Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 881 The Identity of Batian and Third Master Tang

Chapter 880

He has tens of thousands of wives, and there will be a lot of wives in the future, most of them are at the level of great saints, and the bones of Emperor Zhun are rare and good things for them.

"Well, put it away when you see it..."

Lin Fei nodded. He also wanted to collect some. The Nine Dragon Cauldron and Nine Dragon Assembly Jue were still on his body. It would be a good choice to collect some Zhundi's bones to refine the Zhundi's soldiers.

As the group flew forward, they would collect the complete skeletons of Emperor Zhun when they saw them. Judging from the number of corpses floating in the void, at least nearly 10 people had fallen, which shocked Lin Fei and the others. Someone plotted against them here.


Fortunately, Lin Fei and his party did not encounter any obstacles along the way. After traveling for about a million miles, a sky barrier finally appeared in front of them.

A golden sky pass appeared in front of their eyes, and the entire sky was divided into two halves by this sky pass, with only a thousand-mile-long gate in the middle.

There are a large number of monks crowded in front of Tianguan, at least 4000 to [-] million. What is shocking is that there are two door god-like figures guarding the two gates of Tianguan.

The two door gods are golden, dressed in fairy clothes and jade armor, and their height reaches thousands of miles. They are very mighty and domineering, and their bodies are even more shining with fairy lights. At first glance, they seem to be the two door gods of the fairy world.

"That is……"

When they came to the periphery of the crowd, they couldn't help being startled when they saw the true faces of the two gate gods.

Especially Lin Fei was even more shocked. He seemed to have seen the true faces of these two door gods before.

When he was on Earth before, he had often seen New Year pictures of door gods pasted on the gates of some old places. These two people really looked like the characters on the veneer on Earth.

The door god on the left door leaf, dressed in colorful battle armor, has a majestic face, a martial posture, and a golden halberd in his hand. He looks very scary.

The one on the door on the right is more detailed and lively, dressed in a five-color fairy clothes, shining with silver light, there is even a hint of kindness between the eyebrows and eyes, holding a mahogany sword wrapped with a ribbon.

"These two people really exist..."

Old Ah muttered to himself, with a hint of shock on his face.

Lin Fei asked via voice transmission: "What is the origin of these two people?"

He also remembered seeing them among the earth folks, but he didn't know exactly what their names were and what their origins were.

"These two are called Shen Tu and Yu Lei. They are two brothers. It is said that in ancient times, the emperor of heaven sent down to the human world to catch ghosts. Once they found little ghosts, they would kill them." Old Ah Chuanyin and others said, "Unexpectedly, they still It really exists, it appeared here, it seems that the real fairyland is ahead, and we have come to the outer fairyland."

"Ahead is the real fairy world?" Lin Fei was a little shocked, and asked through sound transmission, "Then how do we get there? It seems a bit difficult for so many people to squeeze in here..."

"No, these two door gods are just for catching ghosts. As long as they judge that we are not ghosts, they will naturally let us go." Old Ah Shen sent a voice to everyone, "If you have weapons like ghosts and gods on you, throw them away quickly. If you don't, you will be designated as a ghost by these two door gods, and you will be killed by force."

Hearing what Lao Ah said, everyone quickly looked for the weapons on their bodies to see if there was anything related to ghosts and gods.

And the people staying in the inner world also had to find those soldiers of ghosts and gods, and if there were any, they had to hand them over.

Some of the tens of millions of monks in front of them also know this name. For a while, many soldiers of ghosts and gods were thrown out, and they were all thrown aside. The two door gods have four golden eyes, and the four golden lights scan around. If it is not a ghost or something, it will be released.

It would take a long time for tens of millions of monks to pass the test. On the fifth day, it was finally Lin Fei's turn.

But suddenly there were two shocking roars from the sky, and a terrifying black cloud and a light cloud appeared together, covering the entire vicinity of Tianguan.

"Batianlai also..."

One of them is tall, hidden in the black clouds, holding a black sharp gun, wearing a black three-piece suit, which is extraordinarily cool.

"Sanzang is here..."

The other person is hiding in the light cloud, looming, tens of thousands of feet tall, holding a golden Buddha bead, and stepping on an ancient sun-returning jar.

"Go to hell, the position of Emperor of Heaven is mine!"

Batian let out a roar, and a large cloud of magic emerged from the black cloud, sweeping towards the monk, and dozens of people who were close were instantly turned into flying ash.

"It's too scary, go back, this person is from the devil world..."

Someone shouted, and the sound spread throughout the Tianguan. Unexpectedly, Batian was actually a member of the Demon Realm. Lin Fei and his party also had incomparably solemn faces. Lin Fei never expected to meet Batian here.

He also felt a little familiar with the other demon monk, who seemed to be Tang Sanye. It turned out that Tang Sanye's name was also Tang Sanzang.He is very familiar with this name. Tang Tiande's ancestor, the Tang monk who was famous in China, was named Tang Sanzang. According to Tang Tiande back then, Tang Sanzang was a figure at the level of a great emperor.

Lin Fei, Bai Xian and the others rushed towards the Tianguan in front of them, wanting to cross the Tianguan before the two arrived, so as not to collide with them head-on.

"Xiao Linzi, it turned out to be you!"

Tang Sanzang, also known as Tang Sanye, found Lin Fei among millions of people. The Yang Huan jar under him suddenly opened, and a golden Buddha's palm emerged from it to grab Lin Fei.

"Then let's have a good fight..."

Lin Fei didn't want to run away, so he took Lao Ah and the others into the inner world, and faced the Buddha's palm alone.


Lin Fei didn't say too much nonsense, and didn't have too many fancy movements, he directly raised his hand to meet the Buddha Emperor's palm, and there was a spirit-seeking talisman stuck on the front of his fist, which could transfer the emperor's breath.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fist collided with the Buddha Emperor's palm, emitting a terrifying imperial power. Hundreds of weaker monks around were immediately maimed or turned into flying ash.

"It's terrifying, these people are too strong..."

Millions of powerhouses were shocked. Although there are many powerhouses in the second and third heavens of Zhundi, they are not on the same level as Batian, Lin Fei and Tang Sanzang.

The three of them only fought once, and the air wave they played could turn some quasi-emperors who were on the verge of or with weaker defenses into flying ash.

Everyone didn't dare to stay here any longer, and rushed to Tianguan one after another, hoping to escape the catastrophe.

"Don't go away..."

Batian let out a roar, and a terrifying bracelet condensed out of the black cloud. Ye Chen recognized this thing. It was the magic weapon that he saw on the top of Yanlong Mountain before. magic soldiers.

"not good……"

Seeing that Batian sacrificed this magic weapon, Lin Fei quickly took out the bodhi coffin, and at the same time put the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram on his body.


"do not want!"

"what is this!"

Millions of powerful people roared, but they were powerless to stop it. Batian's thing was too domineering. It rolled out a terrifying magic pattern, and all these strong people were involved.

"There are ghost soldiers..."

At this time, the two gate gods closed to the sky moved, one holding a halberd and the other holding a sword, jumped out of the gate of heaven, and rushed towards Batian.

"Hmph! Just you two ghosts, dare to mention this demon?"

Batian didn't take it seriously, and directly shot at the two door gods. What was shocking was that the two door gods were so vulnerable that they were turned into fly ash by a single shot, and disappeared.It turned out that it was just two ghosts guarding here, not the real door god came to the world, but just a paper tiger.

"Run away..."


There were still hundreds of thousands of strong men who were not swallowed by Xitian, and immediately rushed into the Tianguan while the door god was away, avoiding the offensive of Batian and the other three.

Although Lin Fei was in the middle of the Heaven Eclipse Demon Soldiers, he blocked the terrifying magic patterns by relying on the power of the Bodhi Coffin.

For a moment, there were only Lin Fei, Batian and Tang Sanzang left in front of the entire Tianguan, a black cloud over Batian's head, a light cloud beside Tang Sanzang, Lin Fei's body surface was golden, Like a dazzling sun and star floating in the void.

The three of them are far stronger than the others. Batian's power has reached the terrifying Seventh Heaven of Emperor Zhun, the most powerful, Tang Sanzang has also reached the power of Sixth Heaven of Emperor Zhun, but Lin Fei is weaker only at the Fifth Heaven of Emperor Zhun , but with his physique and the power of the bodhi coffin are enough to block it.

"Unexpectedly, Batian, you are really a person from the devil world..." Lin Fei sneered twice, and a pair of eyes were as dazzling as divine bells, looking directly at Batian.

Ba Tian's face was dark, black water gushed out of his eyes, like a big black buffalo, he sneered and said, "It's a good time for you to come, before I get the throne of Heavenly Emperor, I took away your mixed yang origin!"

"Xiao Linzi, we have to join forces now. This kid has a demon soldier who has devoured tens of millions of strong men in the human world. If he absorbs them all after being refined, the entire human world will cease to exist." Tang At this time, Sanzang persuaded Lin Fei, thinking that he and himself would join hands to deal with Batian.

Lin Fei frowned, and snorted coldly, "You've been lying to me, right? Are you that Tang Monk on Earth?"

"Uh..." Tang Sanzang was slightly taken aback, and then smiled wryly, "The poor monk can't help it, it's just a part of my past in the world of mortals..."

"You all have to die..." Lin Fei shook his head and said to himself.

A dazzling white star drilled out from between his brows, it is the final sun star, also known as the Holy Emperor Star.

"Boy, don't be so stupid. You are the weakest of the three of us. There is no need to kill you. Even if you don't get the position of Heavenly Emperor, you can still get the position of Great Immortal..."

Tang Sanzang persuaded: "You help me kill Batian, and then I will protect you as the head of the Great Immortal, one person is under ten thousand people, and the planetary universe will last for [-] million years..."

"You all die!"

Batian's temperament has changed drastically now, and he has become a great demon god in real life. The Tiantian Demon Soldier unleashes a terrifying demonic power, and sweeps towards Lin Fei first.

"court death!"

Lin Fei raised his head fiercely, and the sun and stars above his head suddenly changed into tens of thousands of suns and stars. The sky was densely covered with suns and stars, and the sun shone all over the vicinity of Tianguan.

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