Chapter 380 Nine

"Hehe, wait for me outside, I'll come right after I finish my drink..." Lin Fei laughed, stepped forward and squeezed the woman's pointed chin fiercely, his eyes were filled with pickiness.

This Lei Yunlei's heart skipped a beat for no reason, she gently rolled Lin Fei's fingers with her jade tongue, and said with a coquettish smile: "Then sister is waiting for you outside, you can come here quickly, otherwise sister won't wait for you ..."

Lin Fei nodded with a smirk, and patted the woman's crotch with both hands, feeling quite flexible.


After the woman left, Lin Fei took another sip of beer and scanned the hundreds of people in the bar.

What disgusted him was that the dozen or so beautiful women in this bar still called their wives by the same names.

The three pole dancers over there are Xiao Xueer, Xiao Qianer, and Xiao Linger, and a pair of sisters are dancing face-to-face with a group of old wolves, named Xia Wanqing and Ni. Can.The one over there twisting his head and delivering wine to the guests turned out to be Xia Zisu...

Lin Fei raised his brows, and said angrily in his heart: "This damn Truth Maker is really disgusting..."

Originally, he thought it was a good memory, and he actually returned to his hometown, but unexpectedly, he was greatly disgusted.

He put the beer on the bar counter and didn't stay in the bar. Of course, he didn't get angry to destroy the bar, but went out of the bar directly.

The gatekeeper was still the same big guy. Seeing Lin Fei coming out suddenly, he didn't recognize him at a glance because Lin Fei changed his clothes.

But soon he found that the beautiful woman over there stepped forward to hold Lin Fei with Hanchun in her eyes: "Why are you so slow, I'm waiting for the cold..."

This Lei Yunlei rubbed against Lin Fei a few times, her charming demeanor made the big gatekeeper next to her look straight.

This woman is pretty good-looking, not to mention her figure, and she is also very revealing in her clothes. She is covered by a short dress, which can't cover her plump big rabbit at all, revealing her deep career line. She wears a short skirt underneath. , a pair of black silk trousers were pulled up to the ankles, and a pair of high-heeled shoes that were more than ten centimeters high.

"This bastard is pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger..."

The big gatekeeper cursed inwardly, he recognized that the guy held by this woman was the martial arts master who had sent him flying before.

Lin Fei didn't pay attention to the big man's gaze, turned his head to the woman and said, "Sister, where are you taking me, you don't want to eat me, do you?"

"Hehe..." The woman smiled coquettishly, and echoed in Lin Fei's ear, "I just want to eat you, so that I can warm up my body, won't my brother dare?"

Lin Fei smirked and said, "I'm afraid you won't be enough for me, so you just have this little meat..."

"Uh, hehe, let's see if you have the ability. My sister doesn't have much meat, but she has a lot of tricks..." This Lei Yunlei has been in this bar for several years, and she has already developed her verbal skills.

Lin Fei was upset, but he teased and said, "What's the trick? Then I want to see it..."

The two chatted and laughed, and soon came to a parking lot not far ahead. The woman led him to a red BMW. She unlocked the car, but Lin Fei copied her. stand up.

"Ah, what are you doing?" The woman was startled and exclaimed.

Lin Fei smiled badly and said, "Don't wait any longer, just stay in the car..."

After saying that, Lin Fei threw her roughly into the back row, and Lin Fei also got in.

"You're so impatient, but I like it..." The woman smiled coquettishly, and quickly untied the few pieces of clothing she had on her body in the car.

Lin Fei didn't have much clothes on his body, and the two of them didn't have too many details. Soon Lin Fei came to the mouth of the woman's stream.

"Give it to me..."

The woman sat on Lin Fei's lap, put her lips to Lin Fei's ear, and blew hot air to ask Lin Fei to give her the best thing.


Two balls of green fire suddenly flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, burning the woman in front of him to ashes, and the evil fire in Lin Fei's belly finally disappeared slowly.

"Damn, almost lost..."

He was surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that he almost got caught just now, if he really had a relationship with this woman named Lei Yunlei, he was afraid that he would sink into it.

"Why did you lose your mind? I was relatively clear just now..."

Lin Fei analyzed himself and soon discovered the crux of the problem.

The beer he drank just now may have a special effect. I didn't feel anything when I drank it, but as soon as I got out of the bar, my mind immediately turned evil.He took the initiative to pick beans with this woman, and he was still scratching at this woman, and when he saw the woman swallowing, he wanted to explode her ass.

That's why he just lost his mind, picked up the woman and threw her into the car.

But when he saw this woman's Xiyuan, Lin Fei found that she was completely different from the real Lei Yunlei, the evil fire in his heart suddenly changed, and he woke up violently.

"Hey, Wangxiang Terrace is really scary. I don't know how many people can successfully cross it..."

Lin Fei's forehead was covered with cold sweat, he looked at his current situation, he was really miserable.

As a majestic holy king and strong man, his trousers were stripped off, and the two brothers were also pulled out, and one pillar pointed to the sky. I don't know how lonely it is.

The woman's clothes were still scattered inside the BMW, and there was a sinister smell inside the car. There were a few guys holding cameras not far outside the car, and they didn't know what they were doing.

"Is it a few paparazzi?"

There was a helpless wry smile on Lin Fei's mouth, and with a single finger, he burned all the clothes of the woman in the car, and jumped to the front row of the car.

He put on a woman's black sunglasses for himself, and tried to adjust the car. It was really a good car, and it should cost one or two million.

"You want to remind me of my hometown, so I will fall for your tricks and destroy you at the last moment..."

Lin Fei chose the most dangerous road. He could not stand without breaking. He started the car, and rushed out of the underground parking lot with a beautiful reverse and drift.

"Wow, why are you so handsome..."

"That kid got shit luck, he actually took a rich woman away..."

"Did you just take a picture?"

"Uh, I forgot to take a picture, I only paid attention to the car vibration..."

Three guys hiding in the dark of the parking lot, whispering.


Lin Fei drove the red BMW out of the parking lot and left the street without going back to the underground bar.

The car drove on the avenue of the city. Since it was past eleven o'clock at night, there were no cars on the road, but the condition of the car was quite good.

Lin Fei drove a luxury car on the road to his heart's content. He hadn't touched a car for more than 100 years. Even though he knew it was a fake, he wanted to try this familiar feeling.

It is said that a car is a man's concubine. This is not false at all. The pleasure that a car brings to people is actually comparable to that of a woman.


There was a small shop in front, Lin Fei stopped the car suddenly, and shouted to the owner of the shop: "Come pack Zhonghua Tobacco..."

He found some small change from the woman's car, including two or three hundred yuan, and thought what kind of car would it be to drive without smoking.

Seeing the luxury car, the shop owner immediately found a package of the most expensive Chunghwa cigarettes. Lin Fei directly threw him a one-hundred-dollar cigarette, and the car flashed away.

"It's fun to have money, this kid should be a covered little boy..."

The boss felt envious, and muttered to himself as he looked at the leaving BMW car. If it wasn't for the boy, how could he drive a red BMW car? It must be the car of some rich woman who let him drive it.

"Uh, your sister..."

Just as Lin Fei tore open the pack of cigarettes, he was cursing to himself, did he look like a little boy?

He tore open the packaging bag, took a cigarette in his mouth, and lit the cigarette with the real fire in his eyes.


Taking a deep breath, Lin Fei exhaled a perfect heart-shaped smoke ring. The feeling of the smoke passing through his throat and reaching his heart and lungs was extremely wonderful. This kind of beauty was somewhat similar to the feeling that the woman gave him just now.


At this moment, Lin Fei frowned when he realized that there was a traffic policeman setting up Luka in front of him.

"The car in front of you should stop quickly..."

A traffic policeman picked up a loudspeaker and yelled at Lin Fei's high-speed BMW.

Lin Fei quickly slowed down the speed of the car, and he sucked out the cigarette in one gulp, and pinched out the cigarette holder.

Soon he stopped in front of Luka, and two traffic policemen came to the window immediately. Lin Fei rolled down the window and asked, "Two policemen, what's the matter?"

The two traffic policemen looked at Lin Fei's appearance carefully, and asked Lin Fei to take off his sunglasses, and said to Lin Fei, "I'm sorry to bother you, this is our special inspection, you can leave..."

Lin Fei smiled and handed over two cigarettes, but the two traffic policemen refused to accept them. Lin Fei laughed and said, "Police officers have worked hard. It's late at night. If there is anything I can do to help, I will do my best..."

"Hehe, you can just slow down the speed of the car. Speeding at night is not good. Fortunately, we don't have time to investigate now..." One of the middle-aged traffic policemen was quite reasonable, and saw that Lin Fei was driving a luxury car worth more than 100 million yuan. car, I kindly remind you.

Lin Fei smiled and agreed. At this moment, Lin Fei sensed a high-decibel rumble from a sports car not far away.

"The vehicle in front stopped..."

Two traffic policemen also noticed that a high-speed Ferrari sports car was rushing forward, rushing towards this side.

At this time, the road card in front of him happened to be opened for Lin Fei, and the sports car rushed in this direction. Two traffic policemen shouted to Lin Fei: "Go!"

Lin Fei immediately started the car and rushed towards Luka's blank direction, and the sports car behind him also rushed over, trying to use this blank direction to rush there.

"Stop him..."

Several traffic policemen yelled, but they moved aside, for fear that the sports car would hit them. The speed of the car was too fast, nearly 170 kilometers per hour.

If it gets hit, it's game over.

The people in charge of the road card over there were in a panic, and they didn't have time to close it. It was not half a second before Lin Fei's car passed by.


The sports car still rushed in the blank direction of Luka, and was about to hit the BMW driven by Lin Fei in front of him.

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