Chapter 69 The Last Three Numbers

"Who are you?" Lin Fei still had his eyes closed at this moment, with a sneer grinning at the corner of his mouth.

The middle-aged sergeant's eyes turned cold, and Xiao Er hurried forward to persuade Lin Fei: "My lord, you should take off your veil and let this military lord check it. Anyway, it's just a check and you'll be fine. You can put it on later." It becomes..."

He didn't want to offend the military master because of Lin Fei, God knows what these soldiers could do, they might blow up the entire inn.

The middle-aged sergeant didn't appreciate it, he pushed Xiao Er away with one hand, drew out the saber from his waist, pointed at Lin Fei and shouted: "I'll count to three!"


The middle-aged sergeant was very stern, without saying much, he directly drew his sword and started counting before Lin Fei agreed.


"The last number, don't blame me for being ruthless!" The middle-aged sergeant's face was pale, his eyes were cold, and he was about to swing his knife to kill.

"My lord, quickly take it off, or you'll die if you don't take it off..." Xiaoer's legs trembled in fright, not seeing the penetrating knife light, and the residents next to him were also terrified, for fear of harming them. Pond fish.

Mr. Liu was very calm, and took a few steps back with Xiaobao in his arms. Lin Fei is a monk, so why would he be afraid of these sergeants? He didn't care at all.


As soon as the words fell, the middle-aged sergeant swung his saber, and a silver light slashed towards Lin Fei's neck, intending to take off Lin Fei's head.


Just when the blade was about to touch Lin Fei's neck, Lin Fei suddenly opened his eyes. The middle-aged sergeant's eyes showed horror. He found that his blade had lost its blade, and what caught his eyes was a pair of fiery red eyes. son.What's even more frightening is that the eyes were still spitting fire, and just in an instant, the blade of his saber melted away, turning into a puddle of hot molten iron.


"Run! There is a ghost!"

It wasn't the middle-aged sergeant who reacted immediately, but these ordinary residents. When they saw a person whose eyes would breathe fire, all of them turned pale and rushed downstairs.


The middle-aged sergeant came to his senses at this time, knowing that he had kicked hard this time, but he didn't panic, a chain knife rushed out from between his eyebrows, and spun and swung towards Lin Fei.

"Still a monk in the Realm of the Spring of Life?"

A trace of curiosity flashed in Lin Fei's eyes, and a burst of real sun fire spurted out, directly turning the chain knife into molten iron. At the same time, he punched out, and a shadow of the fist flashed.



In just an instant, the trousers of the ten sergeants fell off, and Lin Fei took off their belts. .|

The middle-aged sergeant gritted his teeth tightly, his face was unspeakably ugly, but he was straightforward, put on a look of willing to kill and cut, and shouted: "Since it is in your hands, if you want to kill or cut, you will do as you please. But I advise you to hurry up and save those sarcasm, reinforcements will arrive soon..."

"Are you quite straightforward?" Lin Fei's face darkened. He didn't expect this guy to be so clean and crisp. Could it be that he was begging for death?

"You don't need to talk nonsense! If you want to kill, kill it. If I, Duhu, frown and blink, I will be your grandson!" The middle-aged sergeant Duhu laughed.

"Uh, you two talk slowly, talk slowly..." Xiao Er didn't have time to run just now, but now his face was livid, and he fled downstairs.

Lin Fei sized up this middle-aged sergeant named Da Hu, and said coldly: "Don't pretend to be a tough guy with me! You are not qualified! Bullying the people, domineering, killing you a hundred times is not enough!"

"Now you are pretending to be a tough guy in front of me, pretending not to be afraid of death, thinking that I will soften your heart and let you go?" Huo Zhi glanced over the ten sergeants, making them feel ashamed.

They want to draw their swords to resist, but they only have a little idea. Even the captain's weapon of the fountain of life has been melted, and they will be turned into flying ash in the blink of an eye.

The middle-aged sergeant's face was suppressed, as uncomfortable as eating a dead fly, and he shouted: "You can think whatever you want, I'm never afraid of death..."

"Aren't you afraid of death?" Lin Fei twitched the corner of his mouth, stretched out his right palm, and took off the tiger's right arm.

Duhu's face turned pale in an instant, but he managed not to yell out, and he still insisted: "If you want to kill you, you will have a good time, what kind of a man is it to torture people like this!"

"Great Immortal, please hold your hand high and let our captain go!" At this moment, a short sergeant stood up and gave Lin Fei a Wei Guojun salute.

But Lin Fei ignored him, stretched out his right fist again, and knocked off Duhu's left arm, Duhu let out a muffled roar, and almost passed out.

The sergeant said anxiously: "Great Immortal, please stop. Our captain has no choice. If you don't hand over the 100 yuan spirit stone, ten virgins will be killed. He shouldn't die, he is a hero..."


"Heroes? Boys and girls?"

Lin Fei couldn't help but get a little tangled, and scolded: "Tell the whole story quickly, or you will kill all of you in one breath!"

"Yes, the villain dare not hide anything..." The short sergeant stepped forward and was about to tell Lin Fei what happened.

But the middle-aged sergeant uttered a low cry, stretched out his right leg and knocked the short sergeant down, and said in a low voice, "Don't say that! He's no match for that man!"

"Oh?" Lin Fei sneered with embarrassment, "How do you know that I am not that person's opponent? Also, even if you tell me who did the evil, is it true that this young master must go and eradicate the female gangster?"

Although he said so, Lin Fei had already decided in his heart that he must go to this muddy water.

"Great Immortal, please don't be as knowledgeable as our captain, he was frightened by that man..." The short sergeant quickly got up, rushed to the side, and said to Lin Fei, "That is a murderer who specializes in killing our town. Boys and girls, so far hundreds of boys and girls have been captured. This time he threatened our captain, if he didn’t hand over ten pairs of boys and girls, he would kill a thousand civilians to vent his anger! Our captain didn’t either. How to find a way, his pair of twins are only three years old now, and they are also among the famous children who were arrested, and the murderous demon king wants 100 yuan of spirit stones to release him!"

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Lin Fei frowned slightly, and asked, "Won't you ask for help from those decent sects near you? Don't they care about these things?"

The short sergeant said with a bitter face: "There are many monks nearby, and there are also many casual cultivators in Mar City, but no one dares to take care of this matter. A small place like ours can't squeeze in such a big scene. Usually, we sergeants manage by ourselves..."

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand, and two sergeants hurried forward to help the tiger.

Lin Fei snorted lightly and said, "Did I tell you to help him?"

The two sergeants froze in place, only to see a figure flash by, Lin Fei's movement was like lightning, he had already stepped forward to pull Dumb up, and stretched his left and right arms with both hands.


Dumb let out a scream, bead-sized beads of sweat kept falling down, Lin Fei took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Thank you!" Duhu said two words coldly with a quick temper.

Even so, his heart was full of flowers, because he felt a strong spiritual power pouring into his sea of ​​wheels, and the fountain of life rushed into the sea of ​​bitterness to absorb this spiritual power.

This person can give away such a precious medicine at will, so it may be of extraordinary origin, maybe he can deal with that murderer!

"Tell me where that murderer is, and you can leave..." Lin Fei waved his hands, and didn't want to talk nonsense with this bad-tempered tiger.

All the sergeants showed excitement, and one of the black-faced sergeants who had been holding back just now rushed up to Lin Fei, knelt down to Lin Fei and said, "I beg you to take action to get rid of that murderer! My son is only two years old!" Year old, he is so cute, he swallowed him alive!"

The black-faced sergeant's face was flushed red, veins popped on his forehead, his nose burst into tears, and he knocked hard on the floor, bleeding soon after.

"That's right, Daxian, please help me and save the children in Mapo Town..."

"Yes, Daxian please take action!"

All the soldiers knelt down in unison, except for Du Hu who was still half standing and did not want to kowtow to Lin Fei. Among the ten soldiers, he was the only one who was still a monk and was unwilling to kneel down for others.

Lin Fei was also in a bad mood at this time. After all, he hadn't been in the cultivation world of Tianyuan Continent for too long, and his body was more of the habits of people on earth. He was easily irritated when he heard such cruel and inhuman things.

It's really inhumane for a two-year-old child to be swallowed alive.

This kind of murderous demon king will be punished for nine days!

"Tell me his hiding place..." Lin Fei sighed, planning to take care of this matter.

A gentleman has something to do and something not to do. Even if he is no match for that person, he must do his best when encountering such a thing.

The short sergeant pushed the tiger, and said in a low voice: "Captain, quickly tell this great immortal where the murderer is hiding, he will definitely be able to deal with the murderer..."

"Do you really want to go?" Dahu raised his head and stared at Lin Fei, worrying, "A few fellow Taoists went there before, but none of them could come back. Later, I found several people in the hiding place of the murderer. The skeletons should be the work of the murderer, the highest cultivation level among them has reached the realm of the Dao Palace, and they were all brutally murdered..."

"The Realm of the Dao Palace?" Lin Fei was taken aback. He didn't expect that even the strong man of the Dao Palace would be in trouble. In a place like Wei, the strong man of the Secret Realm of the Dao Palace could definitely be the overlord.

Seeing Lin Fei's eyes flickering, and the flames in it, Du Hu couldn't help but feel a little disappointed, thinking that Lin Fei was afraid, he said: "I advise you not to go to die, you have such a cultivation level at a young age, and you must also have special abilities. There is no need to plant it in such a small place, it's not worth it..."

"Mother-in-law, what are you doing!" Lin Fei cursed suddenly, "Look at you, you are a big man, why are you so sloppy about things, hurry up and tell me where the murderer is hiding, isn't it a dead Taoist palace? A monk in the secret realm, can it still scare this young master?"

"It's not once or twice that this young man has fought for righteousness. He has even beheaded villains in the Four Extremes Secret Realm. Are you afraid of this little murderer?" Lin Fei sneered a few times.

Dahu was stunned, and said in shock: "Have you even killed monks in the four extreme secret realms? Could it be that the strength of fellow daoists has reached the four extreme secret realms?"

The masters of the four great secret realms are already super powerful in a small country like Wei. It is said that there are not many monks in the four great secret realms in Wei, and the monks who have reached the four great secret realms will not be in such a small country. The country stayed, and went to travel and practice early. Wei Guocai is a big place, which can't compare with the entire Tianyuan Continent.

"You don't need to worry about it..." Lin Fei waved his hand and shouted, "I have my own way, forget it, if you don't say it, forget it, I don't bother to care, who wants to cause trouble No..."

"I'll take you there!" Dumb nodded firmly, and said to Lin Fei, "He has set up a formation outside, and it will only be opened when I go there. At that time, please go in and get rid of this trick! My Dahu I can make you a cow or a horse!"

"Come on, I don't want such an ugly cow like you, nor such an ugly horse!" Lin Fei waved his hand and said impatiently, "Come into the house with me, what should other people do, don't stay here stuck..."

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