Chapter 48

He looked outside the tower and saw an old man in white clothes with his hands behind his back coming. After searching the memories of Ji Qingfeng and the other three, he found that this person was the elder of Shenshi and the master of Ji Qingfeng and the other three. <-" "Why did this old guy come so fast?" Lin Fei was depressed and didn't think of a countermeasure yet.

However, Elder God Ten couldn't come in or go out directly, which surprised Lin Fei. It seems that the defensive circle of this small tower is not generally strong.

He immediately found the method of opening the pagoda from Ji Qingfeng's mind, and welcomed the ten elders of the gods in: "Master..."

"Hmm..." Elder Shen Ten had a good relationship with Ji Qingfeng, so he sat down in the pagoda with his sleeves up, and said to Lin Fei, "Qingfeng, you must have heard about the cemetery of gods and demons, right?"

Lin Fei nodded and said: "Yes, the disciple has heard that those barbarian monks are quite powerful, and even found an emperor soldier..."

"Yes, the emperor's soldiers have been brought, and there are several great saints and strong men, probably more than our Tongshen Temple. This time things are more troublesome." Shen Ten Elder sighed, "This time the three elders will work together to sacrifice After using the distraction and fusion technique, they were repelled by synthesizing the divine arrival of the great sage, but the three elders were unable to use the distraction and formation technique in a short time. If the barbarian monks attacked the gods again I’m afraid I won’t be able to resist the devil’s cemetery, so I have to hurry over as a teacher..."

"Master, are you going too?" Lin Fei was a little surprised, and asked, "Isn't your mission to protect our Tongshen Main Hall? If you also leave, our Tongshen Main Hall will not be safe... "

Elder Shen Ten snorted: "That's not the case. Some barbarian monks can't move the foundation of our Tongshen Temple. The few magic circles around us are enough for them. Besides, there are a few quasi-emperor magic circles around us." Well, if it's activated, they won't be able to get in at all..."

"But I'm still a little bit worried. After all, it's more harmful to use the distraction and fusion technique. The cemetery of gods and demons is a dangerous place. How many times can you sacrifice the distraction and fusion technique..." Lin Fei pretended to be worried. /mengnangongyu/ Macho apartment.

Elder Shen Ten said: "As a teacher, as the elder of Tongshen Temple, this is the responsibility that a teacher must shoulder. However, you are still young, and you still have a long way to go. With your posture, you will definitely be able to step into the future. Great Sacred Realm, become the God Elder of Tongshen Temple, as a teacher, I hope you will always guard in this Tongshen Temple, and hold the teacher's order of the gods, and guard the Shen Pavilion as a teacher."

After finishing speaking, he took out a black token, carefully handed it to Lin Fei, and said to Lin Fei: "During this time, you will be stationed in the divine pavilion as your teacher, especially pay attention to the three barbarian female cultivators in the pavilion. , don't let them run away..."

Lin Fei was stunned, but he said with surprise on his face, "Master, have you imprisoned three barbarian female cultivators in your divine pavilion?"

Elder God Ten nodded and explained the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that the three daughters of Lin Ke'er were captured by the tenth elder of the gods. Some time ago, the Batian attacked and were also repelled by the tenth elder of the gods and two other elders.

Knowing the importance of Lin Keer's three daughters to Batian, the tenth elder of the gods personally took care of Lin Keer's three daughters and locked them in his divine pavilion.

There are 36 divine pavilions under the Tongtian Pagoda, which are 36 one-hundred-meter lofts, and only people at the level of gods and elders are eligible to live.

"Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely fulfill his mission..." Lin Fei laughed inwardly, it really didn't take any effort or effort.

Elder God Ten didn't notice Lin Fei's strangeness at all, and actually regarded Lin Fei as his own disciple, and handed Lin Fei the God's Elder Order, before drifting away in the end.

Immediately, Lin Fei brought the God Elder Token to a divine pavilion. The usage of the God Elder Token was also told by the Elder God Ten, and Lin Fei successfully entered the divine pavilion.

There are six floors inside the Shen Pavilion, and each floor is about 20 meters high. Lin Fei went directly to the sixth floor.

In the middle of the sixth floor, there are three women who are being imprisoned in the sky prison. Outside the sky prison, the magic circle of the Great Sage has been cast, and the three women cannot escape at all inside.

The three women sat cross-legged in the dungeon, their faces were not too ugly, apparently they had not encountered any abuse.

Seeing Lin Fei appearing, the three girls all raised their eyes, Lin Ke'er snorted coldly and said, "Who are you, tell that old thing to come out!"

"Hehe, you dare to insult your teacher, little lady, you are quite courageous!" Lin Fei snorted coldly, with evil intentions in his eyes.

Lin Ke'er disdained provocation and said: "You are a prodigal son, you dare to pretend in front of my old lady, aren't you just a guy from the seventh heaven of the Holy King, what's so special, you have the guts to come in and fight with my old lady..."

Their three daughters have not seen Lin Fei for more than ten years. The flames in Lin Fei's eyes have also changed at this time, becoming light yellow. In addition, they changed their appearance again. Lin Ke'er didn't recognize Lin Fei for a while./ hemeinvlaoshitongjuderizi/The day I lived with the beautiful teacher.

"Do you think Master Ben is a fool, and will rush inside to fight with you?" Lin Fei said speechlessly, "You are so arrogant after being reduced to a prisoner, aren't you afraid that Master Ben will give you some ruthlessness?"

"Just you?" Lin Ke'er raised her eyebrows and said contemptuously, "Not qualified..."

"Huh, what a big tone, you are only the sixth heaven of the holy king, dare to challenge this young master, the seventh heaven of the holy king..." Lin Fei curled his lips, this Lin Ke'er really dared to speak big.

Before Elder God Ten left, he explained to him the situation of Lin Ke'er's three daughters. The strength of these three daughters is in the sixth heaven of the Holy King.

"Isn't it just a small difference in realm, my old lady will jump over the steps and kill you directly!" Lin Ke'er provocatively said, "Hurry up and open this broken prison, and have a good fight with my old lady..."

"Old lady, old lady, how many babies have you had?" Lin Fei pouted.

This Lin Ke'er really doesn't know how to speak, she acts like a shrew, she is also a woman I have slept with, okay, can I have some demeanor?

"I gave birth to your son of a bitch..." Lin Ke'er scolded coquettishly.

Lin Fei's face darkened, and he raised his hand, Lin Ke'er and the three daughters immediately retreated to the side, putting on a defensive posture, thinking that Lin Fei was going to sneak attack them.


"why you!"

"Smelly scum!"

To the surprise of Lin Ke'er and Mi Qi, Lin Feiyang replaced all the disguises on his face, revealing his true colors.

Lin Ke'er said angrily, "You scum, how did you get in here?"

"Yeah, Lin Fei, how did you come in? This is the palace of a great sage..." Mi Qi was also a little surprised.

Shangguan Lian'er was a little dazed, looked at Lin Fei for a while, felt a little weird, and asked, "Do you know this fellow Taoist?"

"It's not just that we know each other, we also..." Before Lin Ke'er could finish speaking, her pretty face blushed, and she turned to say, "We even had a fight, this guy is a super scoundrel, a super scum... "

"Hehe, there was indeed a fight, and it was very fierce..." Lin Fei had a strange smile on his face, Lin Ke'er wanted to kill him alive, and a blush appeared on Mi Qiqiao's face .

Mi Qijiao scolded: "Stop talking nonsense, is there a way to get us this prison..."

"Of course there is a way, otherwise I broke through the battle of life and death, and why did I kill you here? It's not for the three of you..." Lin Fei shrugged and smiled, and raised his hand to beat Shen Laoling out.

The god old order was embedded in the pillar of the sky prison, and immediately untied the formation in the sky prison. The three women were finally able to escape and immediately jumped out of the sky prison.

Among them, Lin Ke'er's pair of jade hands directly grabbed Lin Fei's ears. Lin Fei avoided it skillfully. Things, you didn’t kill that great sage, did you?”

The other two girls were also startled, and then looked at Lin Fei like a monster.

"Hehe, isn't it just a little great sage? What he can't do, doesn't mean that I, Lin Fei, can't do it..." Lin Fei curled his lips and said /wangyouzhidaojianqiwu/Online Game: The Sword Tip Dance txt download.

Shangguan Lian'er said: "Ba Tian is a Ba Tian, ​​he is about to step into the Great Sage Realm, if he hadn't been injured, those few Great Sages would not be able to stop him..."

"It's true that he is a Tyrannical God, but has he rescued you?" Lin Fei raised his eyes and was very displeased with Shangguan Lian'er's words.

Anyway, we slept with you overnight in the cage, and helped you suck out the yin energy in your body. Otherwise, you little girl would not have the cultivation of the sixth heaven of the holy king, but now you are here It's really outrageous to praise other men in front of you.

"You're a rascal, you're so rare, hurry up and get us out of here, don't be found out..." Lin Ke'er scolded coquettishly.

She took a good look at Shangguan Lian'er. She and Miqi noticed it when they were in Shura Hell more than ten years ago. It must be Lin Fei who made trouble and sucked the yin energy from Shangguan Lian'er's body.

Mi Qi also said: "Ke'er is right, let's leave this place of right and wrong quickly, don't delay here..."

"Don't be in a hurry to leave, just wait here for another two or three days, and wait until the old guy is gone..." Lin Fei shook his head, and briefly explained how he entered this place.

"Can this work too?"

"Rogue, you are so lucky..."

The three women felt a little speechless after hearing this, but they didn't expect to be able to do it like this. This kind of luck is indeed to kill Batian in seconds.

The four of them stayed in this divine pavilion for three days before preparing to leave.

The four of them soon came to the exit, and as soon as they came out, there was an old god in front of them, leading a dozen holy kings to kill them.

The elder god was the third elder of the gods, and a middle-ranked great sage. When he saw Lin Fei and the others appearing from inside, he immediately opened his pair of fiery red sky eyes and scanned them directly.


What made the three girls flustered was that the third god elder saw through the identities of the three girls at a glance, and also saw through Lin Fei's true face.

Hmph, the Third Elder Shen directly pressed down with a pair of withered palms, immobilizing the four of them, preventing them from escaping.



Lin Fei didn't say a word, Tai Chi Yin Yang Tu directly went up to meet him.



Elder Shen San was so powerful that he reached the peak of the middle-ranked great sage and knocked back the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram with a single palm. At the same time, Lin Fei and the others were also knocked outside the Tongshen Temple.


Elder Shen San's eyes showed strangeness, and he put his palms together immediately, and arrested more than a dozen great holy circles around him, and directly surrounded Lin Fei and the others.

"Dare to pretend to be gods and ghosts in my Tongshen Temple, you barbarian monks, you should be damned!"

Elder Shen San snorted coldly, and slapped his withered palm again, Lin Ke'er's three daughters' pretty faces turned pale, and they were so oppressed by the great sage's pressure that they couldn't breathe.


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