doubt Lin Fei, and said to Lin Fei: "The City Lord's Mansion is to the north, and it is more than two thousand miles away from here. It only takes half a day for my little friend to fly with a sword. The City Lord's Mansion is particularly obvious. It is a red hundred-year-old building. m building."

"Thank you for your advice, senior, then I'll go first." Lin Fei clasped his hands in thanks, took up his giant sword and headed north.

"Hey, the world of young people..."

Seeing Lin Fei turning into a silver light and leaving, the old man sighed and hated himself for not being a hundred years younger.


There are too many monks in the sixth city, Lin Fei flew north with the giant sword, and encountered countless monks passing by along the way.

Most of these people are riding flying swords, or spirit birds, and some are riding flying horses, or some special secret treasures of flying in the sky. The sky over the entire Sixth City can be described as very spectacular.

Lin Fei's cultivation was not too high, but not too low, and he didn't meet any provocative people along the way.

After five hours, Lin Fei finally saw a particularly eye-catching red building.

The building is designed in a hemispherical shape and covers an area of ​​about ten miles. The surface of the hemisphere is covered with a layer of red aura powder, which makes the whole building look particularly beautiful.

But when he got to the front, Lin Fei sensed a magical force, forcing him to descend slowly.

"Forcing the air..."

Lin Fei thought to himself, and after a while, he landed on the land and landed on a trail a few miles away from the City Lord's Mansion.

The magical power is due to the existence of the air-forcing formation, which is actually a method used by spirit stone warlocks. Using this formation can make the surrounding space unable to fly, but this formation is not too domineering, and will slow you down. Crashing does no damage.

"Is this city lord a woman?"

Lin Fei looked up at the City Lord's Mansion a few miles away, and saw an elegant woman's portrait on the outside of the red hemisphere of the City Lord's Mansion.

This woman smiled brightly and was very amiable. Her facial features were also peerless, but Lin Fei's first impression was her smile and her big eyes.

Lin Fei was not the only one on the alley, there were more than a dozen people who had just been forced to descend to this alley. Lin Fei's eyes lit up as he found a veiled female monk on his left side. A few miles away.

"Moon-level lunar body..."

The Goddess Baojian flew out automatically, and after a while, a picture of a woman was burned on the Baojian.


Lin Fei's pupils opened slightly, and he found that the painting of this woman was somewhat similar to the woman painted outside the city lord's mansion, but she looked younger and playful.


The woman's name was written next to the portrait, it was a woman surnamed Ni, such a surname is extremely rare.

The Baojian branded Niya's picture, but this Nia didn't know it. She quickly disappeared from Lin Fei's perception, and she was at least a female saint.

"Since all the wives have left, it seems that I have to be more ruthless this time. If I encounter a Taiyin body, I can't reason with them. I will find a way to overthrow them and leave no one behind..."

With an evil smile on the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, he walked towards the City Lord's Mansion on foot.

... begging to share

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