Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 339 Do whatever you want

Chapter 330 Nine

The three Great Sage Patriarchs of the Ascending Immortal Palace all chased them out, and they are no longer in the Ascending Immortal Continent, and even the elders of the Ascending Immortal Continent also chased them out, all wanting to get Godless Soldiers.

On this day, Lin Fei dressed up as an old man with a white beard and came to the sky above the Hall of Ascension to Immortals.

Before taking a step forward, he was stopped by more than a dozen disciples from Ascension Hall.

"Where did the monster come from, retreat and leave the Ascension Hall, or I will send you to heaven!" Several disciples were very bad-tempered, and their cultivation bases were probably in the four-pole secret realm, and they were all the most common outer disciples of the Ascension Hall.

Lin Fei glanced over, and saw through everyone's character.

"I'll send you to heaven first..."

Lin Fei sneered, and purple flames shot out of his eyes, directly enveloping these people. Their cultivation was too low, and they were turned into a piece of fly ash in an instant, and their spirits and forms disappeared.

These guys are all evil people, and Lin Fei didn't even bat an eye when beheading them.

In a blink of an eye, Lin Feifei had advanced dozens of miles, and several sword lights flashed in front of him, and several quasi-sage disciples appeared.

Three men and one woman, the handsome man and the beautiful woman, blocked Lin Fei's way.

"Who are you?"

Lin Fei glanced over, the female disciple suddenly felt a chill in her heart, she didn't dare to meet Lin Fei's eyes, she was secretly surprised who this expert was.

"Lin Fei..." Lin Fei said in a deep voice.

"You are Lin Fei?" The female cultivator let out a surprise, pulled out the soft sword at her waist, and turned into a holy snake.

The other three also fought at the same time, offering their holy soldiers one after another, wanting to fight Lin Fei.

"Traitor of Ascending Immortal Palace, look at the trick!"

One of the male cultivators was the first to attack, and struck Lin Fei's head with a divine sword. Without raising his head, Lin Fei stretched out his palm and pinched the guy up.


The Excalibur struck Lin Fei's body, but Lin Fei remained motionless, with a light breeze blowing over his shoulder, as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, let me go!" Although he was a quasi-sage, this male cultivator felt very powerless in Lin Fei's hands, and he was no match for him at all.

"Is this man sanctified?"

The four of them were all startled, but judging by the coercion of the other party, it seemed that they had not stepped into the holy realm.

"Let go of Junior Brother Xu! Immortal Hall will not allow you to be presumptuous!" The female cultivator shouted coquettishly, swallowing the stamen of the holy snake in her hand, but did not attack rashly.

Lin Fei glanced across the eyebrows of Junior Brother Xu. This fellow was also a heinous person who used to eat young girls alive and devour their internal organs.

"Do not……"

Junior Brother Xu screamed strangely, his body was crushed by Lin Fei with his bare hands, and a soul escaped, but was arrested by Lin Fei and thrown into the Nine Peaks Mountain in Lunhai.

Anyway, he is a quasi-sage powerhouse, so let's save it for later devouring.

"You, you actually killed Junior Brother Xu..." The three of them were shocked, their faces showing shock, they didn't expect the other party to kill them.

The female cultivator was also moved and said: "Junior Brother Xu is the grandson of Elder Xu, Lin Fei, you have a big deal!"

"Let me take a look at your past..." Lin Fei laughed evilly in his heart, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he saw through the past of this female cultivator.

This female cultivator's name is An Xiaoyan, she is decent, she has been practicing in the Ascending Immortal Palace, and she has no bad deeds.

On the way, he looked at the other two male cultivators, but these two male cultivators were not very good.



Lin Fei shot one after another, pinned the other two, and blasted out two Tiandao fists, blasting the two physically, and imprisoned the soul into Jiufeng Mountain.

"You!" An Xiaoyan's face turned pale. She didn't expect Lin Fei to be so fierce and killed three people in an instant.

Her pretty face was pale, and she seemed to have seen her fate, and said in a trembling voice: "Lin Fei, what exactly do you want?"

She couldn't see through Lin Fei's eyes, nor could she see Lin Fei's eyes. Those transparent eyes were calm and she couldn't see any emotion, but the other party left her life, which made her scalp A little numb, does this guy think?

"What do you think I want to do to you?" Lin Fei raised an evil smile, An Xiaoyan's heart suddenly cooled down, but she comforted herself, she wanted to calm down and wait for the rescue of the strong man in the Immortal Palace .

This place is less than a hundred miles away from the main hall of Ascension Immortal Palace. If the elders of the Saint King level are interested, they should have discovered the battle here.

"Your teacher, Megan, fled with my imperial soldiers from the Ascension Hall, and you are the sinners of my Ascension Hall. As a member of the Ascension Hall, you should be able to distinguish right from wrong!" An Xiaoyan scolded, continuing to stall for time.

Lin Fei knew what she was thinking, but he was not in a hurry, and said with an evil smile: "I, Lin Fei, have always been able to distinguish right from wrong. If it weren't for this, your end would have been the same as the three of them just now. But since I didn't kill you, do you have to kill me?" Have something to say?"

"What do you want to do?" An Xiaoyanyu bit her lips tightly, clenched her fists tightly, and the holy snake in her hand was trembling.

Lin Fei laughed and said, "For example, promises with your body..."

"Don't think about it! I, An Xiaoyan, will never be threatened by others. If you want to kill me, kill me. I, An Xiaoyan, will never frown!" An Xiaoyan's delicate body trembled with anger, not wanting to give in to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei frowned, and typed a dry letter directly. At the same time, An Xiaoyan threw the holy snake out of An Xiaoyan's hand, and An Xiaoyan wanted to teleport out in place.


It's a pity that before she could escape in the future, she was hit by dry ink and couldn't move.


Seeing the holy snake opened its bloody mouth, Lin Fei blasted out with a Heavenly Dao Fist, killing the holy snake back.

The holy snake fled to the void in a blink of an eye, and fled alone, abandoning its master An Xiaoyan.

Lin Fei came to An Xiaoyan's back in an instant, wrapped his big hands around her slender waist, and struck her with two more dry prints.

"You, don't act recklessly..." An Xiaoyan almost cried out anxiously, Lin Fei's hand had already slipped on her waist, and she was about to reach the snow mountain soon.

The corners of Lin Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he said with an evil smile: "Aren't you not threatened by others? Since you refuse to sleep with Ben Shao, then Ben Shao has to come by himself..."

After finishing speaking, with a movement of Lin Fei's fingers, a small piece of An Xiaoyan's clothes on her lower abdomen melted away, revealing a large piece of snow muscle and that beautiful navel.

"You, what on earth do you want to do, kill me..." An Xiaoyan burst into tears, terrified.

Lin Fei's hand pressed her snowy muscles, An Xiaoyan's delicate body trembled, and immediately began to beg for mercy: "Please, please let Xiaoyan go, I, I will do anything for you, as long as You don't move my body..."

She has lived for more than 200 years, and she has never been treated so lightly by a man, or she has never had intimate contact with a man.

Now Lin Fei's fingers were pressing on her snowy muscles, which made her feel terrified, which was really unacceptable.

Even as a quasi-sage, she couldn't accept such frivolity, it was too terrible.

"Hehe, you said you can't move your body, then you can move other places..." Lin Fei chuckled, aimed at An Xiaoyan's snowy butt, and slapped it directly.


An Xiaoyan let out an exclamation, and suddenly cursed: "Lin Fei, you beast! Kill me if you dare! What kind of a man are you to treat a woman lightly!"



Lin Fei slapped her big leather drum twice again, causing An Xiaoyan to cry several times, making her want to die in shame and indignation.

"Since you are willing to be an ox or a horse, then your body is yours, and you have no right to resist..." Lin Fei snorted coldly, which made An Xiaoyan's burning body suddenly a little colder.

An Xiaoyan felt that her body was about to be untied, but she didn't expect that Lin Fei pressed her fingers a few more times and typed a few dry words for her, which immediately made her feel desperate.

Lin Fei took out the void mirror, threw An Xiaoyan under the void mirror, and held her in place under the void mirror.


Lin Fei sensed the coercion of Taotian, and immediately rolled up An Xiaoyan, wearing a black robe, and quickly retreated.

After a while, a silver-haired one-eyed old man appeared in the place just now. It was the elder Xu, whose strength had reached the fifth heaven of the Saint King, and he had great power in this Immortal Hall.

"The three quasi-sages were killed in an instant, and An Xiaoyan's whereabouts are also missing, she must have been taken captive..." Elder Xu muttered to himself, his eyes serious, "Who did it?"

He checked carefully, and found that there was no aura of that person at all, and the aura of that person and An Xiaoyan disappeared in place, and there was no way to continue the investigation.

Not long after, Elder Xu returned to the Ascension Hall and ordered dozens of core disciples to go out for inspection.


An hour later, Lin Fei brought An Xiaoyan to an inn in a small town, and the two lived in the same room.

"My surname is Lin! Quickly let go of this girl! Otherwise, when the elders arrive, you will die in an ugly way!" An Xiaoyan kept clamoring under the empty mirror.

There was a lot of yelling along the way, and Lin Fei came to her in an instant, and was so close to her that he could smell her fragrance.

"You, what do you want to do?" An Xiaoyan was startled, and hurriedly said, "My girl, I'm just scaring you, don't take it seriously..."

At this time, the two of them were in the same room, and she was really worried that Lin Fei's beast would become violent, and it would be depressing to push her down forcefully.

An Xiaoyan didn't dare to look directly into Lin Fei's eyes. Lin Fei's eyes seemed to have a magical power, and if he looked at them a few more times, he would sink into them.

Lin Fei smirked and said, "I've already taken you to a room, what do you think I want to do?"

"Lin Fei, I beg you, don't torture me anymore, I'm not pretty, my temper is too bad, and my cultivation level is not high, why are you staring at me..." An Xiaoyan called Qu Qu.

Lin Fei shook his head and said: "Although you are not beautiful, you are quite beautiful, you can be said to be a little beauty; your temper is not too bad, it happens to be a little pepper, I like it; you are all middle-level associates If you are holy, your cultivation is not high, how can you make other low-ranking female cultivators feel embarrassed."

"You are in line with this young master's taste in every aspect..." Lin Fei smirked again and again, which made An Xiaoyan's heart shudder.

An Xiaoyan snorted suddenly, closed her eyes and said, "Come on, do whatever you want, I, An Xiaoyan, admit it!"

"Yo, girl wants to open up, this is a good girl, it would be boring to force it, it's better for everyone to agree..." Lin Fei laughed, and put his hand into the empty mirror.

An Xiaoyan's beautiful eyes opened again, her jade lips were clenched to bleed, but she didn't run away.

Lin Fei put one hand on her waist, and gently pinched her a few times, making her whole body itchy and her hairs standing on end.

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