Chapter 330 Eight

If confusion can also be cut off, doesn't that mean that there will be no confusion on the road of cultivation in the future?

Brother Niu didn't understand, and he wasn't optimistic about Lin Fei's choice, but it was inconvenient for him to say more at this time.

On the contrary, he thought deeply about what Lin Fei had said to him, don't linger among the women's flowers anymore, or he will really be useless.

"Then think about it yourself, it's better to go back to Ascension Immortal Hall earlier, it is said that there will be major changes in Ascension Immortal Hall within two years..."

In the end, Brother Niu didn't spend the night here, and left in a hurry. He probably went to deal with the woman he had slept with in the past few years, so it's better to explain everything.

Without raising his eyes, Lin Fei took out the ancient book, and sat quietly on the chair to study it without lighting the lamp.

His eyes are transparent, this kind of darkness can't stop him at all, he can clearly see the small characters on the ancient book.


There was a trace of purple flame in Lin Fei's eyes, and he actually saw a trace of purple flame in the book.


With a flick of his finger, he actually pulled out the wisp of purple air. Lin Fei's consciousness sank into the wisp of purple air, and his pupils couldn't help but widen.

"It's actually a map of the starry sky!"

Lin Fei was ecstatic in his heart. There was actually a map of the starry sky hidden in this wisp of purple air. After sinking his consciousness into it, he could clearly see that it was a corresponding map of the starry sky.

This star map is not very big, there are probably only a few hundred planets on it, but it is still enough to make Lin Fei ecstatic.

"Could it be that there are secret treasures hidden in this ancient book?"

Lin Fei guessed in his heart, and quickly turned to the second page, but this time he didn't find the purple air in it.

"come out……"

He opened Fen Tian's eyes, purple flames flickered in his eyes, and with the power of the purple flames, he actually saw another ray of purple energy.

"Could it be..." Lin Fei's heart beat a little faster, and he made a bold guess.

He carefully drew out this wisp of purple air, which is also a map of the starry sky. This map of the starry sky is wider. What shocked Lin Fei the most was that this map of the starry sky can be spliced ​​together with the first one. .

Lin Fei hurriedly took out a jade slip, and rubbed the two starry sky maps on the jade slip according to a certain proportion.

After the expansion, Lin Fei turned to the third page, and there was also a ray of purple air in it, but it seemed that these purple air could only be found under the light of the purple flame in his eyes.


After working hard for three days and three nights, Lin Fei finally pulled out all the purple energy in this ancient book, and a super big jade slip appeared in front of him, with a huge map of the starry sky hidden inside.

This piece of starry sky map spreads in all directions with the Ascension Immortal Continent as the center.

On this star map, Lin Fei found a path leading to the ancient road of the human race, through which he can return to the ancient road of the human race.

As long as he can return to the ancient road of the human race, his hope of returning to the earth will be a little higher, which is much better than staying in this continent of immortality.

For the next month, Lin Fei was studying this star map. Although there were more than 50 planets on the star map, compared to the entire star universe, it was just a drop in the ocean.

The most precious thing about this map of the starry sky is that there are many notes on it, which are the footprints left by the powerful people of the Ascending Immortal Continent after they stepped out.

Before sitting down, they expanded the starry sky they stepped into into a starry sky map, and through special means, they burned the starry sky map into this ancient book.

To see the starry sky map, one must have special pupil skills, and Lin Fei's eyes are one of them.

Although the appearance of the eyes is still transparent, after several years of thinking and tempering, Lin Fei's eyes have changed again.

In the past, white flames shot out from his eyes, but now purple flames shot out from his eyes, which he named the eyes of breaking illusion.

He completely fused the Fentian Eye and the Huanxin Shan, and finally refined this pair of delusion-breaking eyes to help him see through delusion.


Another year passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Fei completely closed the painting and calligraphy shop, preparing to leave the small town where he had lived for several years.

On this day, the old man came to the painting and calligraphy shop early in the morning. He seemed to have expected that Lin Fei would leave today.

"You are going to leave after all..." The old man's tone was somewhat regretful.

In the past few years, he bought four or five pictures of beauties from Lin Fei. Seeing that Lin Fei was about to leave, he was naturally a little bit sad.

Lin Fei said: "There is always a banquet in the world. When we part, I will give you two paintings, and I won't accept the spirit stone..."

With a flick of his sleeve, he sent out two portraits, and the old man accepted them without hesitation.

He persuaded: "Your Tao is very special, I hope you can succeed in cutting the Tao, and look forward to the day when you become holy..."

"Thank you..." Lin Fei said goodbye to the old man without saying anything, and headed towards the Immortal Palace.

Looking at Lin Fei's leaving back, the old man murmured to himself: "The mixture of the body of the sun and the body of chaos can be regarded as the best physique in the world. I hope I don't become an evil body..."

The old man teleported away without following Lin Fei.


Seven days later, Lin Fei finally came to the Immortal Hall again, but before entering the hall, he was stopped by several disciples.

"Who are you, report your name!"

Those who led the team to guard outside the mountain were actually several saint core disciples, who stopped Lin Fei outside.

"Lin Fei, Elder Mei's registered disciple..." Lin Fei replied calmly, throwing out a jade token.

The sage disciple took the jade tablet for a look, then crushed the jade tablet, angrily scolded: "It turned out to be the registered disciple of that traitor elder, take him down!"

Lin Fei was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to come out like this, several saint disciples couldn't help but sacrificed a silver rope to bind Lin Fei together.

"Heavenly Dao Fist..."

Lin Fei was also not polite to them, and directly blasted a Tiandao fist at these guys.


Tiandao Fist was so powerful that it made the whole sky red, and hit the silver cable to stop the silver cable from coming.

Lin Fei knew that the silver rope had a great origin, comparable to a great holy soldier, so he didn't dare to slack off, and used the nine steps to ascend to the sky to retreat.

"Where to go! If you dare to resist, you will be killed!"

A core disciple of the Saint Three Heavens appeared above Lin Fei's head, and a five-foot real dragon appeared and fell down directly.

"This is the fourth floor of Rising Dragon Jue..."

Lin Fei recognized this real dragon, which could only be summoned after he had cultivated to the fourth level of the Ascending Dragon Jue. It was really terrifying to see a ray of dragon breath falling down. Create.

With a flick of his right hand, he raised his black robe, and the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram supported the five-foot real dragon.

A large vortex appeared on the black robe, pulling the real dragon into it instantly.


The real dragon was sucked away, and the disciple of the sage was also severely injured. His body flew out like a leaf, and he spat out blood in the air.

At the same time, the other two real dragons also rushed towards Lin Fei. They were both core disciples of the fourth floor of the Rising Dragon Jue. They had entered the holy realm and could teleport out.

"Looking for a dead end..."

Lin Fei snorted softly, and he danced the black robe on top of his head vigorously, blowing out black whirlpools, directly blasting towards these two people and the two real dragons.



The two real dragons were also blasted away, and the two disciples of the sage were also severely injured, their eyes showing horror and they quickly retreated.

"Who is this person! Why is he so strong, even though he has not stepped into the holy realm, he is so fierce!"

"Hurry up and tell Elder Xu, and ask him to come and take down this son!"

The three sage disciples quickly retreated more than a dozen miles, and were about to retreat into the Immortal Hall to ask the elders to arrest Lin Fei, but Lin Fei did not move forward. The robe stepped on the nine steps to the sky and left.


"Brother Niu said that a big change happened in the Palace of Ascension to Immortals. It seems to be true. Even old man Mei was declared a traitor. It seems that something big happened..."

Lin Fei retreated very quickly, and he retreated nearly a hundred miles in no time. He was wearing a black robe, so he was not afraid of any elders coming to check him, and he was wrapped in the Tai Chi Yin Yang pattern, so he couldn't find his breath.

On the contrary, he was a little worried about Megan, Brother Niu, and Senior Brother Wei.

"I don't know if old man Mei has been murdered. If so, brother Niu must have lost his life..." Lin Fei's face was a little serious, and he returned to the Ascension Hall, but he didn't expect such a big event to happen.

Soon Lin Fei entered a big city outside the Palace of Ascension to Immortals, and found some inside information about the Palace of Ascension to Immortals in this big city.

It is said that an imperial weapon appeared in the Hall of Ascension to Immortals, and that mysterious imperial armament was taken away by Megan and another elder, and now the entire Hall of Ascension to Immortals is ordering to take Megan.

However, there are rumors that Megan and another elder have entered the starry sky with the emperor soldiers. It is extremely difficult for people in the Ascension Hall to find them. After chasing them out, Megan and the two had nowhere to hide.

"Emperor soldiers?"

Lin Fei was surprised when he heard the news.

If there is an emperor soldier born, there will definitely be civil strife in Ascension Immortal Palace, and the value of an emperor soldier can be imagined.

The great sage will definitely not be able to sit still, but if so, Megan and Brother Niu will be in danger.


After staying in this city for four or five days, Lin Fei tried to go to the Ascension Hall a few times, but finally retreated.

A large number of powerful saints appeared near the Immortal Hall, and several elders of the Saint King level were also born. They were all searching for forces outside Megan and another elder, including arresting Lin Fei.

However, Lin Fei was a little relieved that they seemed to be arresting Lin Niu as well. Obviously Brother Niu was still safe and hadn't been caught.

Lin Fei changed his appearance, put on the black robe of Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram, and began to search for the trace of Brother Niu.

Half a year later, Lin Fei still hadn't found any news about Brother Niu, and even the women whom Brother Niu often looked for didn't know where Brother Niu had gone, and Brother Niu seemed to have disappeared in Ascension Immortal Continent.

Even senior brother Wei disappeared, and he didn't know where he went.

"Since you want to leave, why not go to the Immortal Hall to make a fuss..." Lin Fei's eyes flashed cold, purple flames flickered, and a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

After half a year, rumors about the internal turmoil in Ascending Immortal Palace had already spread, and the origin of the emperor's soldiers had also been spread.

Some people say that it is an invincible weapon of the ancient emperor, even the great sages dare not touch it, if it is struck, it will be destroyed.

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