Chapter 68 Small town tricks

The corpse was scratched by a bodhi branch from Baixian. Seeing such a corpse suddenly fell, Little Treasure crawled into the arms of Mr. Liu in fright. Mr. Liu was half lying on the giant sword, probably because he had drunk too much Yes, I'm a little dizzy now. .|

"Well, is there any barbecue?" The old man was confused, thinking that a big piece of barbecue had fallen.

Xiao Bao frowned and said, "Grandpa, it's not barbecue, it's a dead body..."

"Dead corpse?" The old man really drank too much, his old face flushed, and he murmured, "Lin Xianren, do you still use dead corpses to roast meat? I don't know how it tastes, give the old man a leg to try..."

"Dizzy..." Lin Fei's face darkened, and he glanced at Mr. Liu. He really didn't expect this old man to be so casual, and he would eat the legs of roasted corpses!

"This is a monk from the other side..." Bai Xian ignored the old man, and he checked the dead body's wheel.

The face of the dead body was all ashes, and the bones were almost like a mummy, but the sea of ​​wheels was still there, and there was a continent on the other side in the sea of ​​wheels, which was a monk from the land of the other side.

"A cultivator from the other side?" Lin Fei frowned, but just now this guy had shown the prestige of the Dao Palace, and he was still in the second heaven of the Dao Palace, otherwise he would not have dared to attack him.

Bai Xian's face was not good-looking, and he said with a sullen face: "It seems that the person who has obtained this training method is not easy. Just now this guy has played the power of the Dao Palace, at least his strength has increased dozens of times from the original basis. Could it be Did they get the true biography of that corpse saint?"

The corpse saint is a figure who reaches the heavens. He was originally a ten thousand-year-old corpse, but he opened up his spiritual wisdom due to the blessing of fortune, and finally became a great saint among corpses.

Every great sage is an extraordinary figure. As far as Tianyuan Continent is concerned, there is no one who has heard of the existence of a great sage.

"Don't worry about it for now, hurry back to Wei Guo to have a look..."

Lin Fei shook his head and stopped thinking about these things. He looked down at the large number of deadly soldiers below, and galloped towards the direction of Wei Guo with his giant sword.



But at this moment, there was a muffled sound in an underground secret room in the Imperial City of the Black Lotus Kingdom.

The basement is as big as a basketball court, filled with white crystal balls, there are nearly a million of them, and on the top floor are a hundred blue crystal balls the size of eggs, one of which was just broken. Blue crystal ball.

The crystal ball shattered, but a pair of stern eyes opened on the beams in the basement.

"Someone broke in?"

A guy wrapped in black sat on the beam, suddenly opened his eyes, two black lights shot out from his eyes, and grabbed the broken crystal ball. .|

"The No. 18 corpse general, whose strength reached the peak of the second heaven of the Dao Palace, was killed by a single blow, who is it?" The man smiled strangely and muttered to himself, "Could it be that Wei Guo hired a master?" Here? The old drunkard has left the Wei Kingdom, why Wudao is still in the Wei Kingdom’s palace, that’s all, maybe some hermit casual cultivator, it’s time for them to calm down..."

As soon as the words fell, the man stretched out his right hand, grabbed one of the two red crystal balls in the basement, and said to it, "It's me..."

"Master..." An image came from the crystal ball, it was Prince Heilian.

The man said in a dark voice: "Take away all the deadly soldiers on the border of the Black Lotus Country. There is no need to use them to demonstrate, and the demonstration time is enough. It has been half a year..."

"But..." Prince Hei Lian hesitated, lowered his head and said, "I am still in the Wei Palace, and I will marry the three princesses of the Xiao family in ten days. I am afraid that it will arouse their suspicion by withdrawing the soldiers who died at this time. ..."

"Why?" The man was a little surprised, and snorted coldly, "The old people from Wei Guo agreed? They also betrothed the three princesses to you?"

Prince Hei Lian hurriedly knelt down and said: "Master, please forgive me. This disciple just got the news from He Wudao. It is not true yet, but according to the report from the disciple, Xiao Tenglong has locked up the three princesses." I want to force them to marry my disciples..."

"Hmm..." The man was very satisfied with Prince Heilian's attitude, and he chattered and laughed strangely, "Xiao Tenglong is not as simple as you imagined, and it is impossible for He Wudao to truly and completely control him. It seems that the black lotus kingdom gave him The pressure is not strong enough, you need to give him some ruthlessness, that's all, just throw out one of the other chips in your hand, and see how long Xiao Tenglong can hold on..."

"According to Master, which card is better for us to throw?" Prince Hei Lian asked in a low voice.

The man thought for a while, then waved his hand and said: "Let's release his wife and give him a hint, if you marry the three princesses to you immediately, then you will return his wife to him and let their family reunite..."

"Yes, disciple understands..." Prince Heilian saluted respectfully.

The man waved the red crystal ball back to its place, closed his eyes again, and muttered to himself: "My good apprentice, how can you not be clear about your little thoughts as a teacher, but it's a pity that you only got half of it." Devouring Treasure", half of it is still in the teacher's mind..."

And in the side hall of the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Wei, Prince Heilian crushed the talisman that had just been transmitted, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and muttered to himself: "The old thing guards me so strictly, and the "Swallowing Book" actually gave it to me. Remnant Ben, do you really think I’m stupid, I’ll kill you when I suck up the Yin Yuan of the three sisters of the Xiao family!”


Mar City is the westernmost city of Wei State.

The city wall is made of huge emerald green stones, as high as tens of feet. Looking down at the city from a high altitude, it looks more like a sleeping tiger and lion. There is a huge tiger and lion head standing in the west gate, which is just right.There are nearly ten million people living in the urban area with a radius of more than 500 miles, and Mar City is also the third most populous city in Wei State.

When the moon was bright, Lin Fei and his party flew over the city of Mar. Bai Xian suggested to go down and find out about the current situation of Wei State.

The group landed in a small jungle fifty miles outside the city of Mar. There was a small town not far ahead, and the group arrived at this small town after walking a few miles.

Although the town is small, it is brightly lit and full of people. There are mostly taverns and inns in the town.

"Brother Xiao Fei, shall we stay in a hotel tonight?" Xiao Bao asked in a soft voice, curled up in Mr. Liu's arms.

Lin Fei still wore a black veil on his face, he nodded, and said to Bai Xian beside him, "Bai Xian, you should also get into Mr. Liu's arms, otherwise you will scare others..."

There is a baby's face on a ball of fur, just Bai Xian's appearance, it really scares ordinary people, even ordinary monks will be scared when they first see it.

"Put your fragrant pig fart!" Bai Xian was so angry that his face trembled, and he snorted angrily, "This immortal looks like an absolutely beautiful man in ancient times, if you want to hide, you are the one who hides, look at you He looks like a thief, and scares the common people even more, I can just shrink back..."

As soon as the words fell, Bai Xian's little face had already got into the black fur shell. From the appearance, it had turned into a black ball, which was really nothing too conspicuous.

"Hoo hoo, Master, let me hold you..." Xiao Bao chuckled, and stretched out his hand to hold the black fur ball in his arms. Bai Xian was so angry that he scolded his apprentice for being unfilial. After screaming for a while, he still accepted the cruel reality. Because Mr. Liu's bosom seems to be a little smelly.

Lin Fei raised his head and looked at the sky, his fiery red eyes looked at the small town in front of him, he didn't know what he remembered, he sighed and walked into the small town.


Lin Fei and his group went into the small town, found a mid-range inn, asked for three rooms, and stayed in. Lin Fei asked Xiaoer to get some buckets of hot water, and took a hot bath in the room.

"Hey, it's still not as good as that bathtub. This bucket is too small..." Lying in the wooden bucket to take a bath, Lin Fei couldn't help but think of the large porcelain bathtub in Earth's own bedroom. When the faucet was turned on, the hot water Once you put it down, you can lie down in it, not to mention how comfortable it is.

Even though a person with his level of cultivation does not need to take a bath, and basically can't hide the dirty things of the world, Lin Fei still wants to take a hot bath whenever he has a chance. He still feels this refreshing feeling all over his body Can't quit.This feeling will make him always remember that he is a person on Earth, and he has to go back if he has the opportunity, instead of staying in this strange continent.

While Lin Fei was taking a bath, he heard the conversation between the two in the next room.

"Have you heard? The three princesses are going to marry the prince of the Black Lotus Kingdom at the same time..."

"I still need you to tell me that there is a lot of rumors going on in the Wei Kingdom, and I don't know what the prince of Heilian Kingdom looks like, but he has such a blessing..."

"Yeah, I heard that the three princesses look like gods, and they married the prince of a subordinate country at the same time..."

"This matter is very strange... Not long ago when I went to the Black Lotus Country to resell some goods, I saw a group of soldiers from the Black Lotus Country. It was really scary..."

"I have also heard that the Black Lotus Kingdom has trained a large number of dead soldiers, and there is a tendency to go to war on the borders of Weizhen. I am afraid that His Majesty cannot withstand the pressure, so he agreed to marry the three princesses to the Black Lotus Kingdom. Prince's..."


"The three sisters Xiao Xue'er are going to marry Prince Hei Lian at the same time?" Hearing this news, Lin Fei was at a loss.

The beautiful images of Xiao Xueer's three sisters flashed in his mind, and the pictures of Xiao Linger and Xiao Qianer flashed a few times on the Goddess Booklet. Lin Fei seemed to understand what was going on.

Most likely it was Xiao Ling'er, a ghost girl who sent the distress message, and wanted to help bring a few people from Tianchi Holy Land to rescue them.

"It seems that there will be a fierce battle this time, but if the three sisters of the Xiao family plan to marry each other with their bodies, I, Lin, will suffer a little bit and sell my strength..."

Lin Fei sighed, and sank his head into the tub. Several huge blisters rose from the bottom of the tub, bursting as soon as they came out of the water.


Before dawn, a silver light shone into Lin Fei's room.

"Hurry up, hurry up, get up, check the room!"

There was a rush of footsteps outside and Xiao Er's panicky shouts. Lin Fei put on black clothes and left the room, and Mr. Liu also left the room with Xiao Bao and Bai Xian in his arms.

"Xiao Lin..." Mr. Liu looked at Lin Fei worriedly.

Lin Fei calmly said: "It's nothing, let them investigate, maybe they are catching some murderer or some kind of silver thief..."

"Everyone is out, check the ward! Check the ward!"

Xiao Er ran to the second floor, yelled in the aisle, and slammed the rooms that hadn't been opened. After a while, a group of sergeants in blue armor rushed up from the downstairs, there were about ten people about.

The leader was a middle-aged sergeant wearing a golden helmet, with a burly figure and an ugly face, and there was a large scar running through his face, which looked very scary.

"Have you come out yet!" The middle-aged sergeant's voice was low, and the hearts of the timid ones were pounding even more.

Xiaoer ran over wildly all the way, bent down and flattered the middle-aged sergeant: "Master Huijun, there is only one room that has not opened the door, and the other residents have come out..."

While speaking, Xiao Er quietly stuffed a small bag in the past.

"Hmm..." The middle-aged sergeant nodded with a cold face, and began to scan the 20 or so people who had already stood on the aisle. The old pulse passed away after no abnormalities were found.

Lin Fei was still covering his face at this time, the middle-aged sergeant snorted coldly, and shouted: "Take off your veil!"

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