Chapter 65 Attack Concubine Rong

"Get out! You are a real little boy..." Lin Fei slapped him in anger, and cursed, "Young Master, this is a serious and handsome face, not like your palm-sized face... ..."

"Being a person and doing things can't be too Lin Feiha..." Bai Xian became serious, his palm-sized baby's face twisted into a ball, and snorted, "Be careful that I go to the outside world to publicize the good things you have done..."

Lin Fei twisted his face. His face has only recovered in the past few days. Before that, his whole body was transparent, which was really weird. With the nourishment of the air of chaos, his head has returned to normal now, but the skin is viscous. A little white and tender, and indeed looks like a little boy. .|

He snorted, "Young master has done a lot of good things, and I'm afraid that you will spread them to me..."

"That's because they were deceived by you..." Bai Xian said angrily, "After I leave, I will definitely declare that you stole the saint's little clothes, peeped at the goddess's princess bathing, and insulted the Tianchi Virgin, you boy Just wait and see..."

"The most poisonous thing is not the woman, but the animal!" Lin Fei couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat when he heard the animal's evil words.

In fact, his reputation has long been rotten. His previous crimes of abusing girls, killing his father and seizing treasures, and caring about Fairy Tianchi have spread all over the sky.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, listen carefully to what they are saying, if there are any passwords, we have to remember them!" Lin Fei really couldn't stand Bai Xian's beast, and snorted, "It's over! Finally, I will add another fifty roast pigs for you!"

"Hehe, Xiao Linzi, you are too kind! I will do my best for you!" As soon as he heard that there was roasted fragrant pig, the animal Baixian immediately changed his face, and the two small ears on the small face suddenly changed Stand up sharply.


A gust of wind blew past, as if musical notes flew over one by one, a series of invisible light spots floated into Bai Xian's two small ears, and he stared at Lin Fei in a daze.

"Damn it, what kind of spell is this? How can the ears be used like this?" Lin Fei felt funny in his heart.

After a while, Bai Xian's two little ears drooped down, and he turned to Lin Fei with a strange smile and said, "It seems that the fairy spirit in Concubine Rong's body is about to explode, and those three chicks are in a mess. Concubine Rong seems to be asking the three of them to go back to the Tianchi Holy Land to invite the Northern Queen to come over. But there is a certain distance from here to the mysterious world of the Tianchi Holy Land, enough for you to play tricks..."

"What's wrong?" Lin Feiying raised her eyebrows and said narcissistically, "We are doing the work of saving the empress, and everyone in the Tianchi Holy Land has to thank me..."


Half an hour later, there was a slight roar in front, and three figures rushed out from the short mountain, they were the three daughters of Yanling. .|

"Senior Sister Yanling, don't we really need to be here?" Qiao Yu looked at the short mountain in front of her, very worried.

Sisters Miao Xin Miao Yu, strictly speaking, are the nieces of Concubine Rong, and their mother is Concubine Rong's cousin.

Yanling also had a worried expression on her brows, but after all, she was older than their sisters, she immediately made a decision: "Don't worry about this, let's go back and inform the Holy Mother that they are coming..."

After finishing speaking, the three of them drove the flying sword and left quickly.


After another half an hour, a group of dark figures also rushed towards the low mountain in front, and Lin Fei and Bai Xian rode the Void Mirror and dispatched.

"Be careful, there is a quasi-holy-level magic circle here..." After traveling for about five miles, Bai Xian suddenly called to stop.

Baixian took out a sick young tree from his small mouth, swiped it into the void, a wall of light appeared, and the young tree was cut open.


Bai Xian shook the little tree tremblingly, and stepped into the circle of light, while Lin Fei stared at the little tree in his hand, always feeling familiar with the aura released by the little tree, and asked, "What kind of tree is this?" ?”

The quasi-sacred magic circle is not a joke. If ordinary monks from the four great mystical realms rush in recklessly, they will be beaten to death.Ordinary monks in the secret realm of Xiantai would have to peel off a layer of skin, but the little tree opened the circle with a stroke, which is really strange.

"You don't need to think about this little fairy..." Seeing Lin Fei staring at his baby, Bai Xian quickly hugged it in his hands, and said proudly, "This is the fairy that I have gone through untold hardships. In the Tianyuan Continent, a bodhi branch was pulled out from countless ancient tombs..."

"Did it come down from the holy Bodhi tree?" Lin Fei was really surprised by this fact.

Last time in Baicao Demon Abyss, a Buddhist emperor's treasure, the Bodhi Sacred Tree, suddenly appeared. As a result, such a big disturbance was caused, and the entire Jin Kingdom was crowded with ascetics.

I didn't expect Baixian, an animal, to be able to get a branch of the holy Bodhi tree, but when he heard that this guy turned out to be a bad festival, Lin Fei still couldn't help but a black line appeared on his forehead, and he said helplessly: "No wonder it's all like this! I like to work in this business, it's so exciting, this business..."



As soon as the words fell, the short mountain a few miles ahead suddenly heard bursts of fairy howls, the earth shook and the mountains shook, and the space became distorted.

"My dear, it's so powerful that my body is about to crack. The aura of the fairy and demon is really terrifying..." The white fairy screamed a few times, and swiped the bodhi branch in his hand a few times in front of him, immediately building a protective circle, covering the two Everyone is protected in it.


A pure white jade hand suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and slapped Lin Fei on the back of the head. The Void Mirror rushed behind him in an emergency, and the jade hand retracted again.

"Which fellow Taoist is here!"

A loud shout made the whole space thump, thud, and the sound waves made Lin Fei and Baixian do dozens of somersaults in the air, and they retreated tens of meters before stopping.

"This woman is already a quasi-sage, and she is going against the sky..." Bai Xian screamed again and again, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Lin Fei, "Hurry up and sacrifice that strange picture of yours, otherwise we will have no chance at all. Brother Jing will also be taken away by her..."

As soon as the words fell, the pair of jade hands appeared above their heads again, and they slammed down, sealing off the space in an instant.

Seeing that the jade hand was about to be photographed, Lin Fei suddenly raised his head, and two real fires of the sun flashed in his eyes to meet him.

Concubine Rong seemed to be very afraid of the real fire of the sun, she withdrew her jade hand, and said in surprise: "Sacred Emperor of the Sun?"

"This woman's nature is half yin and half yang. It must be that the aura of immortality and demons has exploded, and she will be out of control. However, the aura of immortality is a little afraid of the real fire of the sun. Xiao Linzi hastened to show his power and burn it directly..." Bai Immortal saw that Lin Fei scared Concubine Rong away, and jumped out again to call the weapon.

However, Lin Fei was in a state of distress, and Bai Xian said through the sound transmission: "This young master has just used up [-]% of the sun's real fire in his body, and now he is strong on the outside and dry on the inside, don't be so frightened anymore, or he will finish the game with a single slap, you Take out any other treasures quickly, don't hide them anymore..."

Coming here, Lin Fei mainly wanted to take the opportunity to extract a wisp of Concubine Rong's spirit. He didn't care about the rest of the matter. As long as he extracted the spirit, he could be locked in the goddess's cage and extract the spirit of the fairy and demon for himself. No, there's no need to fight to the death with Concubine Shengrong.

"Sun Emperor, damn it too!"

Concubine Rong's voice turned cold in vain, and a gloomy atmosphere was enveloped in a radius of hundreds of miles. A huge figure of a god and demon appeared in the sky out of thin air, breathing out the demonic energy of the sky, stepping on the demon cloud and glaring at Lin Fei and white fairy.

"This is the body of the god and demon?"

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at the god and demon covering the sky above his head. It was really terrifying. It was much scarier than the previous Concubine Rong. As soon as he appeared, the whole world centered on him and ruled by him, making your heart ache. There was a vast and irresistible sense of powerlessness and despair.

"Why are you still in a daze, come up with that strange picture!"

Bai Xian pushed Lin Fei, Lin Fei gave a soft drink, and the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram appeared in response, but this time he cooperated very well.

"call out……"

Without Lin Fei's command, the Tai Chi Yin Yang Tu had already rushed towards the huge god and demon that covered the sky. When the Tai Chi Yin Yang Figure arrived in front of him, the god and demon let out a ghostly cry, and fled back as if flying.

How could the Taiji Yin-Yang Diagram let him go? He quickly rushed into the phantom's body.


"No...this seat has not yet..."

A horrifying thing happened. In just a moment, the body of the god and demon was completely absorbed by the Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram. The sky that was originally covered with dark clouds suddenly had a silver light pouring down.

It's just that in midair, there is a strange picture spinning rapidly, which looks very weird.

"This, isn't this too awesome?" Bai Xian stammered, "That's an ancient god and demon, at least at the level of a great sage, and he was instantly killed..."

All the gods and demons in ancient times were above the level of saints. Those who can store the breath of gods and demons in the blood of the human body and preserve them until now, their strength is even more unpredictable, at least they are super gods and demons of the great saint level.But as soon as this strange picture came out, it was instantly killed, which really shocked Bai Xian.It originally thought that this thing might have an effect, but it absolutely did not expect that the effect was too great.

The deity of the god and demon was destroyed, but Lin Fei didn't delay here any longer, and rushed to the short mountain ahead with the empty mirror.

Bai Xian followed closely behind, shouting from behind: "Don't worry, Xiao Linzi, Concubine Rong must have passed out, you still have at least a few hours, enough time for you to push her down..."

Lin Fei slowed down, and waited for Bai Xian. Bai Xian is an animal with super-sensitivity, and he would definitely not make fun of his own life. When Bai Xian caught up, Lin Fei asked coldly: "Are there any other animals ahead?" What array trap?"

"According to common sense, there are at least one or two more. There is a quasi-sacred magic circle in the front periphery, and there are at least a few powerful magic circles in front of this..." Bai Xian pondered for a while, but quickly took out the magic circle again. Picking up the bodhi branch, he said in desperation, "No matter what magic circles are in front of you, as long as I have my fairy's bodhi branches in hand, just treat those magic circles as farts..."

After all, it was rare for Baixian to take the initiative to rush forward, but just after rushing a hundred meters, there was a burst of crackling lightning in front of him, making this guy scream and hide in the black fur shell, The silver glow on the body surface flickered non-stop.

"Fairy, what a shame! It turned out to be a golden circle, just to overcome bodhi wood..." Baixian hid in the black fur shell and cursed, "Which wicked animal was arranged, and some dark gold to ward off evil was added to the mine, almost Hurt the origin of grandpa!"

"There is no magic circle ahead, this is the last magic circle, Xiao Linzi, hurry up and rush in!" Bai Xian floated in mid-air, obviously very afraid of the thunder and lightning ahead.

Flames swirled in Lin Fei's eyes, and he rushed in with the Void Mirror.

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