Hundred Beauty Immortals: Goddess Treasures

Chapter 66 Taking Concubine Rong into the Cage

Chapter 66 Caught Concubine Rong in a Cage



As soon as he rushed in, there was another burst of thunder and lightning, which made Lin Fei vomit blood wildly. He couldn't help but yelled at the outside: "You stinky caterpillar, are you fucking accurate? It's going to kill people! I owe you the incense!" Don't even want a pig!"

"Uh, quasi-holy-level magic circle, how can it be so easy to eliminate all of them, it's just vomiting some blood, Xiao Linzi, don't get cheap and act good, be quiet when you push down other goddesses later Hey, Baixian, I'll just squint for a while..." Baixian laughed outside the magic circle, retracted into the black fur shell and retreated a few miles, and really curled up there to sleep. .|

"Damn animal! Heavenly Tribulation will kill you!" Lin Fei cursed in his heart, and walked forward slowly with the void mirror above his head.

After walking forward for tens of meters, Lei Hai disappeared, and Lin Fei finally saw clearly the short mountain in front of him. It was just a small hill with an altitude of less than 500 meters, but there was a very warm jade pavilion on the top of the mountain.

In the center of the pavilion, sitting cross-legged was a graceful beauty. She was wearing a purple robe, with perfect curves, a plump figure, and a fragrance that overflowed. Even a few hundred meters away, Lin Fei could still smell that feminine scent.

Since Concubine Rong turned her back to Lin Fei, Lin Fei couldn't see her face, but he decided in his heart that she must be a peerless beauty, not much inferior to Concubine Tian.

"Come out of Baojian..."

There was still more than a hundred meters away from Concubine Rong, but Lin Fei didn't go up to him himself. Instead, he called out the Goddess Baojian and ordered it to go and capture a strand of Concubine Rong's spirit.

A golden treasure book appeared, and as soon as she was born, she found a peerless beauty in front of her, and immediately rushed over without grace, and soon rushed to Concubine Rong's side. Wandering around, as if appreciating this wonderful person in all directions.

"Don't be such a motherfucker! Get down to business!" Lin Fei scolded coldly in his heart, and Ling Baojian quickly pulled out a wisp of Concubine Rong's soul.

He always felt that this woman was a bit scary. Although she was in a coma and unconscious, she was a quasi-sage-level figure, comparable to a figure like the Northern Queen. If she continued to delay, something serious might happen.

After being scolded by Lin Fei, Baojian really became serious. The golden book unfolded and turned into a picture scroll with a length of [-] meters. At the end of the picture scroll were twelve shining golden cages.

The door of the third cage was opened, and a small circle of light emerged from it, slowly enveloping Concubine Rong, and slowly pulling out a ray of spirit from it, which had the same appearance as Concubine Rong.

"It looks so similar to Concubine Tian? Could it be that they are still sisters?"

When seeing Concubine Rong for the first time, Lin Fei was also a little taken aback. Concubine Rong is as beautiful as a celestial being, needless to say, but she is almost like Concubine Tian.

Concubine Rong's soul was quickly locked into the third cage by Baojian, and four golden chains bound her limbs, sucking out a trace of fairy spirit from it. .|However, Baojian didn’t brand Rongfei’s picture on it this time. Instead, according to Lin Fei’s intention, he transferred the fairy spirit absorbed from Rongfei’s soul to Tianfei’s picture. Because if you add some fairy spirit, it is very likely that you will create a fairy concubine.

"Let's go! Concubine Rong is about to wake up!"

At this moment, Bai Xian's screams came from Lin Fei's ears, and Bai Xian was rushing over not far away, only then did Lin Fei realize that Concubine Rong's body seemed to be moving, and her long eyelashes were also moving. Trembling, he was about to open his eyes, he hurriedly called Bao Jian back, and flew away.



Just when a man and a beast had escaped tens of kilometers away, there was an earth-shattering roar from behind. Lin Fei shrank his neck embarrassingly. Far.

"Xiao Linzi, you can do it, you just knocked him down in just a short while, is it because you are not capable?" Bai Xian laughed strangely.

Lin Fei pointed at it with a snap of his fingers, and cursed: "This young master is very talented. It's like you can only think about it in your heart. Don't eat grapes and say grapes are sour. Concubine Rong is weak and can't stand this young master's whipping. surrendered..."


As soon as the words were finished, there was a sudden gust of wind behind him, Lin Fei's expression changed, and when he looked back, he was startled, a woman in a purple robe stepped on clouds and chased after him, only a few miles away.

"My dear, the quasi-sage is too scary, he has walked more than ten miles in one breath..." Lin Fei was tangled in his heart, vaguely guessing that Concubine Rong might have heard what he said just now.

Bai Xian's complexion also changed drastically, and he turned around in circles, muttering to himself: "No, I have to run quickly! She slapped us and we have to explain everything!"

After finishing speaking, he took out the bodhi branch again, and muttered in his mouth: "The supreme emperor, use my blood to build the gate of the teleportation array..."

While muttering, he was still spitting out spirit stones from his mouth, and in a short while he spit out thousands of top-grade spirit stones, and at the same time shouted to Lin Fei: "Why are you still hiding it, hurry up and get out 5000 yuan spirit stones !"

"5000 yuan?" Lin Fei was stunned, and instinctively shouted, "You are a robber!"

"Aren't you going to the Northern Territory? I will send you to the Northern Territory. Get it quickly, or it will be too late!" Bai Xian suddenly said sternly.

Lin Fei felt pain in his heart, but for his own sake, he still gave away 5000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones, all of which were beckoned by Bai Xian. He spat out a mouthful of blood, swung the bodhi branch, dipped in his blood, and scrambled in the void. He painted, and soon drew a door of light, and he sent all the 6000 yuan spirit stones into the door of light.

"call out……"

Concubine Rong's pretty face in the distance changed drastically, and she said in shock: "The Great Emperor's Teleportation Formation!"

"Little thief, die!" But thinking of the words she just heard, she clenched her teeth and slapped her.


It's a pity that this palm hit the air, one man and one beast got into the light gate and disappeared in a blink of an eye.




There were two crisp sounds, and one man and one beast fell out of the transmission formation. Lin Fei felt his face itchy, and there was an unpleasant smell.

His complexion changed, and he violently threw the things on his body away, and cursed: "I'm a god, punish your whole family! You stinky animal, you even farted!"

"Flop..." Bai Xian was thrown tens of meters away by Lin Fei, spit out a handful of sand from his small mouth, and cursed, "Xiao Linzi, you are not a thing, there seems to be some excrement in the sand..."

But when he looked down, his face turned red. It turned out that this place was a small cesspit. Just now, where there was a handful of sand, it was a handful of dried feces. Fly desperately.

"Ah! You have angered me!"

He rushed out of the cesspit, jumped on the spot, and kept brushing the dry dung on his body!

Seeing that Baixian ate feces in his mouth and fell into the cesspit, Lin Fei's mood suddenly improved, and he said cheerfully: "Baixian, look away, isn't it just a little feces? What's the matter, you alone Immortal, do you still care about those things?"

Lin Fei stood up and brushed the dust off his body, and carefully looked at the surrounding environment. He and Bai Xian seemed to be in a folk courtyard. There was an open cesspit to the north of the courtyard, and Bai Xian fell into it.

"Grandpa, what's the noise..."

At this moment, a childish male voice sounded from the north house, Lin Fei soared into the sky, and brought Bai Xian to a bamboo forest next to the house.

A seven or eight-year-old child ran out of the north room. There was a burst of coughing in the south room. The boy hurried into the south room. Inside, his grandfather was lying on the bunk coughing violently. The boy exclaimed anxiously: " Grandpa, why are you coughing up blood! Let's go see a doctor!"

"No, no need..." The old man was very weak, his face was pale, he coughed, and said with difficulty, "Grandpa... rest... rest for a while..."

"Cough cough cough..." Although the old man said so, his cough became more and more fierce.

The child's eyes were red, and he choked with sobs and said, "Grandpa, let me invite the doctor over..."

"Xiaobao, don't..." The old man grabbed the child and was about to say something, but he spat out a big mouthful of blood, and even Xiaobao's clothes were stained red by the blood. He fell down and died.

"call out……"

At this moment, a figure flashed into the room, Lin Fei appeared in the room, and urgently stuffed a pill into the old man's mouth.

The pill was in the old man's throat but he couldn't swallow it. Lin Fei turned to Xiao Bao and said, "Xiao Bao, hurry up and get some water for your grandpa..."

Xiao Bao was stunned for a while, and then he recovered after a while, nodded and quickly poured a bowl of water for the old man, and handed it to Lin Fei.

Lin Fei poured water into the old man's throat, and the medicinal power of the elixir was dissolved by the water, and melted into the old man's body, and began to nourish his damaged old meridians, flesh and blood.

After a while, the old man's complexion improved a lot, and the wrinkles on his face were also reduced a lot, as if he was decades younger, with a radiant look.

"Big brother, are you a fairy?" Xiaobao looked on in amazement and couldn't believe it. He immediately thought that Lin Fei was the flying fairy in the legend.

Lin Fei shook his head and said with a smile, "Xiaobao, how old are you this year?"

Looking at this little treasure, Lin Fei couldn't help thinking of himself. When he was his age, he was just accepted as a disciple by his master Ziyang.

"Six years old..." Xiaobao smiled innocently, showing a mouthful of neat white teeth.

"You can't be too Lin Fei..." Bai Xian also flew into the room, Xiao Bao hid behind Lin Fei in fright, and said in horror, "Big Brother, what is this, is it a demon?"

The white fairy's head was hidden in the black fur shell, so it flew in like a black fur ball, with a reddish light shining inside the ball, which looked really scary.

"Little kid, you've missed your mark..." Bai Xian hid inside and couldn't come out, and scolded, "This fairy is a real fairy, not like a counterfeit like him!"

After saying that, the little face turned out of the black fur shell, which frightened Xiao Bao even more, and hurriedly shouted: "Ghost, big brother, there is a ghost!"

Obviously, Xiaobao has never seen any monks, let alone such a strange creature as Baixian. Baixian's face changed, and he reprimanded: "Little devil, you don't have the slightest sense of sight. I just wanted to teach you the way of immortality." Yes, but you have such poor eyesight, it seems that you have no roots of wisdom..."

"Since Baixian, you don't like Xiaobao, let me take Xiaobao..." Lin Fei laughed and hugged Xiaobao. Xiaobao didn't think Lin Fei's eyes were scary, but He asked curiously, "Big brother, are you willing to take Xiaobao to learn the magic of immortality?"

Tianyuan Continent is a holy land of practice. Even ordinary people often see or hear about ascetics. In their eyes, these ascetics are the legendary immortals, and they all know the magic of immortality.

"That can't be done..." Hearing what Lin Fei said, Bai Xian didn't want to do it anymore, and hurried forward to Xiaobao, and said with a smile, "Xiaobao, your big brother is too weak, he can't teach you You or something, he is not a good person, he is a murderous devil, you should follow me, Baixian, this immortal guarantees that you will live forever, immortal, and your grandfather will live a hundred years..."

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