Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 59 God King Xiao Wentian

"How can you be sure that he's not dead yet?" Xiao Xue'er showed a long-lost smile, looked at her sister and chuckled, "And why did you think of going to him, he's just a cultivator in the secret realm of the Dao Palace , how can he protect us well, Prince Hei Lian covets us for not a day or two, but he has stepped into the four great secret realms, even Master is very afraid of him..."

Xiao Ling'er blushed pretty, and then scolded: "Sister, don't be fooled by that scum, he has been pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, his treasure is probably a treasure that reaches the sky, maybe it is an emperor What about the weapon, or else the scum with that virtue can go to the Mountain of Despair? Can he still be treated as a guest by the major holy places?"

"You mean that strange picture?" The corner of Xiao Xueer's mouth twitched slightly. .|

The imperial weapon is not a Chinese cabbage. Where did so many imperial weapons come from? One emperor only has one imperial weapon. There are very few people who can own an imperial weapon, not even one among the hundreds of millions of monks.Most of those who can own the emperor's weapon are some super ancient holy lands, or families that have been born of the great emperor. Only the super big families like the Xue family, Ling family and Feng family are lucky to have it.

There are not many imperial artifacts in the entire Tianyuan Continent. How could Lin Fei own one? This is simply a fantasy.

A few years ago, when Lin Fei was still in the Wei Palace, Mai Zhong attacked and killed him, but he didn't want to be wiped out by that strange picture of Lin Fei.Xiao Ling'er and Xiao Xue'er had talked about this, Xiao Xue'er always thought that it might be a holy weapon, but as for the imperial weapon, it was really terrifying.

"Yeah, I think that thing must be an imperial weapon. Even if it's not an imperial weapon, at least it's a quasi-imperial weapon. Otherwise, why did it take away the jade purification bottle back then..." Xiao Ling'er groaned With a sigh of relief, I firmly believe that Tai Chi Yin Yang Diagram is a super treasure.

Xiao Xue'er smiled bitterly, and said: "Let's not talk about this for now, even if he is still alive and holds the emperor's weapon, so what, do you still remember that we are small people who just met by chance, and what's more, father The emperor also sent people to hunt him down..."

The former Lin Fei was the one who stirred up the entire Tianyuan Continent's comprehension world. Compared with Lin Fei, the three Xiao Xue'er sisters can only be regarded as little people now.

"Elder sister, you can just get it, just that scum?" Xiao Ling'er was extremely disdainful towards Lin Fei, and angrily said, "He still owes me a huge favor, asking him to help, that is to think highly of him , I have sent a message to someone for a long time, I hope he can come back to Wei Guo..."

Xiao Xueer's expression tensed, and she said in a low voice: "Ling'er, who did you ask for help? You didn't let Father, Emperor, and the others find out, did you? I heard that Lin Fei is in the Southern Region. Bei, even if he wants to help, he won't be able to catch up!"

"I spent a thousand spirit stones to find a peripheral disciple of the Tianchi Holy Land, and asked him to bring news back to the Tianchi Holy Land..." Xiao Ling'er said with a tense expression and a smug smile.

"A thousand spirit stones?" Xiao Xue'er covered her mouth and exclaimed, "Ling'er, where did you get so many spirit stones? If you get out so many spirit stones, it's impossible for the emperor not to find out..."

Xiao Ling'er pretended to be mysterious and whispered to Xiao Xue'er, "At the beginning of last year, the old drunkard came back once, and I borrowed it from him..."

"Borrow? Why do I feel like stealing..."

"Sister, are you kidding me? It's his honor to ask someone to borrow something. At worst, after the female exile gets the immortal position, I'll just pay him back with the principal and interest..." Xiao Linger looked like a female hooligan. Like this, he hummed, "If that scum received the news and didn't come to save us, I will auction him off to satisfy the needs of those noble wives..."



"Fairy, what a fairy, who thinks so much about Mr. Ben..."

At this moment, Lin Fei, who was in the dark area below Longshan Mountain, yawned a few times in a row, and after a few yawns, he even felt better. .|

After a few days of nourishment by the Qi of Primal Chaos, the five internal organs in the body have almost recovered, and all the broken ribs have already been connected.

"young people……"

At this moment, an extremely hoarse, hoarse and scary calling sound suddenly came from the dark space.

"young people……"

"young people……"

The hoarse voice became weaker and weaker, but it seemed to fill the entire dark space. Lin Fei couldn't distinguish the direction of the voice for a while.

"I'm north of you..."

The old man seemed to see Lin Fei's confusion, but Lin Fei didn't intend to go there immediately, just joking, there are still people in such a weird place, God knows what it is.

"Young man, don't be afraid, this old man is not malicious..." The hoarse voice continued, and the old man coughed, and said, "This old man is Xiao Wentian, who was trapped here 3000 years ago..."

"Xiao Wentian?" Lin Fei was stunned and asked suspiciously, "Wang Xiao Wentian, the sage of the Xiao family?"

When Lin Fei was in the Heavenly Profound Cave of the Wei State, he had read a modern biographies, in which he mentioned the sage Wang Xiao Wentian of the Xiao family.

Xiao Wentian, also known as God King Xiao, has the physique of a god king, one in a million.This person fought all over the Eastern Desolation 5000 years ago, and he can be called the No. 1 in the Eastern Desolation. At the same time, he is also a god-king physique, but he did not know where he went, and there has been no news.The most recorded record about Xiao Wentian is that he mastered an attacking boxing technique called Fatian, which is known as the number one attacking technique in ten thousand years.

"Time flies, I never thought that someone would still remember this old man's name, it's really rare..." Xiao Wentian sighed, and there was endless sadness in his words.

As Lin Fei walked north, he asked, "I don't know why Senior Xiao is trapped here? Is there an exit here to get out?"

After asking this question, Lin Fei felt that he was a bit of an idiot. This peerless powerhouse at the peak of the Saint King has been trapped here for 3000 years. If there was an exit, he would have left early.

To Lin Fei's surprise, Xiao Wentian said, "There is a way to go out, but it's only for you, the old man can't go out for the time being..."

"Senior, what specific position are you in..." Lin Fei accelerated his flight speed, and of course he was happy to have the opportunity to go out.

"Further north, two hundred kilometers..." Xiao Wentian said weakly, "You come over and talk, the old man rests first..."

"Okay, senior, wait for me..." Lin Fei replied, although he was very excited, he was very cautious.

The introduction of Xiao Wentian was also mentioned in the biography at the beginning. This person is decisive and invincible in attacking, but he has a clear distinction between right and wrong, right and wrong.And once made a great contribution to the human race on the Tianyuan Continent. With only a pair of iron fists, he killed several evil saints outside the territory, so he was named the Xiao God King!

From the analysis of the biography, this person must be a hero, but the biography is also written by a person, Lin Fei does not want to take such a risk.Living in such a gloomy environment for thousands of years, even a person with an extremely firm mind may have psychological distortions.

He put the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram on his body, and quickly flew to where Xiao Wentian was.

The distance of [-] kilometers is not far. In just half an hour, Lin Fei came to this area. As soon as he entered this area, there was a cold aura.It is much colder here than where Lin Fei was just now, and even colder than when he was at the bottom of the Wannian Cold Lake in Wei Guo.

"Senior, I'm here..." Lin Fei called softly, afraid of calling out something scary.

Xiao Wentian didn't reply, Lin Fei yelled again: "Senior, where are you, boy, I'm here..."


Lin Fei yelled for a long time, but he didn't hear Xiao Wentian's reply. The old guy seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and he couldn't see the old guy even if he stood where he was.

"Cough..." Xiao Wentian coughed suddenly, startling Lin Fei, because the position was very close to him, right behind him, he turned his head and vaguely saw a figure.

Behind him was an emerald red stone, within the stone was a piece of withered human skin, Xiao Wentian was so skinny that only his skin was left, only a pair of eyes still shone with a dazzling brilliance, he was still alive.

"Senior..." Lin Fei leaned forward and bowed to Xiao Wentian who was in the stone.

Xiao Wentian coughed lightly, two gazes penetrated into Lin Fei's eyebrows, and soon he knew a lot.

"The future of young people is limitless..." Xiao Wentian said in a weak voice, "Come here, the old man will teach you a secret method..."

"Senior, you..." Lin Fei was a little embarrassed, he didn't expect to be so lucky.

Xiao Wentian said: "The old man's flesh and blood are withered, and the original source is about to perish. I will pass on the secret method created by you old man so that it will not be lost. In the future, if you meet a member of the Xiao family, if you meet a person with integrity, you can pass it on to him on behalf of the old man. The family members have already fallen, you can find someone else who is destined to pass it on..."

"You know..." Lin Fei was filled with admiration, and gave Xiao Wentian a half-master's salute.

That is to say, teaching the Dharma to him is half of his master, and Lin Fei should respect him.

Lin Fei took a few steps forward, approached Xiao Wentian for a few minutes, and popped out a fiery red old saying from the emerald green stone, and it entered Lin Fei's eyebrows word by word.

"What a powerful attacking secret technique!"

Just after reading the first dozen words, Lin Fei was attracted by this secret technique of attacking and attacking. For him, this kind of boxing technique was like a tiger with wings added.

"This technique is called Tiantian..." After Xiao Wentian passed on the secret technique, his voice weakened a bit, and he warned Lin Feidao, "You have a firm mind and you have to be favored by the heavens. Bloodline, Fatian and the boxing technique you created by yourself will definitely complement each other."

"Thank you, senior, for teaching the Fa..." Lin Fei once again saluted sincerely.

Xiao Wentian said indifferently: "The world will change, maybe the great world is coming, and the ancient waste body may also leap from the door to transform into a dragon, the old man is really looking forward to your future height..."

"Senior..." Lin Fei's eyebrows moved, and a jade box flew out. He handed the jade box over and said sincerely, "Here is a holy medicine, boy, take it, maybe it will help you..."

The jade box was opened, and there was a lingering fragrance inside, which immediately permeated the surroundings, Xiao Wentian said anxiously: "Put it away first, don't let that monster smell it..."

Lin Fei quickly closed the jade box and whispered, "Senior, do you know the origin of that monster?"

"I don't know, maybe it's not something from this world..." Xiao Wentian sighed and coughed a few more times.

Lin Fei pushed the jade box over and said, "Senior, please take the medicine inside, this seems to be a Yang-returning medicine..."

"That's right, this is indeed a Yang-returning elixir..." Xiao Wentian was not polite to Lin Fei, he slowly sucked the jade box into the stone, and swallowed the baby-shaped elixir inside. into the mouth.

Soon Xiao Wentian's cheeks turned red, and his withered body slowly swelled up, instantly repairing his physical body.

"Congratulations, senior..." Seeing that Xiao Wentian had recovered a lot, Lin Fei was a little happy.

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