Everyone on the platform held their breath and focused their attention. No one spoke much. They probably wanted to see how the saintesses in this majestic holy place would react. Even the Lord Wanjian and the several elders remained silent. . .|

"Fellow Daoist, please be respectful! Stop talking nonsense, or you won't blame the little girl for being ruthless!" Surprisingly, the Saintess Wanjian suppressed her anger and suppressed her anger.

But the fat guy didn't know what to say, instead he reprimanded Wanjian Saintess in a straight-faced manner: "I said sister, what you said is wrong, how did we come here? It's all men and women." Women come from mating. To put it bluntly, it is the most primitive double-cultivation. It’s just that ordinary people don’t have aura. Through the secret method of double-cultivation, you can achieve twice the result with half the effort. Double-cultivation is a sacred fairy art Ah, even the rumors of the gods in the sky have many such methods..."


"This man is so raw, he still has a set..."

"There is reason to believe that he deliberately told the story to the Saintess Wanjian..."

Fat brother is not so good at bragging, he actually pulled out a set of theories, and he even put on a posture of the elders educating the younger generation, which made people go crazy.

"You!" The Holy Maiden of Thousand Swords finally couldn't hold back anymore, and the five fairy swords rushed out from the center of her eyebrows, turning into a burst of sword light to crush the fat man.

"Sister, don't be like this, a gentleman uses his mouth and doesn't move his hands, we are just discussing and communicating..." The fat brother gave a ghostly cry, and took a step into the void with his left foot, leaving an afterimage all the way, and finally landed on the high ground In the air, looking down at the people below.

"Yun Tianzong?"

The bald-headed third master opened his eyes at this moment, drowsily poured another mouthful of wine, and grinned and cursed: "The little things taught by that old man Potian are so against the sky, and their conduct is the same as that old man's." A thing with a single virtue is not a good product!"

"Third Master, who is Potian?" Lin Fei asked.

"It's an old man with corrupt morals!" The bald third master scolded, "It is said that he was kicked out of the mountain gate for stealing the little clothes of the female cultivators of the whole sect, and later he killed a female fox from the demon clan, and made the whole demon clan Hunt him down, if the Sky Demon King is still here, he will definitely kill his disciple..."

"Huh, sure enough..." Lin Fei was speechless.



At this moment, the Maiden of Thousand Swords soared into the sky, and the five fairy swords merged into one, stabbing at the fat brother.

But this fat brother's movement skills are amazing, relying on You Yun Tianzong's movement skills, he almost easily avoided the Dao Palace Excalibur of the Wanjian Saintess.

"Sister, don't be so cruel, my brother doesn't like violent women..." Fat brother ran away, smiling flamboyantly, "But if my sister agrees, using my brother's dual cultivation method will definitely change you This grumpy..."


Fat brother hadn't finished speaking, a pair of big hands captured him from the sky, and brought him to the front of Wanjian Shengzhu. It turned out that Wanjian Shengzhu personally made the move. .|


Because the fat brother hit the ground too high, he was seriously injured when he hit the ground, not to mention blood spitting out of the mouth, and his right hand was smashed to pieces.

But soon the fat brother recovered and turned into that bear again.

"Four poles secret realm..."

"This fat man's cultivation is not bad, no wonder the Saintess Wanjian couldn't catch him..."

"His movement is weird, comparable to strange steps..."

Fatty was taken down by Lord Wanjian, and Saintess Wanjian stood beside Lord Wanjian expressionlessly, she didn't say anything, just looked at fatty coldly.

"Hehe, peace is the most important thing, peace is the most important..." Fatty raised his head with difficulty, grinned at Sage Master Wanjian, and said with a flattering smile, "Xiao Feng has seen Sage Master Wanjian, and he has heard of Sage Master Wanjian for a long time. The prestige of the lord is over, I wonder if the lord is interested in my secret technique? Xiao Feng can give it away for free..."

Everyone vomited on the ground again, this fat man named Xiao Feng was really top quality.

"Get lost..." Sword Master Wan had no expression on his face, despite his elegant and scholarly appearance, he threw Xiao Feng out with a lift of his hand, turning into a meteor and disappearing into the sky.

"Xiao Feng?" Lin Fei almost flickered his tongue, he really wanted to catch up and ask, "Brother Xiao Feng, are your second brother Duan Yu and your third brother Xu Zhu all right?"

"Everyone, let's go!"

Throwing Fatty Xiao out of the Taoist platform, Master Wanjian stood up and saluted all his colleagues, Queen Bei and other peerless masters of the Great Secret Realm of Xiantai also got up, planning to head towards the Mountain of Despair.

"Eldest nephew, follow me. If you get lost, I won't care about you..." The bald-headed third master took another sip of the spirits, with a rare sternness in his eyes, and pushed Lin Fei beside him. .

Lin Fei nodded dully, and stood between the bald third master and the northern queen. Needless to say, the strength of these two people, standing between them is naturally the safest.His purpose is not some immortality medicine, that thing is useless to him, and he doesn't want to save those peerless masters from 50 years ago, but he is forced by the situation, he has no choice.


The wind was blowing, the air-conditioning was permeating, and there was an unpleasant stench in the air. This was the feeling Lin Fei felt from the outskirts of the Despair Mountains.

After traveling a hundred miles from Hongcheng, they entered the outskirts of the Despair Mountains. Dozens of great masters from the Great Secret Realm of Sendai led the team in front, followed by a large army of about 3000 people, which is not a lot.


"Ah! There's a ghost!"


As soon as they walked a mile inside, there were screams from the team. Several elders from the Xiantai Secret Realm immediately took action, and caught several brain-eating monkeys from the void.

This is a small black animal with a small head and a thick body. It specializes in eating human brains. Its strength is not particularly strong. It only has the strength of the early stage of the Taoist Palace. The seven or eight monks who died just now are all below the secret realm of the Taoist Palace. monk.

"Everyone, don't panic, it's just a few little Yin monkeys, let's move on..."

One of the elders of the Ling family spoke, and an unknown flame spewed out from between his fingers, burning the corpse of the Yin monkey in the air to ashes, and everyone felt relieved and moved on.

"After walking for a mile, Yin monkey appeared. I'm afraid it's not good this time, there won't be a big guy appearing..." The bald third master muttered something in his mouth, but Lin Fei didn't hear it. I heard.


A few little Yin monkeys were wiped out, and everyone continued to move forward. After traveling for about a hundred miles, they came to a gray area.

"Everyone, be careful. The Valley of Lost Souls lies ahead. Hold your breath and concentrate on passing through with your thoughts. Don't be fooled by any weird things..."

The Lord Wanjian spoke out in person, and everyone dared not ignore it. They all held their breaths and concentrated on it. They were taken away by the Lord Wanjian and several Supreme Elders, and stepped into the gray area ahead.

Lin Fei followed the bald-headed third master, but he walked in the second group of people. Not far away, Meiji also followed him, but Meiji didn't have too many animals along the way, and she didn't show any murderous looks. This makes Lin Fei feel very strange, maybe she has other purpose in coming here.


Layers of gray mist, mixed with red sand, this kind of chaotic zone formed a strange spiritual field, which blinded the monks' eyes, and many monks could only rely on their weak Perception follows the troop.

"Ah! What are you doing!"

"kill you!"

Just less than a mile forward, there were two strange noises, and the two guys seemed to be fighting.

"Ah! Junior brother! I am your senior brother!"

"You were the one who killed! You, the one who deceived the master and killed the ancestors, even took advantage of the master's breakthrough to sneak attack and kill the master!"

The voices of these two people in the crowd were very loud, as if passing through a loudspeaker, the two guys fought violently, and the junior brother succeeded in a sneak attack, destroying the senior brother's body in one fell swoop.

"You're crazy! I didn't kill Master!"

This brother was a little crazy, and he felt a little guilty in his heart. He did kill their master and took all of his treasures as his own, but he believed that no one would find out what he did.

"go to hell!"

A pair of gigantic hands slapped the soul of this senior brother. Before the senior brother could scream, the soul was smashed to pieces and disappeared.

"There's a ghost!"

The bald-headed third master's expression changed, and he pulled Lin Fei and rushed to the front of the crowd. The Northern Queen also followed, and the three of them walked side by side.At this moment, a few more people were photographed by these giant hands at the position they were staying just now.

"Ah! This man is crazy!"

"How do you see who shoots whom!"

"It's not right, I remember that this person was only the first level of the four poles before, but this palm just now has the power of the secret realm of Xiantai..."

Some people in the crowd also noticed something strange, this junior was probably suffering from some kind of evil disease, and would kill anyone he saw when he was penetrated by something evil.

"To practice evil methods, massacre [-] civilians, you should be punished!"

The giant hand slapped the two young monks from the fifth heaven of the Dao Palace, and the two monks turned into flying ash without even humming.

"Killing brother and seizing sister-in-law, harvesting yin to replenish yang, the crime deserves death!"

The owner of the giant palm was like a law enforcer, and he kept shooting some monks in the gray mist. Many monks died unexpectedly, and some monks around them were also affected by Chi Yu, and died very unjustly.

"Everyone, don't pay attention to this thing, rush forward together, ten miles away will be the Valley of Lost Souls, this thing dare not enter the valley!"

At this time, the Supreme Elder issued an order, and everyone rushed forward desperately. In this fog, there appeared such a "law enforcer" whose cultivation base had reached the Great Secret Realm of Sendai, and even the Supreme Elder and others had to avoid him point.After all, their line of sight here is too short, even the Queen of the North and the others can only see clearly a few hundred miles ahead.

The crowd ran forward all the way, and monks were shot to death continuously in the middle, with no flesh and blood left. The screams and mournful cries were really palpitating.

However, this "law enforcer" seems to only target those who have done evil things, but anyone who has done something worthy of punishment must be attacked by him first, such as killing brothers and wives, massacring civilians, and some criminals. The monks who have been overly dehumanizing are also the first to bear the brunt.

"Cultivating the Tao is indeed a life of death, and the dangers are even more heinous..." Lin Fei, who was advancing with the bald third master, the northern queen and others, was full of emotion in his heart at this time.

Although the mysterious "enforcer" was a murderer, he revealed many outrageous facts. There was even an unworldly master who was about to enter the secret realm of Sendai, and was slapped to death by the enforcer because he had swallowed ten thousand virgins under the age of ten.There is also a few elders of a small sect who secretly support a small country, and the emperor of that small country provides them with enough living souls for them to refine a soul-calling handkerchief in the sect.

Hearing all kinds of evil deeds, Lin Fei's hairs stood on end. This cultivator is far more cold-blooded than ordinary people.Anyone who has cultivated to the secret realm above the Dao Palace will not have a little blood on their hands, and there will be few lives on their hands.

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