Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 390 I Will Sleep With Whoever Wins

Chapter 390

"The speeding party?"

Lin Fei, who was sitting in the car, twitched his lips. He saw the situation in the sports car from the rearview mirror. A man and a woman. She is very beautiful, she is the man's horse.

Lin Fei slammed the car to the left quickly, quickly avoiding the Ferrari behind him, and was almost hit by him.

Seeing the car in front of them galloping away, Lin Fei didn't want to be outdone, and chased in their direction, and the speed of the car quickly increased.

Since it was late at night, the main road was wide and there were no cars. There were nearly 1000 meters of straight road ahead, which was very suitable for drag racing.

"Uh, that kid seems to be chasing that car?" A few traffic policemen sweated coldly and found that Lin Fei had actually chased him.

Immediately someone said: "Hurry up and report to the main team, ask for reinforcements, don't let that kid have an accident..."

"The speeding gang has a life in their hands, report to the express team..."


The Ferrari's speed was extremely fast, and it ran [-] to [-] yards in one hour. Lin Fei also increased the speed of the BMW in his hand to the limit, and it was not too far behind the Ferrari.

"Yamamoto, he seems to be catching up..." In the Ferrari, the charming girl said excitedly to the man in the driver's seat.

The man quickly dialed the gear in his hand, and said in a deep voice, "He sent himself to die..."

After saying that, he slowed down the speed of the car, and soon Lin Fei was driving alongside him. The man rolled down the window and raised his middle finger to Lin Fei: "Stupid Chinese, Do you dare me to run three laps on Hualong Road?"

"Huh? Hualong Road?" Lin Fei frowned, thinking to himself, is it finally the most critical time for the Wangxiang Terrace test?

He looked at the two people in the sports car with a pair of heavenly eyes, and found that he couldn't see through the past of the two, and he felt a sense of vigilance in his heart, but he could tell from his accent that this man was from an island country.

"Incompetent island man, I accept your challenge, but there is one condition..." Lin Fei also shouted to the other side.

"What did you say?" The bastard stared at Lin Fei with stern eyes, "Stupid Chinese people don't deserve to ask for conditions, you are destined to die at the foot of Hualong Mountain..."

"Stop talking nonsense, if I win, I want your girl..." Lin Fei laughed.

The woman in the Ferrari sports car smiled coquettishly, "I'll sleep with whoever wins..."

"Shut up..." The man in the sports car slapped him, turned his head and said angrily to Lin Fei, "If you win, we will be buried under Hualong Mountain. You can never get my woman! I'm dead, my Women should be buried with them too!"

"Yamamoto! How can you say that, let's not gamble?" the woman persuaded, covering her burning face.

But she remembered their dangerous situation on Hualong Road last time, and almost fell down the mountain.

"Shut up, you stupid woman, it would be your honor to die at the foot of Hualong Mountain, besides, we won't lose at all! I'm the car demon Yamamoto!" Yamamoto turned his head and shouted to Lin Fei outside, "Stupid Chinese people, do you dare to fight?"

"Okay, seeing you, an incompetent man from the island nation, want to die so much, I'll let you go..." Lin Fei laughed.

Yamamoto immediately reprimanded: "Follow me!"

After all, he took the lead in speeding up, and turned at a traffic light ahead, and Lin Fei followed.


An hour later, the two finally came to the so-called Hualong Road.

The two luxury cars arrived in front of a thousand-meter-high mountain. There was a nameplate at the foot of the mountain with the words Hualong Mountain written on it. Lin Fei also looked up and saw the circles of bright silver asphalt roads on the mountain.

From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, there is a road around the mountain, which is called Hualong Road.

It was late at night, and no one was racing here, because the terrain of Hualong Road was too dangerous, the road was less than four meters wide, and there were many and sharp turns on the mountain. Even underground racers rarely dared to come here. Compare.

"This is Hualong Road?"

Lin Fei observed the situation of Hualong Mountain carefully, and found that Hualong Mountain really looked like a dormant giant dragon with its head on the Hualong Mountain.

Moreover, he found that there was a strange power in Hualong Mountain. Under this power, his perception was completely stripped away, and he was in line with ordinary people.Not only that, he can't even use the real sun fire, and he is the same as an ordinary person here.

"If I fall off Hualong Road, I don't know if it's life or death?"

Lin Fei grinned, and Yamamoto rolled down the car window and said to Lin Fei, "I'll give you half a parking space..."

"Hehe, no need, I'll let you have a parking space..." Lin Feiyi rolled down the car window and smiled confidently. Even if he lost his senses, he still had confidence in defeating the stick of this island country.

"You are too arrogant, may you rest in peace at the foot of Hualong Mountain..." Yamamoto smiled sternly, and drove the car into the red line, and the rear wheel pressed to the line.

Lin Fei lined up behind him, waiting for him to start the car.



The two cars started almost at the same time. The Ferrari sports car started at a much faster speed than the BMW under Lin Fei. In the blink of an eye, it rushed to the first corner ahead, and Yamamoto slid out of a perfect corner with ease. The drift of the car drove the car into the next bend.

"This little devil still has some skills..."

Lin Fei chuckled, the BMW finally stopped and the car came to the corner.

He quickly stepped on the clutch, dialed the gear shift quickly, and the body flicked beautifully, and also made an exquisite drift and drove into the straight road ahead.

"That stupid Chinese is still a bit capable..."

Through the rearview mirror, Yamamoto saw Lin Fei's drifting posture, and he no longer underestimated the enemy. There was another bend ahead, and he continued to drift.

The reason why Hualong Road is called the weirdest track is precisely because of the countless curves here, each of which is almost 150 degrees, and some curves even reach [-] degrees, which is almost a reverse turn.

The road is not wide at all, only three or four meters wide, which is enough for a car to pass by, and the mountain road is built against the mountain, so if you fall down the mountain, the car will be destroyed and people will die.

For this reason, there have been many fatalities on Hualong Mountain, most of them were some desperate speeding gangs, and every time there were fatal confrontations in underground racing, it was probably from this Hualong Road.For this reason, a small village was born at the foot of Hualong Mountain. Their annual business is to wait at the bottom of the mountain. If they hear that a car has fallen off, it must be the remains of the car that came to grab the car or the rest of the car. .For these small villagers, the frame of a luxury car is also very valuable, which is better than their farming with their faces facing the loess and their backs to the sky. If they find some more diamonds and gold, they will be rich.

The two cars started chasing on Hualong Road. In the first lap, Lin Fei was not quite used to this place, and almost fell down the mountain several times, but fortunately, he was under control.The Ferrari in front ran more and more, and soon disappeared from Lin Fei's sight, but Lin Fei was not in a hurry.He is still constantly improving his skills, the control over the clutch, the control over the accelerator, and the control over the steering wheel are all improving rapidly.Gradually, Lin Fei's speed began to increase. During the high-speed drag racing, he was able to perform a series of perfect drifting movements. After the body swung through the curve, he could immediately increase the speed and drive forward.

"Yamamoto, that kid is missing..."

The girl in the Ferrari screamed excitedly. Although she was worried that her life would be in danger, women are also strange animals. Speeding on such a mountain road will make people forget about it.

The corner of Yamamoto's mouth grinned slightly, cursing this scum in his heart, now he knows how excited he is, when he wins the stupid Chinese behind him, he will take you to the wild to kill you.

However, as a professional underground racing driver, Yamamoto didn't dare to think so much at this time. He faintly heard the engine sound of the BMW behind him, getting closer and closer to him.

"That kid will be coming up soon..."

A hint of excitement flashed in Yamamoto's eyes. This was his profession and his pleasure. If he didn't have an opponent worth admiring, he wouldn't go to Hualong Mountain casually.


Sure enough, at the end of the first lap and turning down the mountain again, Lin Fei's car had already rushed over from behind, and the distance between the two cars was only 30 meters.

"That man is coming!" The woman screamed excitedly.

Yamamoto scolded angrily: "Shut up! If you keep arguing, I will throw you down!"

He quickly shifted gears, and the car accelerated up the hill again. The woman didn't dare to bark anymore, but the excitement in her eyes was self-evident.


Another 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the two cars came to the foot of the mountain again. This time, the BMW was only about ten meters away from the Ferrari, and they were almost connected end to end.

The last lap is left, and the woman's eyes are already a little worried. If she really loses, she doesn't know what her fate will be.

Although she is also a famous family in the island country, she seems a little weak in front of the Yamamoto family, but she is a little excited. If the Chinese man behind him really wins her away, it may be a good thing. It's cool to be with the silver gun wax head Yamamoto every day.


Yamamoto's eyes were burning, and he stared at the rearview mirror, but he was furious in his heart.

He had exerted [-]% of his strength in the second lap just now, but he didn't want to get rid of Lin Fei, instead he pulled Lin Fei so close.

The level of Lin Fei behind him was far beyond his expectations, and what made him even more unacceptable was that the other party was driving an unmodified BMW sports car, which was obviously not at the same level as his special sports car.

That's it, I let the other party stick to me, which shows that my level is not as good as that stupid Chinese behind me.

The two cars entered Hualong Mountain again, and there was only the last lap left. Lin Fei, who was behind, couldn't help showing a smile, and thought to himself: "See how long you can last, I don't believe it." You don't make mistakes..."

He moved his hands and feet together, and the performance of the car has been adjusted to the best position by him after two laps of debugging, and now is the time to exert strength.

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