Chapter 880 Three

They didn't know what happened. They hadn't contacted Lin Fei for hundreds of years. How did Lin Fei become No.1 in the Three Realms? This change is too great.

"This person's name is Tang Sanzang, but he is not the real Sanzang Great Emperor, but a ray of demonic soul of Sanzang, who has been dominating the world for hundreds of thousands of years. Today, the Emperor of Heaven executes him in front of you. he!"

"No, Master Qingtian, please spare me..."

Tang Sanzang cried and cried, hoping to be forgiven, but Qing Tian was unmoved and slapped him on the head directly.


Tang Sanzang's head was shattered, and streams of black water overflowed from his head, like streams of black rivers hanging down, looking extremely scary.


Tang Sanzang died terribly. He was not beaten to death all at once, but died as the black water drained slowly.

"Poor guy, he fought with me for hundreds of years, and finally died today..."

Lin Fei himself thought to himself, now he has fallen into an ethereal state, watching the blue sky over there controlling everyone's life and death through his appearance, but he can't arouse any interest.

He was just thinking about how to survive, and his intuition told him that this so-called Emperor Qingtian seemed to be extremely bloodthirsty, so he would not be a good bird.

"You don't have to think about it, your mixed-yang body is prepared for me. Combined with Apollo's Naha body just now, I can synthesize the ancient barren body and restore the grand occasion of the barren ancient fairy garden. Your sacrifice can be regarded as a contribution to the fairy world , the world will remember you."

Qingtian's voice reached Lin Fei's mind, and Lin Fei saw Qingtian waved his big hand, and suddenly more than 100 people rushed up from below.

It was Yu Qianyu, Bizi, Yuniang and the others, including Su Tian, ​​Dugu Yun and other women, who were all pulled up.

"They are all your women..." Qingtian sneered a few times.

The girls were a little puzzled, what does this mean, isn't this Lin Fei?This is someone else?

"Lin Fei, what's the matter with you?" Su Tian called Lin Fei, seeing Lin Fei again after hundreds of years made her feel a little strange.

"Don't get close to him yet, he's not Lin Fei!"

Yu Qianyu shouted coquettishly, stopping everyone from approaching this Lin Fei, she felt that something was wrong, this Lin Fei's aura was really too evil, it was surprisingly evil.

"Not Lin Fei?"

All the girls were stunned, and after careful inspection, they also found something tricky, why this Lin Fei's skin was blue, and he looked a little strange.

"I am your husband, Lin Fei..."

Qingtian chattered and laughed strangely, and pulled more than 100 girls to him with a flick of his arm. All the girls turned pale with shock, not knowing who this Lin Fei was.

"You, what do you want!"

The girls and Lin Fei himself were shocked, and the girls were ready to attack Qingtian, but in front of someone as strong as Qingtian, their attacks were completely ineffective.

"Why don't I want to, I'm your husband..." Qing Tian smiled evilly, grabbed Yu Qianyu, and cut a hole in the clothes on her right arm, revealing a piece of snowy skin.


The girls were furious, and immediately launched an attack on Qingtian, but Qingtian wiped out all of their rape skills, but they were fixed by Qingtian.

"Bastard, what on earth do you want!"

Lin Fei himself was also furious, he didn't expect this Qingtian to be so violent, and dare to do something to his own women, he didn't want to live anymore.

"Sun meridian..."

He frantically rotated the solar meridian, brought his understanding of the solar meridian to the extreme over the years, sealed off the top of the space, and suddenly burst out a dazzling sun and star.

The surrounding light frantically gathered towards Lin Fei, and a mirror suddenly drilled out of the human world on the left side of the Book of the Three Realms above his head.

"What is he!"

Qingtian's face changed greatly, he didn't expect this mirror to appear, and he didn't know when it appeared.

"Void Mirror!"

Lin Fei didn't expect that the void mirror given by his master Ziyang Taoist, which traveled with him from the earth, would appear at this time.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

What puzzled everyone was that the void mirror broke into pieces automatically, and these lenses got into the center of Lin Fei's brow.

"What's going on, why is there another one..."

"Is this man Qingtian Emperor?"

"Could it be that the position of the Emperor of Heaven has already been settled..."

The tens of millions of strong men in the sealed space were all in the mist, and they didn't know what was going on. They saw another person like Emperor Qingtian appear.

"That's the body of the sun, Lin Fei!"

Finally, someone in the crowd recognized Lin Fei's identity. He might be a strong man from the Tianyuan Continent. Lin Fei's name spread throughout the blocked space.

"Boy, do you think you can beat me like this?"

Seeing the appearance of Lin Fei himself, Qingtian chattered and sneered twice, and he took off his shirt. It was shocking that his upper body was covered with a lot of eyes.

"How can there be such a thing on Emperor Qingtian?"

"It seems to be evil..."

"Is this still a person from the fairy world?"

All the monks are strong, so they naturally have sharp eyesight. This Qing Tiandi is full of evil spirits, almost condensed into a sword of Qi, which obviously does not match his identity as a Tiandi.

"Is that Lin Fei?"

The girls also saw the appearance of Lin Fei himself, and they were a little skeptical, not knowing which one was the real Lin Fei.

"Boom boom boom..."

Just when everyone was wondering, Lin Fei himself exploded suddenly, turned into a cloud of dust and disappeared, as if he died instantly.

"what's going on……"

The faces of the girls changed drastically. Could it be that Lin Fei died?

"It's ridiculous. It's so shameful that it fell as soon as it was born. It's a shame..." Qingtian laughed up to the sky, and suddenly waved his hand, and nearly a hundred million monks appeared in the enclosed space out of thin air. He said angrily, "I am the Emperor of Heaven!" Qingtian, distribute the immortal positions immediately, and the first 1 people can be granted the immortal positions!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

Hundreds of millions of monks shouted "Long Live the Emperor of Heaven", and they all wanted to get the immortal position, but no one dared to raise their heads to make a mistake. Now that the Emperor of Heaven has appeared, the throne of immortality will naturally be conferred by the Emperor of Heaven, and it is useless to fight for it.

"Fengshentai, build it!"

Emperor Qingtian let out a furious roar, and shot out two divine lights with both hands, above the sealed space, the bodhi coffin suddenly became bigger.

The bodhi coffin became ten thousand feet in size, and a thousand-meter-high five-color sacred stone grew out of the mouth of the coffin, with the word "Fengshen" written on it. More than 1 women including Yuyu boarded the Fengshentai.

"what to do……"

The girls were shocked. They couldn't even speak now, and it was impossible to communicate with each other. They were almost useless.

"The lower immortal position, a total of 8000 people..."

Qing Tiandi's voice spread throughout the enclosed space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles. Hundreds of millions of monks below pricked up their ears to listen, hoping that the emperor of heaven could read their names, and if they got the immortal position, they could become immortals with immortal positions and be famous forever , Intimidate one side, and have a chance to live forever.

"Human Race, Fang Tianhua, He Yun, Xiao Lin..."

Emperor Qingtian seemed to have been prepared for a long time, and branded each name into the Conferred God Platform, and silver lights flew to the middle of the crowd, and sent them to the hands of these people.

In less than an hour, the positions of the eight thousand immortals were all sealed, and all the eight thousand immortals were passed on to the first floor of the Conferred God Stage, where countless monks below cast envious and envious eyes.

It's just that most of the 20 immortals are beast races or other races. There are less than [-] people from the human race, and the beast race is the most among them, reaching nearly [-] people.

"The middle immortal position, a total of 1000 people..."

Emperor Qingtian began to confer the title of immortal again, and the people below were so oppressed by his coercion that they couldn't lift their heads, and they couldn't even see the dignity of the people on the stage above.

"Shangxian, a total of 500 people..."

Emperor Qingtian was extremely busy, pointing out the country, appointing all the immortal positions, and coercing hundreds of millions of monks and strongmen.

"Immortal Monarch, a total of 32 people..."

The five hundred immortals were also sealed by Emperor Qingtian, and he began to prepare for the throne of immortals again. At this time, a terrifying meteorite formation suddenly appeared above the sealed space, and the entire sealed space was surrounded by the meteorite formation.

"It's you!"

Black lightning flashed between Emperor Qingtian's brows, and after the meteorite fell, a gray stone giant stood on the sealed space, it was that Immortal Shi.

And in Shi Xianjun's right palm, there are still nine little golden dragons.

"Qingtian, you finally appeared, you are still possessed..."

Shi Xianjun opened his mouth slowly, looking down at the Qingtian Emperor below, hundreds of millions of monks sensed another powerful and scary aura, and couldn't raise their heads anymore. Only Yu Qianyu and other women standing on the Conferred God Stage were lucky enough to see Shi Xianjun true face.

"Do you think you can stop me?"

Qingtian sneered and said: "I have sealed ten thousand immortals, and the position of Emperor of Heaven will surely belong to me! Today is your death day!"

"That's not necessarily..."

Shi Xianjun looked confident, and smiled confidently: "You didn't win a million years ago, and you will lose today as well. You have entered the path of evil, and no one can save you!"

"Shi Zhongxian, don't be arrogant, today I will let you experience how powerful I am, Qing Tian, ​​do you really think that my 100 million years have been wasted!" Qing Tian looked up to the sky and laughed.

He stomped his feet violently, and the entire first floor of the Conferred Gods Stage collapsed in an instant. The eight thousand immortals who had just obtained the immortal position were all turned into blood and sucked away by the Conferred Gods Platform. Inhaled into the mouth, Qingtian's power suddenly increased.

"These are the hopes for the future of my fairy world. You will be punished for killing so many people..." Shi Xianjun was furious.

Those [-] immortals, the worst of whom were as high as Emperor Zhun's third heaven, were all killed in the blink of an eye, it was really abominable.

The 8000 people who were still secretly proud just now never imagined that within a day of being conferred the so-called immortal position, they would be beaten into ashes by the emperor of heaven, and they would never be reborn forever.

"Retribution? The law of reincarnation is in the hands of my Heavenly Emperor, who can give me retribution!"

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