Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 884 Let's Be His Woman Together

Chapter 880 Four

Qingtian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, his voice shook the sky, he didn't take this so-called retribution into his eyes at all, the current Qingtian is no longer the Qingtian of the past, he has been completely enchanted.

"Since you haven't awakened yet, then fall..."

Shi Xianjun closed his eyes helplessly, the nine little golden dragons in his hand flew out, opened his mouth, and spit out nine little dragon balls from it.

The small dragon balls gathered together and condensed into a large dragon ball with a diameter of about two meters. There seemed to be a faint figure inside.

"Who's inside!" Qingtian's face darkened, he didn't know who was in the dragon ball, and he thought to himself, "Nine dragons arch the bead, gather the world's spiritual energy, is there still a fairy-level figure still alive?"

"go to hell!"

Qingtian decided to act first, opened a hole in the sealed space, and four black fairy swords rushed out of the bodhi coffin, which turned out to be the real Four Swords of Zhuxian in the legend.

The Four Swords of Zhu Xian, with an extremely powerful attacking sword technique, split the world, intending to completely destroy the Dragon Ball.

The power of the four swords was really too strong, it drained all the spiritual energy in a radius of tens of millions of miles above the blocked space, almost draining the spiritual energy of the entire Tianguan and Yanlong Mountain.

Dragon Ball and Shi Xianjun stayed in the middle, feeling very small, as if they could be cut off at any time.

"Awaken, Lin Fei!"

A few celestial lights flashed in Shi Xianjun's eyes, he took a step forward and slapped the dragon ball, the entire surface of the dragon ball cracked, revealing a figure inside.

"Lin Fei!"


The girls were overjoyed, that person was none other than Lin Fei, it turned out that he was not dead, but hid in the dragon ball.

"how is this possible!"

Qing Tian was also shocked, he didn't expect that Lin Fei was not dead, he snorted coldly: "Go to hell!"

Zhu Xian's four swords launched a powerful blow, and the entire Nine Dragon Pass was trembling, as if it was about to explode. The power of these four swords is really too strong.

"Goddess Baojian, come out!"

Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes, and the Hunyang Tianyan between his eyebrows also opened, and the Goddess Baojian about 100 meters long appeared. More than [-] people on stage.


These more than 100 people also disappeared on the Conferred God Stage in a blink of an eye, and instead appeared on the Goddess Baojian. Xiao Linger and the others also came out of Lin Fei's inner world and were transferred to the Goddess Baojian.

"Shi Xianjun, lend me your divine power!"

With Lin Fei's roar, Shi Xianjun unreservedly shot all of his divine power into Lin Fei's forehead, and Lin Fei's power suddenly exploded tens of thousands of times.


Zhu Xian's four swords slashed down, but Lin Fei held him with both hands. The four swords chopped off his arm until only bones remained, and his flesh and blood were evaporated in an instant.

However, Lin Fei did not show any signs of falling. He was still supporting the Goddess Baojian with all his strength. The Baojian began to run crazily. At the same time, the Void Mirror suddenly came out from between his eyebrows. The Kamui became powerful, and it also began to spin at an accelerated rate.

"What it is!"

Emperor Qingtian realized that he didn't even know the origin of the treasure mirror, but his intuition told him that it was very terrifying and might bring him big trouble.

"Go to hell you guys!"

He felt something was wrong, and immediately manipulated the four swords to strike at Lin Fei and Shi Zhongxian again, intending to kill them with one blow.

"Three Realms Reincarnation Mirror, open!"

Lin Fei's eyebrows bulged, and a series of complicated ancient seals were printed out of them, all of which were burned into the void mirror.

The Void Mirror transformed into a black passage with a diameter of thousands of miles. The Four Swords of Jade Immortals rushed too fast, plunged into the black passage, and was pulled in by the turbulence in it.

"not good!"

Emperor Qingtian's face changed drastically, and he immediately wanted to pull back the four swords, but nothing helped. The turbulence in the black passage was too strong, and it was the strongest power of reincarnation in the Three Realms.

The Four Swords were pulled in by the turbulent flow of samsara, and could no longer serve Emperor Qingtian. Emperor Qingtian roared angrily, and stomped on the Conferred God Platform again.

The [-] middle immortals and the [-] upper immortals who had just been sealed as immortals all suffered disasters and turned into blood mist in an instant, providing Emperor Qingtian with a lot of true spirit power.

"Lin Fei, kill him quickly!"

Shi Xianjun secretly sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei: "I won't last long, if he devours all the more than 1 million monks, we are by no means his opponent! Hurry up and activate Baojian!"


Lin Fei's face was serious, he knew the seriousness of the situation.

"Without the Four Swords, I will kill you all the same!"

Emperor Qingtian was not angry, on the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought. He waved his hand and summoned the bodhi coffin, which turned into a huge black bodhi tree.

"go with!"

He waved his hand, and the black bodhi tree fell down. Hundreds of thousands of strong people along the way were contaminated by the bodhi tree, and instantly became its fertilizer. A large number of heads of strong people appeared on the bodhi tree. It has become the same structure as the small leaves above.

The poor hundreds of millions of strong men could only lower their heads aggrievedly, unable to face the coercion of Qing Tiandi and Shi Xianjun at all, they could only pray there that the bodhi tree would not touch themselves.


Seeing the destruction of hundreds of thousands of strong men, Lin Fei could no longer calm down. The Three Realms Samsara Mirror transformed into the Void Mirror exploded violently. It turned into three Samsara Arms and hit the blocked space, smashing it instantly. Stretching towards the blue sky on the Conferred God Platform below.

"Come on, let me see your ability!" Qing Tian didn't dodge, and there was no need to dodge, this was a head-to-head contest.

Qingtian's figure flashed and turned into a piece of blue sky, wanting to compete with the mirror of reincarnation in the Three Realms.

"Treasure of the Goddess, summon the power of faith in the world!"

At this moment, Lin Fei finally activated the ultimate trick of Goddess Baojian, and the whole space was filled with a lot of gentle power of faith, which sprinkled into the blue sky.


"I'm not convinced!"

Qingtian let out a roar, and watched the pure power of faith submerge his Qingtian, and there was no movement after a while.

"Is this the end?"

Lin Fei couldn't believe it, he muttered to himself, looking into the distance, he seemed to see a blue planet, where he had his own home, and his master Ziyang Taoist was waving to him.

In the chaos, he stretched out his hand and grabbed a blue stone with a small human figure inside.

Shi Xianjun waved his hand and took Lin Fei away from Tianguan. In the blink of an eye, he came to the sky above a bright moon. Lin Fei was shocked and said: "That is my home..."

Even though it was hundreds of thousands of miles away, Lin Fei could see the blue planet in the distance at a glance, but his mood suddenly calmed down, without any waves.

"Here is Qingtian's demon soul. The demon energy has been exhausted. You can devour him, and then your cultivation can reach the level of an immortal..." Shi Zhongxian said, "Of course, with your strength now, even It is also possible to aspire to the Emperor of Heaven, because I don't want the Emperor of Heaven..."

"It's up to you, I'm not interested in the fairy world, I just want to go home now..." Lin Fei smiled slightly, handed the blue stone in his hand to Shi Zhongxian, and said in a deep voice, "You guard the human world and the fairy world For millions of years, the position of Emperor of Heaven belongs to you, so I will leave the heavy responsibility to you..."


Shi Zhongxian was a little surprised and asked, "Don't you want to live forever?"

"Huhu, what's so good about being immortal, watching everything change and turning into an old monster, let's forget it..." Lin Fei shook his head and said.

"Well, you can come to me if you need anything, just call my name, Shi Zhongxian will be fine..." Shi Zhongxian knew Lin Fei's thoughts, he said, "I still have a lot of things to deal with, so I won't be here I am here to accompany you, the earth is a magical planet, it is the center of the fourth world, and it is also the support point, you should protect them here..."


Shi Zhongxian's figure disappeared, and he didn't know where he went in the starry sky. For the powerful Shi Zhongxian, he could go anywhere in the starry sky.

Looking at the earth in the distance, Lin Fei did not leave immediately, but took out the Goddess Baojian and summoned more than 100 wives.

"Hey, where is this place? Are we still alive?" Xiao Linger blinked her big eyes and looked around.

Miaomiao frowned and said, "The aura here is too lacking..."

"Is Emperor Qingtian dead?" Tang Youyou asked.

Each of the girls had questions in their hearts, but Lin Fei never answered. Instead, he looked at the earth and pointed to the earth and said to them: "That is my hometown, the earth, and we will spend the rest of our lives here..."

"Is that the Earth?"

"It's so beautiful, like a drop of water..."


Lin Fei showed a devout smile, and muttered to himself, "Yes, it's so beautiful..."

"Let's go, I'll take you home, pick out some more beautiful clothes for you to change into, and buy you some silk stockings, and put on high heels..."

"Silk stockings, yeah, I've wanted them for a long time..." Xiao Linger clapped her hands happily.

Xiao Xueer also smiled: "I like it too, I must buy more..."

But Yu Niang stayed where she was, and she murmured to herself: "Mother once said that if she could go back to Earth with you husband, she would like silk stockings and high heels, but where is she now? ?”

"Northern Queen?"

Mentioning the Northern Queen, Lin Fei remembered that she was keeping it in his Three Realms Reincarnation Mirror, and he immediately released the Northern Queen.

Maybe because of Batian's death, Queen Bei also returned to normal. She opened her beautiful eyes, and the first thing she saw was Lin Fei and her daughter Yuniang.

"Mother-in-law, will you be my woman together?"

Lin Fei smiled and said to the Northern Queen, what he said surprised all the girls, this guy actually wanted the Northern Queen to be his woman.

What shocked them even more was that Yuniang also smiled and said to Queen Bei: "Mom, let's be husbands together, we will be happy..."

"Did you make a mistake..."

All the girls were stunned, but what made them even more speechless was that the Northern Empress actually smiled and said, "Okay, let's be his women together!"


End of the book

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