Chapter 410 Five

The main hall of Tongshen Temple is located in the northernmost part of the land of Tongshen.

Seven days later, Lin Fei finally crossed more than 30 miles, and arrived at the periphery of the main hall of Tongshen Temple, and saw the most obvious pagoda in front of him nearly a thousand miles away.

That pagoda is the Tongtian Pagoda. If you want to leave this land of power, enter the end of the emperor's road, and get the inheritance of the emperor or the ancient scriptures of the emperor, you must pass through this pagoda.

Thousands of miles outside the main hall, there is a silver-gray halo separating the main hall. Lin Fei's sky eyes can't see the specific situation inside, but can only vaguely see the Babel Tower.

"Eighth Senior Brother, Senior Brother, Senior Sister and the others have all gone to the God Demon Mountain Range, what are we still doing here, how boring..."

At the outer entrance, there are several young monks from the Tongshen Temple, all of whom are strong at the level of the Holy King, and one of the young men in gray clothes is also a high-ranking Holy King of the Seventh Layer of the Holy King.

The young man in gray sighed: "Junior brother, the barbarians have always wanted to enter the Tongtian Tower. It is the most important thing for us to guard this place..."

"It's said that there are still a few barbarian great saints there. Our elders have even used the Nine Dragons Void Disk. I want to see it too..."

"Junior Brother, don't disobey Master's order, the key is to guard this place..." The gray-clothed youth shook his head and smiled wryly.


"Three holy kings?"

Lin Fei, who was wearing a black robe, was currently hiding on a barren mountain outside, more than fifty miles away from the entrance /fazhishu/Book of Law.

"Lead them over..."

Although there were only three holy kings nearby, there were still dozens of holy kings in a radius of more than ten miles. It was not good for Lin Fei to do it directly.

He took out a piece of top-quality jade, threw it on the top of the barren hill, and then took it back.

"Brother, did you see it just now? There seems to be a holy light over there. Could it be a secret treasure?" The junior brother quietly transmitted voices to the young man in gray and another person.

The young man in gray also frowned and said: "There is indeed a holy light, but it should not be a secret treasure, if the secret treasure has been discovered earlier..."

"Let's go over and have a look, it's not far anyway..." The junior was the most curious.

"Don't go..." The gray-clothed youth was not happy.

But the younger brother said angrily: "Brother, just take us there for a walk, what if it is a secret treasure, even if it is a great holy weapon, we will send it, besides, this is outside our hall, and there are such Brother Duo, what can happen..."

"Uh, okay..." the gray-clothed youth sighed helplessly.

The three of them teleported to the top of the barren mountain where Lin Fei appeared. The three of them immediately started searching, but after searching for a while, they couldn't find anything.


But at this moment, Lin Fei in the dark quickly typed three dry seals, immobilizing the three of them. Before the three of them could shout, they were directly thrown into the fairy tower.

"Uh, brother, where is this..."

The junior brother didn't realize the danger, "Boom... ah..." At this moment, a golden light split down from the fairy tower, which was an ancient character of the Holy Emperor, and directly split the boy into flying ash.

"Senior brother!"

The gray-clothed youth and another person screamed, but they couldn't call back the junior brother's life. The two immediately scanned the surrounding area, but they couldn't find anything in the chaos.

"Hehe, leave the two of you alive..."

A hoarse voice came from the fairy tower, and it was Lin Fei who came in. He didn't kill the two directly, but burned the face of the gray-clothed youth named Ji Qingfeng.

By the way, he used his eyes to imprint Ji Qingfeng's memories and various living habits, and Lin Fei directly disguised himself as Ji Qingfeng.

He soon came to the entrance of the main hall, and some of the saint kings joked with a smile: "Eighth Junior Brother, why are you back, where are Sixteenth Junior Brother and Sanjiu Junior Brother..."

The one who was wiped out just now was Junior Brother Sanjiu, and the other was Junior Brother Sixteen.

Lin Fei said helplessly: "Those two bastards ran out to play while I wasn't paying attention. I have to go in and report to my master..."

"Hehe, Junior Brother Sanjiu is notoriously naughty, but he is also a strong Saint King, don't worry about Eighth Junior Brother..." It was Ji Qingfeng's Sixth Senior Brother who was speaking, a high-ranking Saint King Eighth Heaven Rank holy king.

Lin Fei's appearance is exactly the same as Ji Qingfeng's, and Ji Qingfeng's heaven and earth vitality is simulated with the energy of chaos in his body, which is really hard to detect /fuchouwangfei/ revenge dead concubine.

"I don't want to worry about it, but you know, Sixth Senior Brother, that the land of our gods is in such a mess now, those two bastards must have gone to the Gods and Demons Mountain Range, and I don't know how they died by then, I'd better hurry up Go and report to Master, don't let them lose their lives in vain..." Lin Fei looked worried.

The Sixth Senior Brother gave way, and said with a smile: "That's right, Eighth Senior Brother, you go in, take me to say hello to Senior Martial Uncle..."

"Hmm..." Lin Fei nodded, but with a sneer in his heart, he immediately entered the entrance.


As soon as he entered the main hall of Tongshen, a vast aura rushed towards his face. This aura was not pure heaven and earth vitality, but it was a chilling aura of gods and demons.

In front of Lin Fei, there was a huge sphere floating in the air. This sphere had a diameter of nearly a thousand miles.

The most astonishing thing is that directly above this sphere, there is an ancient tower with a height of nearly [-] meters protruding directly. This tower is the Tongtian Tower.

"It feels like a basketball, and the Tongtian Tower is the antenna of the basketball..."

The corners of Lin Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he was also amazed at the ingenious craftsmanship of the monks, who could create such a thing.

This main hall of Tongshen is comparable to the Shengxian Temple on the Shengxian Continent back then, and it is also the work of ghosts and gods.

"The entrance is there..."

Lin Fei saw a silver door on the front of the ball at a glance. To enter the main hall of Tongshen, one must enter through that silver door, and to enter the silver door requires an order to pass through the sky.

That is, one year later, when participating in the Tongtian Conference, Ji Qingfeng happened to have the Tongtian Token on his body. As some of the most core disciples, each of them would have a Tongtian Token.

Lin Fei sank a wisp of divine consciousness into the fairy tower, and shouted to Ji Qingfeng in the tower: "Ji Qingfeng, hand over the Tongtian Order..."

"You can't even think about..."

Although Ji Qingfeng didn't know who had fallen into someone's hand, he was very tough, and his consciousness would destroy the Tongtian Order in Lunhai.

"court death!"

Lin Fei sensed his movement, and several golden lights led down from the bottom of the tower, directly towards Ji Qingfeng.

"Brother, be careful..."

The sixteenth junior shouted anxiously, pushed Ji Qingfeng away, and was struck by one of the golden lights. His body, who had been cultivated at the fourth level of the holy king, was directly smashed to pieces, leaving only one soul alive in the fairy world. tower.


Seeing another golden light slashing at the soul of the sixteenth junior brother, Ji Qingfeng shouted anxiously, not wanting that the sixteenth junior brother's spirit and form would all be destroyed, and his hundreds of years of cultivation would turn into nothingness.

"Hand over the Heavenly Order, and I will run away with his life..." Lin Fei shouted in a deep voice.

Ji Qingfeng said with a cold face: "How can you guarantee it? If I hand it over to you, you will kill my sixteenth brother!"

"Hehe, do you have any other options now?" Lin Fei snorted coldly, "It's just a matter of talking about killing you, you should be very clear, I have a lot of means to take the Tongtian Order in your wheel sea, I just I think you didn't do any evil, so I spared your life. As for your brother Sanjiu, he did a few outrageous things in secret, otherwise I wouldn't have killed him/e/Da Chu Bingge. "

"Uh, although junior brother Sanjiu likes to play, he is an honest gentleman, don't talk nonsense..." Ji Qingfeng said angrily.

However, Lin Fei disdainfully said: "If you kill the teacher's wife and use the teacher's sister as a cauldron for sacrifice and call yourself a gentleman, then he will be..."

"What! His wife killed him? Impossible!"

"No! You're talking nonsense!"

Ji Qingfeng's face was so gloomy that black water dripped out, Lin Fei said in a deep voice: "This old man has a special eye, which can see through people's past, not only your junior brother Sanjiu, but also your old man's past. You practiced at the age of three, and you are a heavenly root, but at the age of 12, you got a serious illness, which led to the loss of your spiritual roots, but you didn't know about your serious illness, and it was also because of this junior brother Sanjiu. I gave you the water of transforming spirits, if it weren't for your special physique, it would be impossible for you to live to this day and become a strong holy king..."

"You, you, you nonsense..."

Ji Qingfeng's face turned blue when he heard that, what Lin Fei said was true, he was indeed practicing at the age of three, and it was also true that he had a serious illness at the age of 12.

Could it be that Junior Brother Sanjiu, who was with him day and night, turned out to be a great evil, just a wolf in sheep's clothing, showing his dark side to others on weekdays...

"Hand over the Tongtian Order, I don't have the patience to talk nonsense with you..." Lin Fei lost his patience and snorted coldly.

Ji Qingfeng looked like he was in a daze, but he raised his hand and threw out a crystal-clear Tongtian Token. Lin Fei directly took the picture of the Tongtian Token and grabbed it in his hand.

With the Tongtian Order, Lin Fei directly entered the silver gate.

Passing through the silver gate, there is another new world inside, and there are a lot of small crystal towers floating in the air.

These small towers are all short towers ranging from tens to hundreds of meters, which are pitifully small compared to the Tongtian Tower, and the base of each small tower is only 200 meters in size.

In the entire Yinmen Gate, there are at least tens of thousands of such small towers, and each small tower has a halo of aura outside, which is the Great Saint's defensive circle.

"The Temple of Tongshen is really powerful, there are so many holy formations, and the materials consumed will scare people to death..."

Lin Fei couldn't help being amazed, he took Ji Qingfeng's Tongtian Order and came to Ji Qingfeng's residence.

His residence is a 30-meter-high tower with a total of upper, middle and lower floors. The interior is about [-] square meters. There are a lot of household items and it is neatly organized. This Ji Qingfeng can be regarded as a half-elegant person .

"These people don't know the whereabouts of Lin Keer's three daughters. It seems that they have to find his master..."

Lin Fei stayed in the tower with the corners of his mouth slightly raised. He had searched the memories of Ji Qingfeng and the other two holy kings earlier. The three of them did not know the whereabouts of Lin Keer, Miqi, Shangguan Lianer and the three daughters.

And the master of these three people is the tenth elder of the Tongshen Temple, a great sage elder at the peak of the first stage, and quite powerful in the Tongshen Temple.

"Qingfeng...I heard that you are back...quickly open the tower...I have something to do with you for my teacher..."

At this moment, a shout came from outside the tower, Lin Fei was startled, the person who came was actually a great saint.

He looked outside the tower and saw an old man in white clothes with his hands behind his back coming. He searched the memories of Ji Qingfeng and the three of them and found that this person was the elder of Shenshi and the master of Ji Qingfeng and the other three.

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