Chapter 60 Fairies tremble

Xiao Wentian is about 1.8 meters tall, which is considered a standard figure in the Tianyuan Continent. Not only that, he also has a handsome face, with a heroic look between his brows, showing the demeanor of a god king.

"It's nothing, it's just repairing this old shell..." Xiao Wentian smiled lightly, and his body recovered, but his voice was still extremely weak, and he sighed, "It's a pity that this holy medicine, if ordinary monks take it It can prolong lifespan by at least 2000 years, but I can only live another ten years..."

"Senior, don't worry, the kid will find a way to rescue you after you get out..." Lin Fei didn't know what to say.

Xiao Wentian said with a smile: "If you can't get out, it's God's will. The old man may have a chance to go out, but it's definitely not now, but Lin Fei, you have to go out immediately..."

"I hope senior will show you the way..." Lin Fei said politely.

Xiao Wentian's figure disappeared from the emerald green stone, and he left a sentence: "More than two hundred miles to the north of this place, there is a land of yin and yang chaos, and the yin and yang acupoint will open in half an hour. With your chaotic body It should be possible to pass..."

"Thank you, senior..." Lin Fei said loudly.

"Remember, be yourself!"

Xiao Wentian left these words, engraved deep in Lin Fei's heart.


Seven days later, in the center of the Nanyang Desert in the southern region of the Tianyuan Continent, a pillar of sand several feet thick suddenly burst out from the bottom of the sand.

In the sand pillar, a guy dressed in black rushed out with a broken sword. This person was Lin Fei.

"Fairy, why did you get to this kind of bird place? Where is this?" Lin Fei on the broken sword just escaped from the bottom, and began to scold, "Send me to the Tianchi in the Holy Land of Tianchi, and see the jade. Mother takes a bath, it’s okay to watch the fairies take a bath..."

Hanging at an altitude of one thousand meters, at a glance, there are endless deserts all around, and the sand mountains are connected one after another, seemingly without boundaries.The scorching sun was in the sky, and the roasted people were hot all over. Even a monk like Lin Fei couldn't bear it. The sunshine here is far more terrifying than that on the earth.In just a short while, the broken sword under Lin Fei's feet could hardly step on people, at least a hundred degrees.

"What the hell place, is this some kind of dangerous place?" Lin Fei cursed, put the giant sword into the Dao Palace, and took out the Void Mirror.

There are still a few cracks on the surface of the void mirror, which cannot be healed in a short time. As soon as the mirror comes out, the heat around Lin Fei is immediately dispelled.

Hanging the void mirror on his head, Lin Fei took a deep breath, looked up at the broken mirror surface of the void mirror, and couldn't bear to say: "Old friend, I made you suffer this time, I will find a piece of fairy material to make up for you next time." Make up, it will definitely make you more mighty..."


The void mirror was like a spiritual object, and it spun around Lin Fei's head several times quickly, as if he was very satisfied with Lin Fei's words. .|

"Hahaha..." Lin Fei laughed loudly, pointing his middle finger towards the sky, "Fairy, you are so awesome! You, Uncle Lin, are back! Fairies, saintesses, goddesses, princesses, prepare to tremble!"


In the scorching sun, two dark clouds suddenly appeared. The collision of the dark clouds produced a flash of lightning. Lin Fei quickly shrank his head. It seemed that he was too high-profile, and God was going to strike me with lightning?


After flying for three days and three nights in a row, Lin Fei finally saw a foreign land. Under the two dark clouds, there was a rare oasis!

"Finally there is water..."

There was a big river passing through the center of the oasis below, and Lin Fei could no longer resist the charm of the clear river, so he rushed over quickly.


It was as if a cannonball had plunged into the water, setting off a huge wave of tens of feet, and even the mud at the bottom of the river tens of meters deep was shaken out by Lin Fei, an animal.

"Ah! Tragedy!"

But before staying in the river for a few seconds, Lin Fei soared into the sky again, his whole body was covered with that kind of black moss, even his nose and mouth were stained a lot.

"call out……"

At this moment, a fireball suddenly flew across the sky and swooped down to the river below, heading straight for Lin Fei.

Lin Fei cursed secretly, and leaped into the air, avoiding the big fireball.

"Star of Heart!"

A blazing star the size of a palm also shot out from between Lin Fei's eyebrows, met the big fireball, and instantly assimilated the flames of the big fireball.


After killing the fireball, Lin Fei saw a fiery red mist in the distance, and there were bursts of "cheep" calls in the mist.


Lin Fei soared into the sky, his fists turned into two stars, and slashed straight at the cloud of fire in front of him.


The fire mist was evaporated by Lin Fei's two Dao palace stars, revealing a small thing inside. There was a small black plush thing the size of a basketball. The sun is really hot.


The little guy retracted the fur on his body, revealing a small face, like a newborn baby, and yelled at Lin Fei: "My fairy will not kill you, but I used the real fire of the sun to roast this beast fairy, live!" Are you getting impatient?"

"He's a ****, he's still a little monster..." Lin Fei was amused by this little thing, and cursed from the air, "Where did you come from, little monster, hurry up and knead your grandfather's legs, or you will be ripped off!" Peeled and baked and ate..."

"Your mother is a monster. I am a beast fairy. You low-level human beings have nothing to brag about. Hurry up and kowtow to this beast fairy. Let's forget about bumping into this beast fairy today. If not..." Before the little thing finished speaking, he stretched to one side, a star was chasing him and running around, he scolded as he ran, "If you have the guts, don't set fire, if you have the ability, we will play for real , playing with fire is something children do..."

"What are these things..." Lin Fei was speechless for a while, with a black line on his forehead, and he cursed happily, "You really think of yourself as a person, I count to three and you hurry up and salute, otherwise it will be really hot For you, young master, I kill people, oh no, I kill animals, but I never blink..."

"Who are you calling a beast!" The little thing jumped up, winking at Lin Fei with his little face, and snorted, "This beast fairy can't be compared with those inferior reptiles, isn't it just mastering some fire tricks, Ben How could the Beast Immortal be afraid of you!"

"call out……"


Two sharp real sun fires rushed out of Lin Fei's eyes, and rushed to the little thing in the blink of an eye. The little thing turned his face, and quickly shrunk into a ball again, with a layer of silver on his body covering the real sun fire.

"That is?"

Flames flickered in Lin Fei's eyes, and he could vaguely see that there was a silver armor on the body of the little thing, as thin as a cicada's wing, and it was hard to spot without looking carefully.

He rode the empty mirror and came to the little thing. The little thing hid in the plush shell and yelled ghostly: "Gentleman, don't move your hands. Don't use the mirror to look at this beast fairy. This beast fairy is so handsome, I'm afraid you will think about it if you look at it." A disfiguring impulse..."

"Then disfigure you!" Lin Fei pretended to hold up the void mirror, and the little thing immediately rolled behind Lin Fei, grabbed the corner of Lin Fei's clothes, turned his little face out of the fur, and said with a flattering smile, "People can't It’s so shameless. Killing people is nothing more than nodding. It’s not good to ruin people’s faces. You humans also have an old saying, as the saying goes, if you don’t fight, you don’t know each other. The purpose of learning from each other is to promote each other. Since we are helping each other, we should be friends. It's brother."

"But you raised your butcher knife and swung it at your friends, indeed at your brothers. This is an act of injustice!" The little thing spit out people's words with great enthusiasm, and taught Lin Fei, "Aren't you in this arena?" Are you confused? Are you not afraid of notoriety?"

"It's better than this. I think your cultivation base is really not very good. It's just a secret realm of the Taoist Palace. I will suffer a little bit. How about accepting you as the second younger brother now? In the future, I will restore my cultivation base, and I will definitely protect you." You go directly to the Secret Realm of Sendai, isn't this a good deal?" The little thing also talked about the deal with Lin Fei.

Lin Fei couldn't take it anymore, and reprimanded: "If you don't shut up, I'll make you right now!"

The little guy's face was smeared, and he said old-fashionedly: "Okay, pretend I didn't say it, how about you look at this, we are married to Jinlan, I have been in the world for tens of thousands of years, and I am much older than you, so you call me I am the eldest brother, I..."

"Void mirror..."


In the evening, there was the last ray of setting sun in the sky, and the blood-red light illuminated this small oasis a little strangely.

Under a small tree, there was a pile of burning firewood, and two skinned reptiles were slowly rolling on the firewood.The reptile's oily surface dripped onto the fire, setting off a cascade of sparks.

"It smells so good!" The little thing lay beside the fire, drooling, if Lin Fei hadn't stared at it, he would have rushed to snatch it.

"I'll taste the taste first..." The little thing scratched his face with two small paws, and was about to reach out to grab it.

The sun in Lin Fei's eyes was really hot, and he scolded: "Be honest with me! Otherwise, I won't leave your ass for a while!"

"Uh, Xiaolinzi, you don't have to be so heartless, Baixian, I just want to taste it for you first, in case the raw meat is poisonous, or the blood is very poisonous..." The little thing called himself Baixian, and his ability It's not big, but the bragging skills are top-notch.

Lin Fei was also given a very disgusting nickname "Xiao Linzi" by this little thing. This nickname reminded Lin Fei of a martial arts TV series called "Swordsman" that he had watched on Earth. The self-made kid who has practiced the Evil Resisting Sword Manual is called Xiao Linzi.

"Call me Xiao Linzi again, you little thing, let's see how I deal with you..." Lin Fei gnashed his teeth while turning the grill in his hand, "I remember that there are many ghosts and ghosts in the Despair Mountains, and I will throw them into you at that time." Then Black Dragon Pool, let's see what you call a weapon!"

Bai Xian's little face turned slightly, and he smirked: "By the way, you really came out of the Mountain of Despair? How did I hear that you died there? You can't be a fake, right?"

"These bastards actually cursed Ben to die!" Thinking of this, Lin Fei hated his teeth, sprinkled some of his homemade seasoning on the barbecue, and snorted, "After Ben Shao recovers completely, I will rob their Holy Spirit!" Girl, goddess, princess, sing and sing every night!"

"Huh...Xiao Linzi, you have great ambitions..." Bai Xian laughed loudly, and winked at Lin Fei, "How about we go to the Holy Land of Tianchi together to make a big deal? I heard that all the female disciples in Tianchi are as beautiful as heaven Ah, the four great empresses are the best in the world, and the glamorous beauty of the holy girl Wu Qingying is well known to everyone. There is also a girl named Yuniang, who is even more touching. But in the huge holy land of Tianchi, there is not a single male Dear, what to do with these lonely female cultivators, Immortal Bai, I will sacrifice my life for righteousness, to save the Tianchi sisters from the fire and water..."

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