Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 317 She is a Chicken, She Comes Out to Sell

Chapter 310 Seven

The guard put on an arrogant attitude, looked down at Lin Fei, as if seeing the biggest joke, laughed and said: "It's really ridiculous, even the ancient waste body has come to participate in the trial, is there no one on the ancient road of the human race? "

Another guard also sneered: "There is no one on the ancient road of the human race, otherwise why would they send a useless person here, haha..."

"Are you provoking me?" Lin Fei's eyes were burning, but he didn't make a move immediately.

One of them laughed and said, "You are the one we're provoking, how about it? Don't tell me you're a cripple who still wants to fight?"

"Haha, how can a waste body fight, you worry too much, at most he lifts our shoes and pours water for washing our feet..." The other person also laughed wildly.

Lin Fei glared at the two of them, gritted his teeth and asked, "If you die by my hands, then who is to blame?"

"Haha, you are too arrogant, you want to kill us even if you are a useless body? If you can kill us, we will recognize you as our ancestor..." One of them said proudly.

The other person also said in a deep voice: "Killing you would be too dirty for our hands, but he is just a junior quasi-sage, and he is worthy of Master Huo Liu..."

"Seeking death!" Lin Fei was furious, and the two real fires of the sun rushed out in his eyes, turning into two groups of raging flames, one group rushed towards one person.


The faces of the two of them changed greatly. The temperature of the flame made them feel terrified. They wanted to burn their souls. Their intuition told them that if they were touched by the flame, they would not die but would be seriously injured.

The two waved their spears and pointed them towards the flames.

"Go to hell!"

Lin Fei shouted sharply, and punched out a fiery red Heavenly Dao Fist with both hands, the fist was so powerful that it shattered the surrounding void.

More than a dozen other guards outside the trial field hurriedly held guns, forming a halo to protect the trial field.


"Do not……"

The two invincible guards were not so lucky. The holy spear in their hands was stained with the real fire of the sun and turned into molten iron.

The Heavenly Dao Fist slammed on their fleshy bodies, blowing them up, and the two primordial spirits escaped.

Lin Fei stretched out his hands slightly, and arrested their primordial spirits.


At this moment, a light and shadow appeared in front of Lin Fei, and a white-haired old man suddenly appeared. He was extremely coercive, and his eyes were like knives, piercing into people's hearts.

"It's too late for me to stop now..."

Lin Fei did not obey his orders, and threw the souls of the two into Lunhai, where they were suppressed by Jiufeng Mountain.

"You are too arrogant, you dare to kill people outside my trial field in the sixth city!" The old man glared at Lin Fei with eyes like snakes.

Lin Fei was wearing a black robe, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram was behind him, which could offset most of his pressure.

He snorted coldly: "They are looking for death, no wonder others..."

"Hmph! They are people from my trial field. If you kill the people from my trial field, you are making trouble with my trial field!" the old man shouted angrily.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Lin Fei's mouth, and he questioned: "Just now they said they could kill me easily, why didn't you jump out? Now jump out and learn how to bark like a dog, old man, you really can..."

"Bastard! If you dare to scold the old man, I will kill you right now!" The old man scolded angrily, and couldn't hold back anymore.

Both hands appeared on Lin Fei's back out of thin air, and slapped Lin Fei directly on the head.

"A mighty old dog!"

Lin Fei yelled angrily, and instead of dodging, he slapped a dry seal at the old man, causing the old man to slam.


At the same time, the old man's hands hit Lin Fei's back, but because of the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram in his robe, Lin Fei did not suffer too much trauma.

However, he was still blasted hundreds of meters away, and it happened that the direction of the blast was facing the old man. When Lin Fei rolled in the air, he made several dry prints again.

"Heavenly Dao Fist..."

In a blink of an eye, he came to the old man, and a fiery red fist shot out, directly in front of the old man.


The old man was hit by Tiandao's fist, and what made him even more depressed was that Lin Fei took the opportunity to slap him several loudly.

"Ah! Boy, you are looking for death!"

The old man raised his head and shouted angrily. He was really angry, but he didn't expect to be hit by Lin Fei.

It is a great shame and humiliation for him to be beaten in the face by a novice quasi-sage, who is a dignified sage and a strong man in the eighth heaven. If word spreads, how will he mess around in the sixth city in the future.

"This kid is really tough, the old man didn't slap him to death!" The anger turned into anger, but the old man was also surprised that Lin Fei's resistance was so strong.

He is just a quasi-sage at the beginning level, and his body is not considered to be strengthened to the extreme before he enters the holy realm.

His own cultivation base of the eighth heaven of saints, logically speaking, even a saint of the first heaven of saints would be crushed by his own palm, but this kid held it back and even used the secret method of setting shape.

"Old dog, you just said you were going to kill me, but this young master is still alive and well!"

Lin Fei sneered along the way, pinched the seal with his left hand, and was about to print the dry seal again.

The old man hurriedly dodged to the side, this kind of seal is very powerful, it can freeze him for about half a second.

If he got hit again, he would definitely get slapped again.

"Where to go!"

Lin Fei resolutely typed six dry characters in an instant again, swallowing a mouthful of dark blood directly into his throat, and he also suffered some internal trauma.

"not good!"

The old man screamed in his heart, his face became extremely ugly, and he was hit by one of the dry characters.

Just as he was about to teleport away, he suddenly stopped and fell headlong.


With a loud noise, the old man was sent flying hundreds of meters by Lin Fei's big slap.

"Boy, go to hell!"

The old man turned around in the air, his face had already turned purple, and black water was about to drip out gloomyly.

Lin Fei called him too embarrassed, a killing sword was born out of nowhere, and the surrounding void was shattered by the power of the sword, it was actually a sword of the pinnacle of a saint king.

"Mr. Chen is still waiting..."

With a yell, Hong Luan's four daughters rushed out of the trial ground, and Hong Luan hurriedly called a stop.

"These four girls finally appeared..." Lin Fei heaved a sigh of relief, and he forced a big mouthful of black blood into his body, causing considerable internal injuries.

Although the shot just now was very handsome, but only he himself knows the pain.

This Chen Laoxiu has reached the eighth heaven of a sage, and every time he makes a dry seal, it consumes extremely spiritual power, and even the original source is almost damaged.

Ordinary dry print, typed on a person like Mr. Chen, will not produce any bubbles.

So what Lin Fei used just now was the power of the original source, the dry prints made with the original power of chaos, and each seal can hold him for half a second.

The four daughters came to Lin Fei's side, but Mr. Chen said with a sullen face: "Today, whoever prevents the old man from killing this kid, the old man will kill whoever! Get out of the way quickly!"

He has been cultivated for more than 1000 years, and it is the first time that he is ashamed as he is today, he is almost thrown to his grandma's house.

"Mr. Chen, please hold your hand high, this bastard just owes his mouth so much, don't be as knowledgeable as him..." Hong Luan hurriedly persuaded.

"Hongluan, get out of the way, it's useless to persuade anyone today, I must kill this kid to relieve my hatred!" Old Chen scolded angrily, his old eyes were about to pop out.

This is not a question of swearing, but that he was slapped on the mouth. It would be fine if he was incited by the ancestors of the clan, but he is only a junior quasi-sage.

Hong Luan also pulled down her pretty face, and said in a deep voice: "Mr. Chen, you must have heard that there is still a battle between this bastard and Huo Jiahuofu. If you kill him now, then there will be a battle between him and Huofu." The decisive battle..."

"The old man doesn't care! It just happened that the old man killed the Huo family!" Old Chen shouted sharply, and the killing sword was magnified ten times fiercely, and his prestige increased even more.

Hongluan also coquettishly said: "You don't dare to kill him, Hongluan, but as far as Hongluan knows, our young master of the Ni family has placed a huge bet on this bastard. If you keep killing him, what will happen to you?" ..."

"Uh..." Old Chen's face was startled, the killing sword in his hand could not help but pause, and cursed secretly, "Why is it the young master of the Ni family, even the city master, I dare to disobey him, if I offend that little witch, Then..."

Hong Yin also persuaded: "Mr. Chen, please let him go. I think he has been injured, and he will definitely not be Huo Fu's opponent at that time. Even if he kills Huo Fu, you can still take shots from the sidelines by then. It can be relieved..."

"Forget it, the old man spared this boy's life today!" Chen Laoyin shouted, retracted the killing sword, and swept it around Lin Fei's body, wishing to give Lin Fei a cramp.

Hmph, his figure flickered, and he finally left.


As soon as Mr. Chen left, the black blood in Lin Fei's throat couldn't be suppressed anymore. He spit out a blood dragon, and his face turned pale instantly.

"Hehe, weren't you quite arrogant just now, why are you wilting now..." Hongluan laughed, and the three girls also covered their mouths and laughed lightly.

Lin Fei said weakly: "You four stinky bitches, when I recover my vitality, I will definitely sleep with you..."

He didn't say this in his heart, but shouted directly, which made the four girls look ugly.

"You bastard, you really don't know how to live or die. You've been hurt so badly, yet you still dare to offend the four of us. Do you really want to live?" direct.

Qiao Sisi smiled coquettishly and said, "Brother Lin Fei is quite interesting. Why did you have to wait for your vitality to recover before you dared to sleep with us? If you have the ability, come here now. Sisters are not afraid of you..."

"Your sister, so direct..." Lin Fei raised his head and cursed, "I am not afraid of you, I have experienced many battles, and I am very talented. It is up to you to decide which inn and which room to stay in! This young master now Just pick up your gun and mount your horse!"

Hongluan, Qiao Sisi and Ye Xiaohong smiled, but Hongyin couldn't stand hearing these vulgar words, and really wanted to slap the animal to pieces.

But after learning that the young city lord had placed a huge bet on him, they had no choice but to stop, otherwise just thinking about the tricks of the little witch would make people horrified.

"What are you laughing at! Dare to question this young master's ability! I will let you experience what it means to be a real man! Let's go, let's go now! You four can go together!" Lin Fei's face was ugly, but the corners of his mouth were It's a teasing smile.

If he could really sleep with them, he would really be healed. Who said that Hongluan and Hongyin are two moon-level Taiyin bodies?

"Shut your crow's mouth! Whoever you love to sleep with, you sleep with, shameless!" Hong Yin couldn't take it anymore, and scolded.

Lin Fei swept Hongyin's graceful body, grinned and said, "Sister Hongyin, I'm afraid you haven't experienced the taste of a man yet, right? Your name makes people think about it. There is a country in my hometown. The woman's name seems to be Hongyin, do you know what she does?"

"What do you want to say!" Hong Yin shouted sharply.

"She's a chicken, she's sold..."

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