?Chapter 310 Six

A few minutes later, Lin Fei came to the gate of the City Lord's Mansion. What made Lin Fei's eyes shine was that the guards turned out to be several beautiful female cultivators. <Please go to the website for the fastest update>

Moreover, these female cultivators are all female saints, and the strongest of them has reached the realm of the sixth heaven of saints, and is also the captain of these guards.

What made him even more gratified was that among the dozen or so guarding female saints, four of them had the bodies of Taiyin.

"It's happening now!" Lin Fei was ecstatic in his heart. The body of the yin accounted for [-]% of the guarding female saints. If there were hundreds of female saint guards in the sixth city, wouldn't there be nearly a hundred of them? Body of Taiyin?

"Stop! Who are you!"

When Lin Fei came to him, he was taken aback for a moment, and several strong breaths locked onto her immediately.

A female holy guard yelled coquettishly, raised the holy knife in her waist, and signaled Lin Fei to kill him on the spot if he dared to take a step forward.

"My servant, Lin Fei, is one of the disciples in this trial, come here to report..." Lin Fei clasped his fists and saluted. At this time, he was using his true face and did not disguise himself.

"Oh?" Not only was the female saint guard a little surprised, but a strange look flashed in the eyes of the other dozen female saints.

The female saint guard reprimanded: "Didn't Lin Fei die a long time ago? Are you a fake?"

"Uh, I'm indeed Lin Fei..." Lin Fei smiled helplessly, and the two suns in his eyes shot out with real fire.


The leading saint, the female saint of the sixth heaven, waved her hand, and two streaks of ice popped out, blocking Lin Fei's real sun fire.

The real fire of the sun collided with the ice, but was not destroyed immediately. The afterflame rushed back dozens of meters before it was extinguished and stopped.

"Hmph, it really is the body of the sun!" The leading female saint snorted softly, her pretty face covered with frost.

With a slight smile on Lin Fei's face, he asked: "I would like to ask my sister to help me to inform..."

"Hmph! Don't get close to me! Don't follow your tricks!" The leading female saint snorted coldly, and didn't give Lin Fei a good look.

"Good job, Hong Luan! You have a bad temper. If you have a chance, you will definitely overthrow the leader first!" Lin Fei sneered in his heart. It was branded into the treasure book.

Lin Fei asked doubtfully, "I don't know why my sister is angry?"

"Stop pretending, it's not like you don't know the rules of the trial in the sixth city, as long as you beat any of my female saints, you will pass this trial!" Hongluan snorted, "You don't Just want me to make an exception and pick a female saint with weaker strength for you? Well, I will help you. This time I will personally practice with you. As long as you beat me, Hong Luan, you will be considered as having completed this trial. Refining."

"Uh..." Lin Fei almost vomited blood, and hurriedly said, "Sister Hongluan, is this not good? You are a master among female saints, if you fight with me, you might as well ask me to admit defeat..."

"You can choose to admit defeat directly..." Hong Luan smiled coquettishly, disapproving.

Lin Fei was so angry that he gritted his teeth, he didn't expect this girl to be so arrogant, and said angrily: "This is against the rules, just now you clearly said that the rule of the trial is that I beat a female saint under your command, you are not my subordinate Bar?"

Most of Hongluan's subordinates are in the second and third heavens of saints, so he should still have a chance to match up.

But if he meets Hongluan, the sage of the sixth heaven, then the chances are much smaller, and he will really lose the ancient road test by then.

"Huh, that's all, it's pointless to bully you little quasi-sage..." Hongluan was exposed by Lin Fei, and turned to a beautiful female saint beside her, "Hongyin, I'll leave this kid to you. Beating him so hard that he couldn't get up..."

Hong Yin took a step forward and walked up to Lin Fei. She was [-]% similar to Hong Luan in appearance, and they were sisters.

She is also a moon-level lunar body, which is quite attractive to Lin Fei.

"Hehe, if my sister wants me to lie on my stomach, I'll just do it. As long as you give me some strength, I'll just sit up..." Lin Fei smiled and showed his silver teeth.

"Stinky boy!" Hong Luan's pretty face was stunned, and she snorted angrily, "How dare you speak jokes! I dare to sit down, but I'm afraid your little waist won't be able to bear it!"

She is not an ordinary person. When she was bored with these female saints, she would talk about some of this kind of jokes, but she didn't expect to be blatantly teased by a recruit.

"Although Lin's physique is a little thinner, he is guaranteed to be strong in combat. Let alone sister Hongluan and you alone, even if you are all on board, I, Lin, can also guarantee that I can withstand it. Why don't we take some time to test it someday? The energy of the sun is very nourishing, and it can beautify the skin." Lin Fei smiled and said, not afraid of the red luan at all.

Hongluan scolded: "You kid, let's talk about it when you come out of the trial ground alive, who can't say big words, let's go..."

After all, she took the lead and led a few female saints forward. Due to the forced air array near here, they could not fly and could only walk.

But even though they can only walk on foot, even if they are all female saints, they can teleport, and they can teleport for a few miles at a time.

"These bastards! How dare you play tricks on me! Don't overthrow your original Shaolin characters and write them upside down!" Lin Fei cursed inwardly, and could only use the Nine Steps to keep up.

Hong Luan waited for the four female saints to take them away. She turned her head and saw Lin Fei walking a mile, and she was also a little surprised.

"What kind of footwork is this? It's so mysterious..." Hong Luan admired in her heart, but she laughed at Lin Fei, "Brother Lin Fei, why are you walking so slowly, sister, let's go to the training ground first, we just Waiting for you for an hour, if you haven't arrived, then you have automatically surrendered..."

Having said that, the four girls of Hongluan accelerated their speed, teleported out and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

"Fairy, you pushed me! This is what you forced me to do!"

Lin Fei cursed in his heart, and a treasure book flew out in response, and chased forward.

"Sister Luan, there's nothing special about this kid. He's just now in the Second Heaven of Xiantai. If I compete with him, I might kill him by mistake..." The four girls were teleporting towards the trial field. Yin sighed.

Hongluan smiled and said: "If you kill him by mistake, you can only count him as unlucky. Anyway, this is the rule of the novice trial. You can kill him or not, you can master it."

"Then should I kill or not?" Hong Yin looked at Hong Luan and asked for her opinion.

Hong Luan thought for a while and said: "I suggest killing him. If he can't even beat you, why should he beat Hoff? Hough is stronger than you. It's better to let him die than to let him die in Hough's hands." It's in your hands, it's better to go to someone to refine the elixir."

"But if he dies in my hands, will the Huo family come to settle accounts with us?" Hong Yin was a little worried.

Hongluan thought about it for a while, and said: "I didn't think about this, it's all right, you should save his life, if you offend the Huo family because of this, we will be in trouble."





As soon as Hongluan finished speaking, the bodies of the four girls froze almost at the same time, almost rolling forward.


The four girls let out a soft groan almost at the same time, a blush appeared on their pretty faces, and a strange feeling flashed in their hearts.

"what happened?"

Hongluan's pretty face was flushed, she almost fell headlong just now, she really lost her composure.

The other three women were also in a panic, watching their surroundings vigilantly to see if anything special happened.

"It can't be that kid's trick, right?" Hong Yin stood up straight and asked.

Hongluan shook her head and said: "It shouldn't be him, he is still ten miles away, it is impossible for him to attack us now with his cultivation."

She scanned the surrounding area, but she didn't find any strong people here, and felt a little strange.

"Sister Luan, let's go to the trial ground quickly, don't be caught up by that kid, since we can't kill that bastard, it's better not to be bothered to fight him, just let him miss the time." Another woman San Giuseppe suggested.

"That's right, what Sisi said is right, I'm too lazy to fight with him, lest this guy spout some dirty words..." Hongyin also nodded hurriedly.

Hongluan nodded and said: "Okay then, let's quickly hide in the trial ground and see how this kid finds us."

But at this moment, Lin Fei, who was ten miles away, had an evil smile on his lips.

Baojian flew back again, in the goddess cage on Baojian, the spirits of Hongyin and Hongluan had already been closed, and they were drawing out the energy of Taiyin from their spirits.

At this time, in the goddess cage, only the souls of their two daughters are being imprisoned. The concubine Tian is no longer there, and the figure of the bald woman is long gone. It was completely absorbed by Lin Fei.

"Want to avoid me, Lin Fei? It's not that easy..." Lin Fei smiled inwardly. There was a clear red line on the treasure book, which pointed the direction of the four women.

Since the four girls were not too far away from him, after thirty or so breaths, Hongluan's red line of movement stopped, and they were only less than two hundred miles away from him.

Within this distance, Bao Jian could still locate them accurately. Even if they used special restraint techniques, Lin Fei could still find them.

There are many powerful monks near the City Lord's Mansion. Most of these monks are saint-level powerhouses. It is rare to see a junior quasi-sage like Lin Fei.

"Your sister, where are there so many saints? Just move dozens of these people to the Tianyuan Continent, and they will be able to rule the roost..." Lin Fei cursed inwardly. a lot.

No wonder those city lords don't care too much about the lives of these new testers. There are only a few dozen people left from the more than 1 people. They just try to pick out one or two brilliant talents from the more than 1 people. Come on, if more than 1 people are all dead, they have nothing to sigh about, it's just an experiment.

The monks along the road were basically noble people. Seeing Lin Fei, a junior quasi-sage passing by, few people looked up at him.

It was difficult for Lin Fei to find someone to ask the way, but fortunately, Baojian played a wonderful role. After half an hour, Lin Fei accelerated and rushed to a group of gray buildings.

This gray building complex is very large, covering an area of ​​hundreds of miles, it should be the testing ground.

"There is another forced air formation..."

A strange color flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and he found that there was also a forced air array near the trial ground, and monks could not fly in the air.

"Stop! Who are you!"

When he first arrived at the gate of the trial ground, two guards with long spears blocked Lin Fei's way. These two were not as scary as those female saints in the City Lord's Mansion, but they were both middle-level quasi-sages.

"Under Lin Fei, I made a trial agreement with Hongluan, the female saint of the City Lord's Mansion, and came to fight..." Lin Fei said neither humble nor overbearing.

"Are you that ancient waste body?" One of them raised his mouth slightly, showing contempt.

Begging to share

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