Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 882 Kill Batian, Chengtian Emperor

Chapter 880 Two

"This is the vision of Emperor Star..."

Tang Sanzang frowned, and immediately turned to Batian and said: "Batian, let's work together to get rid of this kid first, and then we will decide the outcome!"

Originally, he thought that Lin Fei's realm was a few levels lower, so he might not pose a threat to them, but he didn't expect him to concoct such a terrifying emperor star vision.

"it is good!"

Batian also changed his face very quickly, and immediately attacked Lin Fei with all his strength. The black three-piece suit on his body released a terrifying magic power, and blessed the sharp gun.

Tang Sanzang got into the yang-returning jar, his face appeared at the bottom of the jar, and his sneer echoed in the air: "Xiao Linzi, don't blame the third master for being cruel, when I saved you, it was I want you to sharpen my way, now that my way is mature, the heart of the emperor will be revived, and you should die too!"


"Returning Yang Art!"

Tang Sanzang used his big move, and the terrific yin energy was released from the yang-returning pot, which was tens of thousands of times stronger than Lin Fei's yin energy in the center of the Luoxia Immortal Vein.

For a while, the whole Tianguan became dark, and I couldn't see my fingers.

"Overlord gun!"

Black water gushed out of Batian's eyes, and the black spear in his hand aimed directly at Lin Fei's heart, trying to stab him to death.

"You really thought I was having fun..."

Lin Fei, who was in the dark abyss, felt the terrifying pressure. This kind of pressure was unprecedented. Being stared at by two powerful forces, if he was not careful, he would be wiped out.

"The Bodhi coffin is opened..."

Lin Fei violently opened the bodhi coffin, and raised his hand to draw out a large starry sky from inside, directly blocking in front of him, resisting the most yin energy in front of him.

"Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram, open!"

Lin Fei was not idle, the Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram in his hand suddenly turned into a large black and white diagram with a diameter of thousands of miles, and began to devour the most yin energy released by Tang Sanzang.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The stars in front were continuously smashed into pieces, Tang Sanzang's Yang Returning Technique enveloped them powerfully, Batian's Overlord Spear was powerful all the way, and directly pierced over.

"Not good! My most Yin Qi!"

Tang Sanzang let out a strange cry, feeling that the Yang Returning Art was slowly weakening, Lin Fei's strange picture had such terrifying power, and he could also absorb his own Yang Returning Art.

He thought about taking back the Yang Returning Art, but there was no way to do it now. Fortunately, Taiji Yin Yang Diagram wanted to absorb his Yang Returning Art not so fast, so he could join hands with Batian to destroy Lin Fei.

"Batian, tie his natal star!"

Tang Sanzang roared, reminding Batian.

"You don't need to remind me!" Batian roared fiercely, the Overlord Spear in his hand changed direction, and tens of millions of Overlord Spear figures appeared in the starry sky, all of them aimed at the natal sun and star above Lin Fei's head .

"Come on!"

Lin Fei looked crazy, a crystal clear fairy tower flew out from between his eyebrows, and the fairy tower flew directly into the black vortex of the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram, and slowly merged with the Tai Chi Yin-Yang Diagram.

"So that's how it is..."

Lin Fei finally came to a sudden realization. It turns out that the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram is related to the Immortal Pagoda formed by the Book of the Three Realms, and the two may be the same thing.

"Not good! It's that thing!"

Tang Sanzang's expression changed drastically, he recognized the origin of these two things, and in just a split second, the fusion of Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram and Immortal Pagoda was completed.

A terrifying golden book appeared in the sky. The human world is on the left, the fairy world is in the middle, and the demon world is on the right. It is actually the real body of the legendary book of the three realms.


The Book of the Three Realms sent out terrifying fluctuations, which made Tang Sanzang feel scared. It is rumored that the Book of the Three Realms can destroy everything, including gods and immortals.

"It's not that easy to leave!"

Lin Fei sneered, and in a flash, he transformed into a gigantic giant.

"go with!"

The Book of the Three Realms flew towards Tang Sanzang, sealing off the entire space in an instant, within a radius of tens of thousands of miles, including the Heaven Pass.

"Boom boom boom..."

At this time Batian attacked, and the Bawang spear pierced Lin Fei's surface completely, and the sun and stars above his head were also swaying after being pierced.

"What are you thinking, bastard, shoot!"

Batian was furious at Tang Sanzang, and he was attacking with all his strength, but this guy didn't know what he was doing, and Batian didn't know the book of the Three Realms above his head, so he didn't know what it was.

"You deal with the thing above your head, I'll deal with Lin Fei!"

Tang Sanzang frowned, and suddenly took out a golden cassock, the emperor's light circulated, the golden light shone, it looked extraordinarily dazzling, it was a rare magic weapon.

"go with!"

The golden cassock turned into a hundred thousand miles long and covered Lin Fei, trying to entangle Lin Fei.


Batian also aimed at the Book of the Three Realms at this time, and the Overlord Spear was so terrifying that it directly pierced the Book of the Three Realms above his head.

"court death!"

Lin Fei sneered, he didn't expect Batian to attack the Book of the Three Realms, this guy is looking for his own death.

"Three Realms, open!"

Lin Fei seemed to have obtained the method of manipulating the Book of the Three Realms at the moment when the Book of the Three Realms was condensed. The human world in the middle of the Book of the Three Realms suddenly shook open, and a big blue hand came out from it, and slapped Batian's head.

The void was broken, and silver light suddenly appeared, this big blue sky hand was extremely terrifying, it seemed like the palm of a heavenly emperor had chopped it down himself.


"This is the book of the Three Realms!"

Batian's face changed drastically, and the Bawang spear in his hand turned into a black armor, which was worn on his body.


Even with the god armor to defend himself, Batian was still vomited blood from the beating, and flew back hundreds of thousands of miles. The big blue hand chased after his head, trying to smash him into flying ashes.


Batian roared unwillingly, two black lakes gushed out of his eyes, and turned into two black demon gods to block in front of him.


When these two demon gods appeared, Lin Fei was also taken aback. One of them turned out to be the Queen of the North, who became one of Batian's subordinates at some point.



Qingtian's big hands were extremely domineering, and he shot one of the black demon gods into flying ashes, and the demon god of the Northern Queen was caught by Qingtian's big hands into the human world in the Book of the Three Realms.

"Tang Sanzang, if you don't make a move, we are all doomed! This guy is the reincarnation of Qingtian!"

Batian escaped in embarrassment, flashed to Tang Sanzang's side, and said to Tang Sanzang, "Rush out with me, and I will take you to the devil world, maybe there is still a glimmer of life!"

"Sorry, you are gone..."

Lin Fei suddenly sneered, his whole body disappeared, turned into a piece of blue sky, and appeared in this blocked space with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

In this area, he is God, and no one can resist him.

"Sanzang is willing to surrender to Lord Qingtian!" Seeing this situation, Tang Sanzang immediately knelt on one knee in the void, wanting to surrender to Lin Fei.

Between Lin Fei's eyebrows, the word "Heaven" appeared. It turned out that he was the incarnation of Emperor Qingtian.

At this moment, Lin Fei's state of mind was completely different. He felt that there was another person in his body, and he himself was a bit like a spectator.

"Am I the blue sky?"

"Master Qingtian, it's really interesting. Could it be the Qingtian from the TV series?"

Lin Fei himself still had his mind, and he was still muttering to himself. He felt that his body was full of inexhaustible power, and he could control the world. This feeling was unprecedentedly powerful, but it was a bit unreal.

"You are not Qingtian, I am Qingtian..."

Another deep voice came from the mind, like a ghost, very penetrating.

Lin Fei's heart sank, could it be that this guy was parasitic in his body, and he just awakened now, and he was just making wedding dresses for others.

"You are lucky to be my wedding dress..."

The Qingtian ghost chattered, then looked down at Batian and Tang Sanzang in the sealed space below, and sneered: "One is a ray of demon soul of Sanzang, and the other is a clone of Apollo, you are also worthy to fight with me Qingtian ? You are too weak, taking pawns like you is a waste of my time..."

"I also ask the Lord Qingtian to be merciful, Sanzang really surrenders to you..."

Tang Sanzang lost his previous backbone and begged Qingtian for mercy, hoping to have a chance.

But Batian was so arrogant that he rushed towards Gao Tian with the sharp gun in his hand, and shouted: "Qingtian, go to hell!"

"Apollo, your avatar is too weak, come back in another 1 years..." Qingtian sneered, and Lin Fei himself saw that bodhi coffin came out, and another self came out of it, but he It's just blue all over.

"Blue Sky Palm!"

With a roar, Qing Tian slammed his palm towards Ba Tian.

"Oh no……"

Seeing Zhang Feng approaching, Ba Tian couldn't dodge it, the sharp spear in front of him was blown away, and Qing Tian's palm slapped him in the face.

His body began to split inch by inch, and the black lake in his eyes seemed to be evaporated instantly, turning into a white hollow, and the flesh and blood began to drift with the wind, slowly dissipating in the air, and he just transformed into a Tao.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

At this time, a large number of monks from the human world came out of the Heaven Eclipse Demon Soldiers, and immediately blocked the entire space.

A blue palm came out, grabbed Tang Sanzang's demon soul, and pressed it to the top of the space.



"Lin Fei!"

Among the tens of millions of powerful people in the world, Yuniang, and the wives of other Yuhua clan and Tiannv clan were among them, and they all recognized Lin Fei above her head.

"Who is that..."

"That seems to be Tang Sanzang..."

"Who is so strong that he actually put Tang Sanzang here..."

"Oh my god, there are emperor prestige everywhere..."

Tens of millions of monks exploded for a moment, not knowing what happened. Before, they were trapped in the Heaven Eclipse Demon Soldiers, and they thought they were about to perish, but they did not expect to arrive here all of a sudden.

"I am the Heavenly Emperor of the Immortal Realm, Qingtian, why don't you pay your respects!"

Qing Tian snorted coldly, and the tens of millions of strong men in the space immediately bowed down involuntarily, unable to resist his powerful power at all, no one dared to speak for a while.

"What, why did my husband become the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Yeah, what's going on, my husband has become the emperor of heaven, it's so, so incredible..."

There were more than 100 beautiful women in the crowd. They wanted to look up at Lin Fei above their heads, but they couldn't lift their heads due to the strong coercion.

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