Han Tong hurriedly knelt down again, and begged, "I want to ask my ancestor to kill this little animal. After the matter is done, I would like to send half of the ancient scriptures of the Ling family..."

"The ancient scriptures of the Ling family?" A strange color flashed in the old man's eyes, and he said with a grin, "You have a good chance to get the ancient scriptures of the Ling family, but what do you want? Why do you want to tell this old man? Still can't deal with a little cultivator in the secret realm of the Dao Palace?"

Along the way of cultivation, there are mostly selfish guys who want to take all the good things when they see them. I haven't heard of anyone who wants to deliver the emperor's weapon to their door.

You know, activating the Emperor Weapon is like resurrecting the Great Emperor, but he is invincible in the world. Who would not want to be invincible in the world, how could he easily give such an opportunity to others.

Han Tong knelt down and said: "My ancestors don't know, because this little animal is a chaotic body, it has been regarded as a treasure by all the holy places and they want to pull it to the Mountain of Despair. It was because of the chaotic blood that the demon king Ji Li was suppressed before. Ji Li is completely wiped out, and he is very popular right now, and he is in the company of Tang Sanye from the Western Regions, and his disciple's cultivation is damaged, so I am afraid that he is not his opponent."

"Just tell me what you want!" The old man became impatient.

"The little animal still has a holy mirror hidden in it. I hope that after the matter is completed, the ancestors can bestow the holy mirror to the disciple..." Han Tong looked up at the old man.

The old man laughed and said: "You are really good at calculating, I will take the imperial weapon, you will take the holy mirror? Will you be willing?"

This business makes people think that Han Tong will suffer a big loss. Compared with an imperial weapon, the holy land is like a sky and a ground, which is completely different.One hundred million holy artifacts is not worth one imperial artifact. Han Tong sent the news like this, and the ancestor of the Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land felt that there must be something tricky.

"The disciple knows very well that his cultivation level is too low, and he will definitely not be destined for the emperor's weapon. He only needs a holy weapon..." Han Tong said sincerely.

Two gazes in the eyes of the silver-haired old man passed through Han Tong's head. Han Tong was stunned for a moment, but he didn't make any struggle and let the ancestor check his sea of ​​consciousness.

After about a few seconds, the silver-haired old man withdrew his gaze, his figure flashed into the void, and he left a sentence in the cave.

"After three days, if you come here again, I will go out to meet some friends..."

Han Tong got up from the ground, his face was gloomy like water, and he said sharply: "Lin Fei! Wait for your death!  …

The Mountain of Despair has existed since ancient times, and it is vast and stretches for tens of thousands of miles. The reason why it is named "Despair" is because there are no living animals in this mountain range, and it is barren for thousands of miles.The most important thing is that there is a strange force in it, which can suppress the aura in the monk's body, and the monk becomes like an ordinary person when he enters here.

Even so, through the ages, there are still countless masters drilling into it, not for anything else, just for the nine mountains.Rumor has it that the Desperate Mountains are actually formed by nine nine mountains, and in the ancestral roots of each dragon mountain there is a life-sustaining dragon medicine. If you gather all the dragon medicines in the nine dragon mountains, you can get an immortal medicine.

Hongcheng, located two hundred miles away from the Despair Mountains, is a relatively large city, and it is a city exclusively for ascetics. .|

Seven days later, there was a sound of rolling thunder from the west of Hongcheng, a large crack appeared in the void, several thunder carts with a length of tens of feet appeared, and dozens of people stood on the thunder carts.

"Big Thunder Car! People from Zhongyuan Thunder Kingdom are here!"

"Could that be the protector of the Great Thunder Kingdom? Lei Yin..."

"It must be true. His Majesty of the Great Thunder Kingdom did not come in person, but sent this quasi-sage here. It is rumored that his lifespan is approaching. This time, he must go to the Despair Mountains to collect dragon medicine to continue his life!"


The leader on the Lei chariot was an old man with a crane beard wearing a silver crown, followed by dozens of people from the Great Thunder Kingdom, including Lei Yuncai, the eldest princess of the Great Thunder Kingdom.

Not long after, another group of people appeared in the void, and the leader seemed to be the lord of the Great Xia Kingdom.

"The Lord of the Great Xia Kingdom is here too!"

"There are quite a few saint-level figures, and some unworldly masters from the Zhongyuan Dynasty have also appeared!"

"This time the commotion is quite big. It is rumored that these people have found a chaotic body!"

"Chaotic body? Do they want to use the chaotic body to open a way to collect dragon medicine?"

There are tens of thousands of ascetics in Hongcheng, and many of them are powerful people who know some secret stories. There are even many masters who have participated in the Tianchi Holy Meeting in the past. Naturally, some precious news has spread.


In less than half an hour, group after group of masters appeared in Hongcheng. All the four great dynasties of Zhongyuan sent people here. The Taoist Holy Land is also led by the Supreme Elder himself.


There was a roar in the air, no one came out of the void, but a huge silver sword galloped not far away, and nineteen heavenly figures stood on the silver sword, which immediately caused a commotion.

"The imperial weapon of the Holy Land of Ten Thousand Swords!"

"The Ten Thousand Spirit Sword was born! The Ten Thousand Swords Holy Land is so high-profile!"

"The female cultivator above seems to be the Holy Mother of Tianchi, and she is here too! There are Feng Yunnu, the head of the Feng family, and the two elders of the Jiang family and the Ling family, and the one with the magic lotus blooming on his head seems to be the younger brother of the Tian Yao king." !"

"The Lord of Thousand Swords came personally, and brought the Wanling Sword with him. I'm afraid there will be a big commotion this time!"

"I don't know if the Holy Mother of Tianchi has brought Tianchi's imperial weapon!"

The ascetics in Hongcheng were shocked. They hadn’t seen the imperial weapon for many years. Ordinary imperial weapons were regarded as peerless treasures by the Holy Land or the sect, and they would not take them out easily. Coming with the imperial weapon, it can be said that it is not low-profile!

"That's not the true body of the Wanling Sword, it's probably just a fake sword!"

"It's about the same when I think about it. If the real sword comes, I'm afraid all of us will be useless!"

"Which animal is that drinking with a wine gourd? Why is it so wretched and wretched!"

"Is the guy in black next to him unrecognizable? Is he an unworldly master of some great power?"

"Tall fart, this is Lin Fei's animal!"

"You can't be too Lin Fei, why do I feel that his gaze is on the Virgin of Tianchi..."


In a day's time, many influential figures from Tianyuan Continent came to the scene. This time, Wanjian Holy Land and Tianchi Holy Land took the lead to form another group of masters to enter this mountain of despair.The holy lands and the noble families were not in a hurry to enter the mountain, but set up a platform in Hongcheng, and wanted to invite all heroes from all over the world to enter together.

Although this move seems to be pulling people as cannon fodder, the generous remuneration and the preferential terms that do not impose any restrictions on casual cultivators still attract many masters to join the team.

At dawn the next day, a demonic cloud rose over Hongcheng. The Sky Demon King led a group of demon clan masters to come.

"Everyone, my monster clan has advanced, and everyone will meet in front of the Black Dragon Pool..."

The Sky Demon King laughed and waved his sleeves. Dozens of demon clan members headed towards the Mountain of Despair first.

"Third Master, when shall we go in?" Lin Fei asked on the suspended platform above Hongcheng.

He had clearly sensed several strong murderous intentions just now, and one of the fiercest ones came from the Sky Demon King who had just left, but there was still Taotian murderous intent nearby, which made him a little uneasy.

The bald third master poured spirits into his mouth as always. This guy's drinking capacity was unfathomable, and he spent 90.00% of the day drinking.

He narrowed his eyes and said in a daze, "Ask the Holy Mother about this kind of thing..."

"One hour later..." The Northern Queen, the Holy Mother, was closing her eyes and recuperating, and replied lightly.

Lin Fei nodded awkwardly, and a pair of fiery red eyes began to glance randomly at the hanging platform, and soon he locked on a few beauties.The Heavenly Concubine on the Tianchi Lake, the Saintess of Wanjian, the princess from the Dalei Kingdom, and several beautiful and charming female cultivators.

"Who is that person?" Lin Fei frowned when he reached the northwest corner of the platform. In that corner was a woman with a silver veil on her face.

A strong Yin energy emanated from the woman, and Lin Fei wanted to fly out of the "Goddess Treasure Book" in Lin Fei's palace, but was suppressed by Lin Fei.

"She even came here?"

A painting on the Baojian gleamed, as if it was about to fall out of the painting. This person was none other than Meiji.

"The Goddess Treasure Book" is a peerless book. Not only can a woman's figure be branded into it, it can also open a cage and capture a wisp of a woman's spirit into the treasure book, and it can even be used to determine the status of the treasure book. woman's position.

The figures of Saintess Wanjian, Empress Tianfei, Xiao Ling'er, Xiao Qian'er, and Meiji are all branded on the treasure book, and there are also several pictures shining on the treasure book at this time.The portraits of the Heavenly Concubine, the Saintess of Wanjian and this Meiji are all shining, so it is confirmed that the mysterious woman may be Meiji.

"This demon Ji is so capable, she even chased her from the Northern Territory to the Southern Territory, women can't mess with her, this chick actually fell in love with me, chasing her so hard, it hurts!" Lin Fei felt depressed.


At this moment, there was a loud bang that shook the entire altar a few times, and a thick cloud of dust started up in the distance, causing the surrounding monks to step aside.

"Immortal is sloppy! What are you doing, the flying sword will still fail!"

"I'll be your immortal Potian, and get me a Pofei sword!" A fleshy guy crawled out of the dust, but saw the Wanjian Saintess who was resting cross-legged not far away, and his eyes flashed immediately. Guang rushed up, leaned in front of the Saintess of Thousand Swords and said with a flattering smile, "Brother recently got a book of double cultivation, is my sister interested in practicing together, brother promises that you will become a famous female saint in the mainland within a year, Are you interested?"

"Where did the raw animals come from, did they go out without looking in the mirror?"

"It is estimated that when his mother gave birth to him, the bottom was clamped by the door panel, so he gave birth to such a thing!"

"Look at his fat body, did he eat pig feces? This is..."


The appearance of this dear friend immediately aroused the common anger of the ascetics, and even some monks who had successfully cultivated the Tao could not help but swear.

"It's the best..."

Lin Fei, who was not far away, grinned. Such a guy suits his appetite. He wanted to see how the Wanjian Saintess would react.

The face of Saintess Wanjian has already turned green, her jade fists are clenched tightly, and there is a sound of swords in her body, obviously unable to hold back her anger.

She couldn't stand Lin Fei provoking her like that before, and now that such a bastard came, it made her even more aggrieved.

"I said good sister, don't be so excited..." The fat brother ignored him, grinning like a pig brother, "Although I am indeed handsome, brother, I won't let my sister I am so excited, anyway, there is still a year, we still have a lot of time to study and study the art of double cultivation."

The fat man's voice was thick and full of ridicule, but there was a hint of silver in the ridicule, and there was a smoldering in the humor, and there was an indescribable taste.

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